Neopets – Restocking – Chris Taylor

A.K.A Demonichunter4
Last Update 11/09/2003 Ver. 0.1
E-Mail –

[01] Introduction
[02] Update Information
[03] The Basics
[04] Requirements
[05] How-To-Do-It (!!)
[06] My Up-To-Date Restocks
[07] Contact Me
[08] The Lists!
[09] Coming Soon!

Also, if you’re looking for a certain part, search for ‘[number] First Letter’ to make it easy to find. For example, to find “Requirements”, I would search for: ‘[04] R’. To enable search, press Crtl + F at the same time on your browser.

Another Note: If you have time, be sure to read my note after “The Lists!” section, as it is important and should be read. If possible, read it first.

X [01] Introduction [01] X

Hey there, my name is Chris. I go by Demonichunter4 on Neopets, and am here to teach you the way of the restock. This guide will cover what you need, what to do, and what you should get. On a normal day, I make from 500,000 neopoints to 1,000,000 neopoints. I have made lots of Neopoints before (8 million) in one day; but it should not be expected just yet. If you have any suggestions, or if anything I said was wrong.. check out the ‘Contact Me’ section. Thanks for reading, and don’t be afraid to fire the comments away!

X [02] Update Information [02] X

Version 0.1 – Everything’s done.. now I wait for comments, suggestions or other info I need to add. Enjoy it!

X [03] The Basics [03] X

Basic Lesson #1: Use 2999 instead of 2904.
Basic Lesson #2: Wait 5 seconds before trying to buy another item, or an item more than once.
Basic Lesson #3: If you can, don’t multi-task.. do only restocking or no restocking at all.
Basic Lesson #4: If you miss an item, do not punch your computer screen.
Basic Lesson #5: Use either F5 or click the Shopkeeper’s Picture to refresh, don’t use your browser’s refresh button.

X [04] Requirements [04] X

Requirements #1: You must have a brain.
Requirements #2: You must be able to read, and writing is recommended.
Requirements #3: You must be able to listen to directions… sold out means SOLD OUT!
Requirements #4: You must own, and know how to operate a computer.
Requirements #5: You must have a keyboard that works.

Ok.. but really; here are the recommended:

Recommendation#1: Have a cable or higher connection. If you have a 56k connection, turn all pictures off.
Recommendation #2: Be able to read well, and memorize well.
Recommendation #3: Have fast reflexes.
Recommendation #4: Have good tolerance.
Recommendation #5: Have an English style keyboard

And time to explain it:

Recommendation #1: The page must load fast, especially for big shops with lots of competition. Turning off pictures makes pages load much faster than normal.
Recommendation #2: For my strategy, you will need to read and memorize a big list of items.
Recommendation #3: You must be able to see an item and directly click it, it shouldn’t take a moment of thinking.
Recommendation #4: Chances are, your first few weeks or months of restocking will be very hard… you will need to accept that there are people who are faster, and better at you, but you will get better.
Recommendation #5: Foreign style keyboards really enjoy killing restocking. All your keys are in weird places, you don’t have some keys.. just too much of an annoyance. If you use it regularly, and know it well.. it shouldn’t make it that much different, however.

X [05] How-To-Do-It [05] X

[Step 1: Pick a Shop] First step, where will you restock? If you’re confident… toy and magic are very profitable shops, with lots of competition. The Bakery is the best non-competitive profitable shop. Half of whats in there is profitable, and almost no one goes there. Almost every book in the Book Shop is profitable, so that’s good too. Pick a shop!

[Step 2: Take Out That Notepad!] First.. open up a notepad file, or word document, and get ready! Visit firstly and copy/paste every rarity 95, 96 ,97 ,98 and 99 down on your word/notepad document. Secondly, do this with every item: Look it up in the search bar, and look at the estimated value.. this is what you should expect to pay. Then, look at shop wizard to see the lowest price. If the shop wizard price is higher than the estimated price, add it! If not, move on. I also have some lists already prepared, but most were done quickly, and will not be as good as your personally hand-made lists. However, if you don’t have much time.. check out section 08.

