Extreme Herder Guide by aishiarocker

It’s a new game, and a fun one at that! Extreme Herder. In this game, you are running around trying to get your flock of pet pet’s into a coral before Balthazar the bounty hunter eats them. You have three lives, and every time Balthazar eats one of your pet pets (or you) you lose a life. When you’ve lost all three lives, the game is over.


You only need to use the arrow keys on your keyboard for this. To pick up a pet pet, all you have to do is walk into it. Then walk up to a gate in the coral, and press the up key. The pet pet will drop in, and will be safe from Balthazar. You can’t carry more than one pet at once. If you want to drop a pet pet, you can press the space bar, although I don’t know why you’d want to drop a pet pet.

Scoring and Helpful Items

Try to get all your pet pets in the coral every round without them being eaten. Besides not losing a life, you’ll get a number of points as a bonus (usually 3 to20, although you have to be on a really high level to get 20) Don’t think you’re really bad at the game because you only get 100 for a score- your score is multiplied by four to determine how many neopoints you get. Plus, you only get one point for each pet pet you put in the coral.

Whenever you see an orange globe or a snowflake, grab them if you can. The orange globe will speed you up, and the snowflake will make Balthazar freeze for a moment.

General Tips

Here are just some general tips for the game.

1. Balthazar will come out of the top left corner of the field you’re in. So try to stand around the top left hand of the coral to get any pet pets that are there right away- those are the one’s he’ll try to eat first.

2. Don’t go out of your way to get a snowflake. If it’s on your way, great. But otherwise, don’t bother. Even though it freezes him, it also gives him more time to get those pet pets you aren’t saving.

3. Once you grab a hold of the last pet pet out of the coral, Balthazar will start to walk away (to the upper left hand corner to disappear) Put your pet pet in the left gate on the coral. This way, you’ll be ready to catch pet pets in the next round who are near the upper left hand corner- and Balthazar.

4. Practice, practice, practice! I know you’ve herd (get it? HERD? Like a herd of pet pets? Sorry, excuse the pun) it before, but to really get better, you need to practice. If you truely want to become a master of Extreme Herder, play the game even after you’ve used up your three tries for the day. Who cares of you don’t get NP? You want a trophy!

5. Have fun! You won’t do well if you’re just concentrating on winning.

6. Don’t drop a pet pet just to get at one near Balthazar. Put the one you’re carrying in the coral first. One isn’t more important that another. And you still might not get to the pet pet in time. Go for the ones closet to Balthazar AFTER you’ve put away the one you’re holding.

I hope this guide will help you to become a master at Extreme Herder! – aishiarocker

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