A Tactical Guide to Get Over 200 Points in Hasee Bounce by Katdragon

If you’re a beginner at Hasee bounce, there are full guides out there for you to look at, to tell you how to play the game. It took a while for me to learn how to get over 200 points in the game, and if you’re having trouble, hopefully this guide will help.

Please keep in mind that this is for people having trouble getting over 200 points at Hasee Bounce, but they may help more experienced players too!

1. There are actually a few variations on the Hasee bounce game:
a) Mostly dung and single donutfruit
b) Lots of single donutfruit and a few letters

c) Lots of letters
d) Lots of special donutfruit

You’ll know which type of game you have about 1/4 of the way through – try and aim to get D. If you get A or B then restart the game.

2. Don’t ignore the single donutfruit! These are your bread and butter, and if you sit there waiting for a letter or a special donutfruit you’ll never get your score high enough.

3. Until you’re more skilled, don’t try and get doubles or triples on the high-scoring donutfruit. If you happen to grab a single before you hit the special, fine – but don’t sacrifice the special when doing so.

Unless you’re really lucky you’ll probably miss the special donutfruit altogether (I know I have).

4. f you don’t know by now, the code is “donutfruit” to reset the timer. Try and wait until it’s ALMOST down to the bottom before typing it in – this requires practice. Try to learn to touch-type this command as you might miss the notification of a special donutfruit flying by.

5. If you haven’t scored 100 before the timer runs out, it’s not worth it. Even if you use the “donutfruit” code, you probably won’t get to 200 unless you find some specials. Don’t waste your time, go and restart your game.
6. You can move your Hasee in the middle of flight as well as when it’s up on the branch. This can be useful for grabbing two donutfruit at once.

7. There will be a blue notification on the screen before a special donutfruit flies by, so if one of your Hasees is out of action due to dung you can try and set up the other one to catch the donutfruit.

8. If your timer is close to the start, you can ignore the letters for a bit. They will give you 20 seconds if they’re different colours, and 40 seconds if the same colour. However if you’ve only spent 10 seconds, it’s not worth getting all of the letters because the timer will only go back those 10 seconds to the start.

9. It’s a good idea to get all but one of the letters along the way, so if the timer only has 1/4 left you have a bit of breathing space for the last letter to fly by.

10. Just as with donutfruit, if you get a donutfruit before the letter, it will double the time given by the letter.

11. The game will start to speed up, no matter what your score is, as it’s based on how long you have played the game. So don’t get discouraged – you’re not hallucinating, the donutfruit ARE going faster.

12. If you see a warning for a fish donutfruit then GET THE DONUTFRUIT AT ALL COSTS. Don’t worry about letters or other donutfruit to try and double your score (unless you’re really good). Just get the donutfruit.

I hope these tips are useful in getting over that 200 point hurdle!’ – Katdragon

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