Ice Cream Machine Cheats

Orange Shirt Guy Returns
I was on another tab on my browser when I heard a sound effect and checked the game. It was paused after beating the vanilla level and when I came back, the Chia icon had turned into what looked like a staff member picture, like from Whack-A-Staff-Member. Once I started the chocolate level, the Chia cursor reverted to normal again. – raidbeast
The Spinning Person
Go into the game and start a round. Beat the strawberry round then leave the screen alone for about 10 minutes (meaning click onto another screen and do something else). After that time, the ice cream covered player will become a person and will spin when you move your mouse (and yes, that person is a staff member, or I believe so since you do see him in Whack-A-Staff Member). – knd1994123

Earn an Extra 1,000 Points!
If you wait five minutes still on the Next Level page, a staff member will come up as your cursor. Later in the levels, you may see a scoop with that staff member’s head on. Get it, and you’ll earn 1,000 extra points! – saku_sis
Get an Extra Life
If you type strawberryvanillachocolate you will get an extra life. – lmattrux
Unfair Game Over
If you ever right-click during play, in the game screen, you’ll get an instant Game Over, whether you have 3 lives, 5 lives, a life or whatever. – winner843
Programmer Cameo
Go to the Instructions of the game from the Main Menu. Click on the eye of the picture of the Fish Bonus scoop and it will be replaced with a picture of that staff guy. – winner843
Backing Flashing Game Over Screen
At the very beginning of the game when the scoops are still loading at the bottom of the screen, click “End Game” and a really cool Game Over screen will pop up with a background that flashes through all the different colors of ice cream. – sugarcomaxo
Turn a Scoop Into a Cherry Scoop
Go to the Instructions of the game from the Main Menu, then click on the add a life scoop. it will turn into a cherry scoop. – taffyluchia
Turn the Music on and Off
If you go into the instructions and look for where it says “Picking up these items will”, double clicking on it will turn the background music on and off. – 258cutiepie258

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