[Step 3: Got Your List?] Once you have your list all done, print it out two times. What I recommend is to leave one at home, and take the other one to your work/school/rest area to use when you can. The point behind having the list is to memorize the list.. sounds hard, right? Well its really not all that hard, just read the list 2 times, once forward, once backwards, then take at least a 5 minute break. Come back, do it again. Again and again, until you can look at the first letter of the word and know what it is. Done? You’re ready to restock!

[Step 4: So… Close…] You’re almost there! Now, it’s time to speed up your computer and internet. Firstly, visit and download Ad-Aware. Open up AA, and update it to its latest version. Scan your whole computer, and delete what you think is ok to delete. I delete everything, with the risk of deleting a required file (but still bad!) for one of my programs. This clears all spy ware and other bad items that will slow your computer and internet down. Secondly, if you have cable, visit and ‘nut’ your cable to its recommended values. Secondly, when restocking, I recommend turning off AIM, Anti-Viruses, etc. to give yourself the ultimate speed and concentration.

[Step 5: You’re Ready!] Now go to you’re selected shop, and restock for at least 30 minutes. What did you get? Did you get at least 100k worth in items? If so, you’ve done it! You’ve learned the way of the Samu.. restockers! If not, read, reread, read, reread, etc. Until you can get at least 100k worth in 30 minutes.

[Step 6: Prove Your Worthiness] So you think you’re worthy of the Restocks Fame? Well.. not yet! To prove your really ‘l33t’ go into Toy and/or Magic Shop at the busiest hour of you’re time zone. If you can get: Toy – 2 or more unbuyable items, Magic – 1 Unbuyable Morphing Potion.. then by crikey, you’ve done it! That’s the goal of this guide.. can you do it?

[Step 7: Share the Love] So now, you’re a famous restocker, with lots of neopoints.. and feel bad about having so much neopoints when others have almost none (at least you should)… what to do? Share the love! Donate, train and adopt, whatever you can. It’s always a nice thing to do, and will make you feel good about yourself, you know it!

X [06] My Up-To-Date Restocks [06] X

Christmas Korbat Plushie — 10/22/03
Swamp Lupe Neoquest Plushie — 10/22/03
Christmas Bruce Plushie — 10/22/03
Green Draik Plushie — 10/23/03
Rainbow Wocky Plushie — 10/23/03
Brown Uni Plushie — 10/23/03
Magical Red Flotsam Plushie — 10/23/03
Punchbag Bob Plushie — 10/24/03 (Unbuyable at that time)
Chocolate Cream Biscuit — 10/24/03
Double Cream Vanilla Sponge — 10/24/03
Green Uni Morphing Potion — 11/04/03
Red Tonu Morping Potion — 11/04/03
Yellow Tonu Morphing Potion — 11/06/03
Purple Tonu Morphing Potion — 11/08/03
Silver Peophin Morphing Potion — 11/08/03
Yellow Shoyru Morphing Potion — 11/09/03

Can you believe it… it works!

Please Note: I get restock banned for approximately every 3 days; and don’t restock every day.

X [07] Contact Me [07] X

AIM: xChrisx44
PinkPT Username: PozyForce
Neopets Username: Demonichunter4

X [08] The Lists! [08] X

The lists are they key to my method, so here are some pre-made ones, from best lists (most profitable to least profitable) to worst lists (quickly done, not bad)


