Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars Guide by ozzy_down_2_earth

The Game: Use your mouse to ‘shoot’ those nasty evil Fuzzles by clicking on them. And blow up the mines before they blow you up!

The Points: You get 1 point for each Fuzzle Hit. And bonus points for hitting the gold bonus button that looks a little like this –> [1×2]

Hit 10 Fuzzles in a row, without missing, and you get a [10×3] bonus! That’s an extra 10 points which can really save your a** when it comes to buying upgrades!

The Upgrades:
(Cost in Credits)
Hull: 10
Shields: 10
Droid Repair: 25 [Increase by 25 every upgrade level]
Radar: 25
Mega Gun: 50 [Increase by 50 every upgrade level]

Smart Bomb: 10
Stun Bomb: 10

Tactics: Aim, shoot and don’t miss! Sounds simple? It is!

Little tips: Two Fuzzles and a mine? Hit both the Fuzzles first, then the mine. That way the next Fuzzles are sent sooner and you can get a bigger bonus!
Hit the bonus button every chance you get when it says [10×3] or above That way if you do miss a Fuzzle, you won’t kick yourself for losing a huge bonus!

Level 1: On a good day, I can get nearly 40 Fuzzles in a row, that’s 120 bonus points! But let’s say you get 30 and hit that very important bonus button. After the points have been converted you have 130 credits. I suggest you upgrade your gun, and get TWO droid upgrades. Trust me, you’ll thank me later! (If you have a spare 25 credits, nab the radar if you like)

Level 2: I just got 42 Fuzzles on this level and now I have 203 credits, obviously yours will vary slightly. Get the next gun upgrade and another droid if you can afford it and the radar if you haven’t already got it. Then advance to the next level.

Level 3: A 50 Fuzzle bonus, plus a couple extra ones. 243 Credits. Nab the gun, you probably won’t have credits for another driod upgrade, that’s ok. If you want shields, get some. Personally I prefer to protect myself and save the credits for the droids. Onwards!

Level 4: It starts to get a little more tricky here, so if you feel more comfortable hit the bonus button every time you get 10 or more, it’s safer. You should have around 300 credits here hopefully, so go ahead and get another droid or two 🙂 DO NOT GET THE LEVEL 5 GUN!!

Here’s why. On the next level you face brown and blue Fuzzles. The brown take one shot where as the blue take two (If you don’t upgrade). After this level you will be facing mostly blue, purple and black which will all require two hits. If you upgrade the gun completely (lvl6) you will have to hit the blues and purple ones once, and the blacks twice for the rest of the game, which can lose you many bonus points if you misjudge or click in the wrong place.
Watch your click on this level, and just double-click everything else after this one (not inc bombs)

Level 5: By now you should hopefully have your 1000 points, so you can quit now and get your 1k neopoints! (It takes me around 6 or 7 minutes to get to this point, hence the 20 minutes) If you want to continue, you can =)
If you don’t have the 1000 points yet, you should be close. Do the next level following the pattern as usual and you’ll be there real soon!
Keep getting the droids when you can, and the shields if you want.

I never buy smart bombs or stun bombs, I never get hull repairs or shields and I never go past level 4 on the gun upgrades.

After completing level 5 I now have 1023 points, I don’t have the patience to go for the high score table so I quit here.

And there you go, a quick and easy way to get 3k! – ozzy_down_2_earth

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