Invasion of Meridell Guide by motomichi

Hi there, this is motomichi (my username). I’ve completed the game ‘Invasion Of Meridell’ but it took some time. Here’s a decent strategy on winning.

Firstly, start the game (duh) You start off with the 5 different species, moehog, skeith, techo, scorchio and grundo. There are 5 missions, each with a different species of invader. When you have kill one, it turns into a normal villager which you can use. Each level gets harder and harder, by adding more against you and the invaders strength, defense and HP increase. There is also a ‘Lost Item’ on every mission. Obtain it increase your strength. After a battle, you have to choose 5 soldiers to use. You get one for every invader you kill. I recommend using only your starting 5. Their stats are better.

*The Invaders*

Mission 1 – Moehog
Mission 2 – Techo
Mission 3 – Skeith
Mission 4 – Scorchio
Mission 5 – Grundo

*Your Troops*

-Moehog- These have high speed, but not much offence or defense
((Ability : none))

-Techo- Well balanced but the armor only comes during mission 5.
((Ability : none))

-Skeith- Can teleport and high strength but weak defense.
((Ability : Can teleport if equipped with Amulet of Teleportation but cannot go in the first 3 rows))

-Scorchio- Well balanced fighter. Long range capability.
((Ability : Can Shoot 2 spaces away from him if rank is Soldier and has Bow equipped))

-Grundo- A magic user. Weak fighter. better used as a healer.
((Ability : Can heal other soldiers if equipped with Magic Force Spell. Click on Him and then click on the soldier you want to heal. Cannot heal self. Both soldiers must have an available move))


This is the recommendation of the weapons you should give your troops. Some weapons are specialized for a certain species, so never say “Who cares, lets give this Broad Sword to my grundo”. Your grundo will not like it. It’ll probably miss a lot.

Moehog – Hammer, Helmet
Skeith – Berserker Battleaxe, Amulet of Teleportation
Techo – Broad Sword, Shield
Grundo – Magic Force Spell, Magic Cloak of Invisibility
Scorchio – Bow, Shield


You should have read the instructions and other stuff first. Now lets start the battle.

Mission 1 – Lost item = Goblet
This level is easy. There’s a Staff for grundo’s there and maybe other weapons. I cannot tell you what weapons will appear as they are random (But some only appear on certain missions). Once you’ve killed all except 2, use a moehog to grap the lost item before finishing of the remaining invaders. Position your troops in front of villages and don’t let the invaders sack them.

Mission 2 – Lost item = Gold Ixi
Amulet of Teleportation’s should appear around here. Have your skeith grab one and it can teleport! This level is easy. Do the same as Mission 1.

Mission 3 – Lost item = Orb
Get serious cos the invaders are serious now. Get the weapons your need now. By now your troops should be defenders or soldiers. Have at least one Captain. Defend the villages and have your troops attack 2 on 1 invader. This allows you to kill them one by one, fast. Have your Moehog grab the ‘Lost Item’ When your about to win.

Mission 4 – Lost item = Ancient Book
This is where your attacks will keep missing. Invader Scorchios have a high defense. If your skeith has the berserker battleaxe, your battle will much easier. Teleport around and whack the scorchios to weaken them and let your other troops finish them. Your scorchio should have a bow equipped and it should be a Soldier, so he can fire long-range.

Mission 5 – Lost item = Crown
Luck is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY important. Do not use your skeith to teleport, cos the invader grundos are going to kick his butt so hard its going to swell for months. Its 8 of the invaders versus you. You must have all your troops at rank Soldier by now, and they must have their best equipment. I can’t help anymore on this stage. I took a week to defeat them.

I hope this guide helps you. I might miss out on some tips but feel free to neomail me. Good luck! View my troops when your free 😀

The noob, Motomichi – motomichi

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