Acara Day Waffles
Apple Krawk Cake
Apple Krawk Cake Slice
Banana Meerca Mini Cake
Blackberry Eyrie Cookie
Blueberry Deluxe Cake
Blueberry Iced Cookie
Blueberry Jam Sandwiches
Blueberry Meerca Mini Cake
Blueberry Skeith Cookie
Blumaroo Cookie
Blumaroo Pancakes
Buttered Juppie Waffle
Cabbage Pasty
Caramel Iced Mynci
Caramel Poogle Biscuit
Caramel Skeith Cookie
Caramel Skeith Surprise
Caramel Usul Cake
Caramel Volcano Cake
Cauliflower Pastry
Cheese and Pickle Sandwiches
Cherry Mynci Cookie
Chia Cake
Choccy Chip Skeith Biscuit
Chocolate Caramel Elephante Cookie
Chocolate Cherry Cheesesteak
Chocolate Chia Cupcake
Chocolate Chip Elephante Cookie
Chocolate Chip Eyrie Cookie
Chocolate Chip Krawk Cookie
Chocolate Chip Lenny Cookie
Chocolate Chip Peophin Cookie
Chocolate Chip Quiggle Cookie
Chocolate Cream Biscuit
Chocolate Drop Mince Pie
Chocolate Eclair
Chocolate Heart
Chocolate Ixi Cookies
Chocolate Kiko Cookie
Chocolate Kougra Cake
Chocolate Pita Sandwich
Chocolate Scone
Chocolate Stuffed Pastry
Chocolate Tonu Cookie
Chocolatey Banana Draik Cake
Chocolatey Strawberry Draik Cake
Choco-mint Aisha Cake
Chokato Deluxe Aisha Cake
Chokato Draik Cake
Chokato Eyrie Cake
Chokato Jam
Chokato Kau Cream Cake
Chokato Pretzel
Chokato Skeith Iced Bun
Chokato Swirl Pretzel
Christmas Pudding
Cinnamon Eyrie Cookie
Coconut Tonu Cake
Cookie Dough Usul Cake
Dargil Meat Mince Pie
Deluxe Acara Sundae
Deluxe Chia Cake
Deluxe Lemon Mynci Cake
Deluxe Strawberry Usul Cake
Double Caramel Techo Cookie
Double Cream Vanilla Sponge
Eaten Slice of Deluxe Lemon Mynci Cake
Extra Carroty Cake
Extra Meaty Sausage Roll
Extra Spicy Chilli Cake
Eyrie Meringue
Faerie Kougra Cake
Flaming Super Hot Pasty
Flotsam Fingers
Flotsam Tail Cookies
French Onion Soup Cake
Fried Egg on Toast
Fruity Usul Cake
Gelert Cupcake
Gooseberry Mousse
Gooseberry Poogle Cake
Grapefruit Cake
Grapefruit Muffin
Green Apple Waffle
Iced Chocolate Lupe Cake
Iced Eyrie Cupcake
Jam Scone
Jelly Bean Baguette
JubJub Cake
Juppie Jam Sandwiches
Kaykee Wake Cake
Kiko Day Cake
Kiko Paw Cake
Korbat Grave Cake
Korbat Meringue
Kraku Berry Mince Pie
Kyrii Cream Parfait
Large Chia Cake
Lemon Aisha Cake
Lemon Eyrie Cake
Lemon Skeith Iced Bun
Lime Chomby Cake
Lime Eyrie Cake
Lime Kougra Cake
Lime Shoyru Cake
Lupe Bone Cake
Meaty Treat Pasty
Meerca Cookie
Melted Kacheek Cake
Milk Chocolate Flotsam Cookie
Milk Chocolate JubJub Cake
Mint Chocolate Draik Cake
Mint Skeith Iced Bun
Minty Eyrie Cookie
Minty Meerca Mini Cake
Minty Mocha Cake
Moehog Sundae
Moehog Surprise
Olive Pretzel
Orange Chia Cake
Orange Ixi Cake
Orange Kougra Cake
Orange Mynci Cookie
Peppermint Kougra Cake
Poogle Biscuit
Pteri Seed Cake
Rhubarb and Custard Pretzel
Savoury Sausage Roll
Scamander Cookies
Scrambled Egg on Toast
Seafood Pasty
Seasoned Sausage Roll
Slice of Deluxe Lemon Mynci Cake
Slice of Lime Shoyru Cake
Slice of Neopets Birthday Cake
Slimy Usul Cake
Snowberry Poogle Cake
Snowberry Quiggle Cake
Sour Uni Cake
Spicy Juppie Pasty
Squirming Squid Pasty
Stack It High Cake
Starberry Poogle Cake
Strawberry Cream Cybunny Paw
Strawberry Cybunny Cheesecake
Strawberry Cybunny Cookie
Strawberry Delight Aisha Cake
Strawberry Elephante Cookie
Strawberry Eyrie Cake
Strawberry Gelert Cupcake
Strawberry JubJub Cake
Strawberry Krawk Cookie
Strawberry Kyrii Cookie
Strawberry Meerca Mini Cake
Strawberry Nova Waffle
Strawberry Poogle Biscuit
Strawberry Poogle Cake
Strawberry Shimmer Cake
Strawberry Skeith Biscuit
Strawberry Skeith Iced Bun
Strawberry Tonu Cookie
Strawberry Tonu Foot Shortcake
Stuffed Cabbage Pastry
Stuffed Cauliflower Pastry
Tchea Fruit Pastry
Tchea Fruit Pasty
Thistleberry Crepe
Thistleberry Pie
Tigerbuggle Scorchio Cookie
Tigersquash Mince Pie
Tigersquash Pretzel
Toasty Jam Surprise
Toffee Covered Strawberry Techo Cookie
Triple Chocolate Mince Pie
Triple Choco-Strawberry Cake
Tropicolor Cake
Uni Carrot Cake
Uni Lemon Cake
Vanilla Kau Cream Cake
Vanilla Peophin Cookie
Vegetarian Meat Pie
Vionanna Mince Pie
White Chocolate Cybunny Cookie
White Chocolate Flotsam Cookie
White Chocolate Iced Mynci
White Chocolate JubJub Cake
Wocky Loaf
Zafara Cherry Strudel
Zafara Surprise


