Imperial Exam Guide by _sailorstars_

The game Imperial Exam is quite simple. You play a blue Kacheek who decides whether or not each one of the upcoming neopets gets to become a scholar or not. The problem is is that there are a lot of neopets that are posing to be scholars, but really can not spell a word. It’s your job to allow the right neopets in, and keep the bad ones out.

Now I know what you’re thinking. “UGH SPELLING!” or “UGH EDUCATIONAL!” but it’s really not that hard. It’s merely a press of a button and knowing how to spell the word. The up and down keys are what you use throughout the entire game. Up means correct, down means false. Me personally I’m a horrible speller, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t win all 5 rounds of the game just because you’re a bad speller.

The game sends out a bunch of mistakes per level. There is Basic, Intermediate, and Advance. Advance the mistakes are more challenging as well as the words (some of them you might not even know), but no worries! Yes you are timed in this game, but if you don’t know a word, don’t know if it’s right or wrong, you can turn it down and be safe. You can turn down as many neopets as you want, but I wouldn’t suggest doing that too often considering you lose 5 points every time you turn one of the right pets down. As far as pets that are wrong, you only get 3 chances and then game over.

In case you were wondering WHAT exactly the words are in all of the levels I wrote them down all correctly spelled. Might want to do a bit of studying if you don’t know.


  • usually
  • further
  • galaxy
  • oxygen
  • shadow
  • develop
  • working
  • myself
  • market
  • until
  • occur
  • yellow
  • definite
  • yawn
  • place
  • imagine
  • sneeze
  • notice
  • chief
  • record
  • quick
  • guard
  • between
  • worry
  • little
  • actually
  • happen
  • without
  • hero
  • interest
  • error
  • beginner
  • forehead
  • really
  • lively
  • numb
  • also
  • zero
  • value
  • these
  • unused
  • knowledge
  • until
  • concern
  • piece
  • jump
  • library


  • aggressive
  • phonetic
  • kindness
  • eighth
  • nineteenth
  • university
  • grateful
  • yield
  • perjury
  • peninsula
  • attach
  • category
  • immense
  • lonely
  • legitimate
  • humorous
  • restaurant
  • equivalent
  • imminent
  • satellites
  • warrant
  • receiver
  • televise
  • separate
  • quantity
  • accomplish
  • cemetery
  • weird
  • different
  • himself
  • disaster
  • occurrence
  • management
  • niece
  • graffiti
  • messenger
  • useful
  • secretary
  • brilliant
  • vegetable
  • lying
  • volunteer
  • targeted
  • kingdom
  • obstacle
  • boundary
  • younger
  • journeys
  • volcano
  • foundry


  • canister
  • trustworthiness
  • vigilance
  • likelihood
  • reversible
  • garrulous
  • predecessor
  • signatory
  • manufacturing
  • bureaucracy
  • weaponry
  • nutrients
  • incompatibilities
  • negligible
  • bankruptcy
  • knowledgeable
  • exaggerated
  • fundamentals
  • genealogy
  • octahedron
  • desiccated
  • kindergarten
  • xylophone
  • laborious
  • administration
  • emission
  • extraterrestrials
  • attendance
  • uncertainty
  • besieging
  • yourselves
  • unconsciousness
  • unsurprisingly
  • carnivorous
  • enhancement
  • furthermore
  • threshold
  • honorific
  • millennium
  • perseverance
  • unwieldy
  • withdrawal
  • souvenirs
  • zucchini
  • omnivorous
  • disobedience
  • hieroglyphics
  • adolescent
  • independent
  • reminiscent
  • adolescent
  • disobedience
  • hieroglyphics
  • independent
  • reminiscent

Advanced (Alphabetical)

Note: Hhere is the combination of the advanced list in alphabetical order. It also appears that there is only one misspelling for each word, so the misspelling appears in the second column.

  • administration adminstration
  • adolescent adolecent
  • attendance attendence
  • bankruptcy bankrupcy
  • besieging beseiging
  • bureaucracy beaurocracy
  • canister cannister
  • carnivorous carniverous
  • desiccated dessicated
  • disobedience disobediance
  • emission emmision
  • enhancement enchancement
  • exaggerated exagerrated
  • extraterrestrials extraterrestials
  • fundamentals fundametals
  • furthermore futhermore
  • garrulous garrolous
  • genealogy geneology
  • hieroglyphics heiroglyphics
  • honorific honourific
  • incompatibilities incompatablities
  • independent independent
  • kindergarten kindergarden
  • knowledgeable knowlegeable
  • laborious labourious
  • likelihood likelyhood
  • manufacturing manufaturing
  • millennium millenium
  • negligible negligable
  • nutrients nutritents
  • octahedron octohedron
  • omnivorous omniverous
  • perseverance perseverence
  • predecessor precedessor
  • reminiscent reminescent
  • reversible reversable
  • signatory signitory
  • souvenirs souveniers
  • threshold threshhold
  • trustworthiness trustworthyness
  • uncertainty uncertainity
  • unconsciousness unconciousness
  • unsurprisingly unsurprizingly
  • unwieldy unwieldly
  • vigilance vigilence
  • weaponry weaponary
  • withdrawal withdrawl
  • xylophone xyliphone
  • yourselves yourselevs
  • zucchini zuchhini

A lot of words, but when you’re playing it doesn’t seem like much. (P.S. If I’ve missed a word please say so. I do believe I have gotten them all though.)

Common mistakes people tend to make are with it’s ANCE or ENCE. PerserverANCE and occurENCE for example. Also is it E Y or I? Receive as opposed to Recieve or Chief as opposed to Cheif. Pay attention to when you see the word. Think to yourself “Are there too many letters? With two of that letter or is it one? Is there not enough letters?”. The mistakes that the neopets can make can be in basic “betweeen” with 3 e’s rather than 2. It’s sometimes hard to notice if you aren’t fully paying attention. After a while the word becomes second nature to you.

I would suggest starting off in basic mode and trying to complete all 5 rounds without mistakes. If you can do that, or complete all 5 rounds in general, you get a 200 point bonus at the end. If you do a perfect game and complete all 5 rounds, you’ll get 1000 neopoints in the end, and that’s less than 10 minutes for one game! Afterwards then do medium. Obvious mistakes are obvious, things you are doubtful on it’s up to you to decide -5 points or losing a chance depending on how well you are doing.

That’s it for my guide and thank you! Questions?

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