A Grey Faerie Doll
Agate Dervish Plushie
Air Faerie Doll
Air Faerie Snowglobe
Aisha Babydoll T-shirt
Angel Chia Plushie
Archery Set
Archmagus of Roo Plushie
Babaa Keyring
Baby Aisha Plushie
Baby Blumaroo Plushie
Baby Bruce Plushie
Baby Buzz Plushie
Baby Grarrl Plushie
Baby Grundo Plushie
Baby Kougra Plushie
Baby Lenny Plushie
Baby Lupe Plushie
Baby Skeith Plushie
Baby Wocky Plushie
Baby Zafara Plushie
Ballerina Quiguki
Battle Faerie Doll
Battle Faerie Snowglobe
Bearog Ball
Beautiful Hair Quiguki Doll
Black Bearog Plushie
Black Wadjet Plushie
Blizzard Kougra Plushie
Blue Draik Plushie
Blue Kacheek Figurine
Blue Peophin Soft Toy
Blue Usul Balloon
Blushing Bride Quiguki Doll
Boraxtis Plushie
Brown Uni Plushie
Brown Wadjet Plushie
Candychan Plushie
Cave Lupe Neoquest Plushie
Chaos Giant Plushie
Cheerleader Quiguki Doll
Chia Babydoll T-shirt
Chia T-shirt
Christmas Bruce Plushie
Christmas Korbat Plushie
Chrysolite Dervish Plushie
Cloud Aisha Music Box
Cloud Aisha Plushie
Cloud Lenny Plushie
Cool Purple Teddy Bear
Dark Faerie Doll
Dark Faerie Snowglobe
Denethrir Plushie
Desert Cobrall Plushie
Dire Lupe Neoquest Plushie
Dirt Golem Neoquest Plushie
Disco Aisha Plushie
Disco Bruce Plushie
Dr Sloth Plushie
Drakonid Plushie
Dusk Kougra Plushie
Earth Faerie Doll
Earth Faerie Snowglobe
Edna Plushie
Esophagor Plushie
Faelinn Plushie
Faerie Lupe Plushie
Faerie Paint Brush Plushie
Faerie Queen Doll
Faerie Queen Snowglobe
Fire Eyrie Plushie
Fire Faerie Doll
Fire Faerie Snowglobe
Flaming Wuzzle Toy
Giant Moehog Plushie
Gloom Kougra Plushie
Gold Scooter
Granite Dervish Plushie
Green Draik Plushie
Green Peophin Soft Toy
Grey Lupe Neoquest Plushie
Grey Nova
Grizzly Bearog Plushie
Guardian of Fire Magic Plushie
Halloween Aisha Bucket
Halloween JubJub Plushie
Hubrid Nox Badge
Illusen Faerie Doll
Illusen Snow Globe
Iron Golem Neoquest Plushie
Jahbal Plushie
Jelly Chia Plushie
Jhudora Snow Globe
Jhudora the Dark Faerie Doll
Jhuidah Faerie Doll
Jhuidah Snowglobe
Judge Hog Plushie
Kau Defender of Neopia Plushie
King Skarl Plushie
Lazulite Dervish Plushie
Leirobas Plushie
Light Faerie Doll
Light Faerie Snowglobe
Lightning Giant Plushie
Limited Edition Evil Chia Plushie
Lost Desert Quiguki
Lost Desert Snow Globe
Magic Disco Aisha Ball
Magical Blue Chomby Plushie
Magical Blue Cybunny Plushie
Magical Blue Flotsam Plushie
Magical Blue Kacheek Plushie
Magical Blue Kiko Plushie
Magical Blue Krawk Plushie
Magical Blue Nimmo Plushie
Magical Blue Shoyru Plushie
Magical Blue Tonu Plushie
Magical Blue Wocky Plushie
Magical Cloud Gelert Plushie
Magical Cloud Lenny Plushie
Magical Cloud Lupe Plushie
Magical Electric Lupe Plushie
Magical Fire Lupe Plushie
Magical Gold Chomby Plushie
Magical Gold Meerca Plushie
Magical Green Chomby Plushie
Magical Green Cybunny Plushie
Magical Green Elephante Toy
Magical Green Flotsam Plushie
Magical Green Gelert Plushie
Magical Green Kiko Plushie
Magical Green Koi Plushie
Magical Green Krawk Plushie
Magical Green Tonu Plushie
Magical Green Wocky Plushie
Magical Purple Blumaroo Plushie
Magical Purple Koi Plushie
Magical Purple Poogle Toy
Magical Purple Zafara Plushie
Magical Rainbow Aisha Plushie
Magical Rainbow Blumaroo Plushie
Magical Rainbow Cybunny Plushie
Magical Red Blumaroo Plushie
Magical Red Buzz Toy
Magical Red Chomby Plushie
Magical Red Cybunny Plushie
Magical Red Flotsam Plushie
Magical Red Gelert Plushie
Magical Red Grarrl Plushie
Magical Red Kiko Plushie
Magical Red Koi Plushie
Magical Red Krawk Plushie
Magical Red Lenny Plushie
Magical Red Nimmo Plushie
Magical Red Skeith Plushie
Magical Red Tonu Plushie
Magical Red Usul Plushie
Magical Red Wocky Plushie
Magical Silver Kougra Plushie
Magical Spotted Blumaroo Plushie
Magical Starry Lupe Plushie
Magical Starry Techo Plushie
Magical Yellow Cybunny Plushie
Magical Yellow Flotsam Plushie
Magical Yellow Kiko Plushie
Magical Yellow Koi Plushie
Magical Yellow Lenny Plushie
Magical Yellow Nimmo Plushie
Magical Yellow Poogle Toy
Magical Yellow Skeith Plushie
Magical Yellow Tonu Plushie
Magical Yellow Wocky Plushie
Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie Plushie
Mastermind Plushie
Maverick Plushie
Melatite Dervish Plushie
Mist Kougra Plushie
Mokti Plushie
Monoceraptor Plushie
Mutant Blumaroo Plushie
Mutant Buzz Plushie
Mutant Chia Plushie
Mutant Elephante Plushie
Mutant Kiko Plushie
Mutant Korbat Plushie
Mutant Kougra Plushie
Mutant Krawk Plushie
Mutant Moehog Plushie
Mutant Shoyru Plushie
Mutant Techo Plushie
Mutant Usul Plushie
Negg Faerie Doll
Negg Faerie Snowglobe
Neopets Group Babydoll T-shirt
Neopets Group T-shirt
Neoquest Gatekeeper Plushie
NeoQuest Hero Plushie
Nodding Kougra Figurine
Official Aisha T-shirt
Orange Peophin Soft Toy
Pant Devil Plushie
Pirate Krawk Plushie
Plains Lupe Neoquest Plushie
Plushie Baby Pet Paintbrush
Plushie Desert Pet Paintbrush
Plushie Island Pet Paintbrush
Plushie Poogle Plushie
Pomanna Plushie
Pop Star Quiguki
Punchbag Bob Plushie
Purple Koi Plushie
Purple Mynci Plushie
Quiggle Babydoll T-shirt
Quiggle T-shirt
Quiguki Mermaid
Quiguki Musketeer
Quiguki Prom Queen
Rainbow Braintree Plushie
Rainbow Evil Fuzzle
Rainbow Fuzzle
Rainbow Grundo Plushie
Rainbow Kiko Squeeze Toy
Rainbow Moehog Plushie
Rainbow Pencil
Rainbow Scooter
Rainbow Scorchio Plushie
Rainbow Techo Plushie
Rainbow Tuskaninny Plushie
Rainbow Uni Plushie
Rainbow Wocky Plushie
Red Bike
Red Draik Plushie
Red Peophin Soft Toy
Reject Blue Acara Plushie
Reject Gelert Plushie
Reject Green Acara Plushie
Reject Red Acara Plushie
Reject Yellow Acara Plushie
Rikti Plushie
Rock Golem Neoquest Plushie
Sand Golem Neoquest Plushie
Scamander Plushie
Scorchio Babydoll T-shirt
Scorchio T-shirt
Serpentine Dervish Plushie
Shadow Kougra Plushie
Shadow Usul Plushie
Shop Wizard Plushie
Silver Moehog Plushie
Silver Scooter
Silver Techo Plushie
Skunk Kacheek Plushie
Skunk Mynci Plushie
Snow Faerie Doll
Soup Faerie Doll
Soup Faerie Snowglobe
Space Faerie Doll
Space Faerie Snowglobe
Speckled Nimmo Plushie
Spotted Koi Plushie
Spotted Uni Plushie
Starry Paint Brush Plushie
Starry Techo Plushie
Starry Uni Plushie
Steel Golem Neoquest Plushie
Stone Golem Neoquest Plushie
Strawberry JubJub Plushie
Striped Eyrie Plushie
Striped Korbat Plushie
Striped Skeith Plushie
Striped Techo Plushie
Swamp Lupe Neoquest Plushie
Symol Plushie
Tax Beast Plushie
The Masked Intruder Plushie
Tooth Faerie Doll
Tooth Faerie Snowglobe
Traditional Welsh Quiguki
Two Rings Archmagus Plushie
Tylix Plushie
Usukicon Y5 Goodie Bag
Vira Plushie
Water Faerie Doll
Water Faerie Snowglobe
What What What Stick
Whinny Plushie
White Bike
White Draik Plushie
White Ixi Plushie
White Techo Plushie
Xantan Plushie of Death
Yellow Aisha Fork
Yellow Draik Plushie


Blue Blumaroo Morphing Potion
Blue Chomby Morphing Potion
Blue Draik Morphing Potion
Blue Elephante Morphing Potion
Blue Jetsam Morphing Potion
Blue Kacheek Morphing Potion
Blue Koi Morphing Potion
Blue Krawk Morphing Potion
Blue Lupe Morphing Potion
Blue Poogle Morphing Potion
Blue Scorchio Morphing Potion
Blue Shoyru Morphing Potion
Blue Tonu Morphing Potion
Blue Wocky Morphing Potion
Checkered Acara Morphing Potion
Christmas Koi Morphing Potion
Christmas Korbat Morphing Potion
Christmas Magic Hat
Cloud Elephante Morphing Potion
Cloud Gelert Morphing Potion
Cloud Grundo Morphing Potion
Cloud Ixi Morphing Potion
Cybunny Transmogrification Potion
Darigan Eyrie Morphing Potion
Desert Aisha Morphing Potion
Desert Blumaroo Morphing Potion
Desert Poogle Morphing Potion
Disco Acara Morphing Potion
Draik Transmogrification Potion
Faerie Usul Morphing Potion
Fire Acara Morphing Potion
Fire Draik Morphing Potion
Fire Lupe Morphing Potion
Fire Moehog Morphing Potion
Fire Nimmo Morphing Potion
Flaming Torch
Ghost Draik Morphing Potion
Green Aisha Morphing Potion
Green Draik Morphing Potion
Green Elephante Morphing Potion
Green Grundo Morphing Potion
Green Jetsam Morphing Potion
Green Kacheek Morphing Potion
Green Korbat Morphing Potion
Green Krawk Morphing Potion
Green Lupe Morphing Potion
Green Meerca Morphing Potion
Green Peophin Morphing Potion
Green Poogle Morphing Potion
Green Shoyru Morphing Potion
Green Tonu Morphing Potion
Green Uni Morphing Potion
Halloween Blumaroo Morphing Potion
Halloween Kau Morphing Potion
Island Ixi Morphing Potion
Ixi Transmogrification Potion
JubJub Transmogrification Potion
Kauvaras Potion
Krawk Transmogrification Potion
Lenny Transmogrification Potion
Lupe Transmogrification Potion
Plushie Aisha Morphing Potion
Plushie Bruce Morphing Potion
Plushie Buzz Morphing Potion
Plushie Chomby Morphing Potion
Plushie Flotsam Morphing Potion
Plushie Grundo Morphing Potion
Plushie Kau Morphing Potion
Plushie Scorchio Morphing Potion
Purple Eyrie Morphing Potion
Purple Poogle Morphing Potion
Purple Shoyru Morphing Potion
Purple Techo Morphing Potion
Purple Tonu Morphing Potion
Purple Zafara Morphing Potion
Rainbow Swirly Potion
Red Chomby Morphing Potion
Red Draik Morphing Potion
Red Eyrie Morphing Potion
Red Flotsam Morphing Potion
Red JubJub Morphing potion
Red Krawk Morphing Potion
Red Lenny Morphing Potion
Red Lupe Morphing Potion
Red Mynci Morphing Potion
Red Poogle Morphing Potion
Red Skeith Morphing Potion
Red Tonu Morphing Potion
Red Zafara Morphing Potion
Silver Peophin Morphing Potion
Skunk Flotsam Morphing Potion
Skunk Mynci Morphing Potion
Split Chia Morphing Potion
Spotted Blumaroo Morphing Potion
Spotted Grundo Morphing Potion
Spotted Jetsam Morphing Potion
Starry Grundo Morphing Potion
Starry Zafara Morphing Potion
Stone Lupe Morphing Potion
Strange Potion
Striped Chia Morphing Potion
Striped Grarrl Morphing Potion
Striped Jetsam Morphing Potion
Striped Nimmo Morphing Potion
Striped Scorchio Morphing Potion
White Grarrl Morphing Potion
White Ixi Morphing Potion
White Skeith Morphing Potion
Yellow Draik Morphing Potion
Yellow Jetsam Morphing Potion
Yellow Kacheek Morphing Potion
Yellow Krawk Morphing Potion
Yellow Lupe Morphing Potion
Yellow Poogle Morphing Potion
Yellow Shoyru Morphing Potion
Yellow Skieth Morphing Potion
Yellow Tonu Morphing Potion


Aisha Pencil Sharpener
Angelpuss Back Pack
Battle Duck Notepad
Battle Duck Pencil
Bendy Desk Light
Berry Ink
Berry Ink Eraser
Berry Ink Pen
Black Meowclops Back Pack
Black Meowclops Notepad
Black Meowclops Pen
Black Meowclops Pencil Tin
Blue Cybunny Back Pack
Blue Cybunny Lunch Box
Blue Cybunny Scissors
Blue Draik Notebook
Blue Draik Pencil
Blue Draik Pencil Case
Blue Draik Ruler
Blue Poogle Notebook
Cheesy Ruler
Chia Pencil Sharpener
Dark Battle Duck Pen
Earth Faerie Notepad
Exercise Book
Fire Faerie Notepad
Green Poogle Ruler
Grundo Backpack
Inky Eraser
Inky Notepad
Inky Pen
Light Faerie Notepad
Mini Chalk Board
Pencil of Nova
Pencil of the Earth Faerie
Pencil of the Light Faerie
Pencil of the Space Faerie
Pocket Microscope
Quiggle Backpack
Red Techo Back Pack
Scorchio Calculator
Skunk Pattern Pen
Snotty Eraser
Snotty Ink
Snotty Pen
Snotty School Book
Space Faerie Lunchbox
Starry Poogle Pencil Case
Vanishing Ink
Water Faerie Notepad
White Poogle Eraser


Asparagus and Butter Hot Dog
Beans and Tuna Jacket Potato
Big Beefy Dog
Blueberry Jelly Hotdog
Burning Hot Dog
Deluxe Jacket Potato
Diamond Hot Dog
Faerie Hot Dog
Healthy Grass Hot Dog
Honey Dog
Hot Dog Sundae
Linked Hot Dogs
Megachilli Hot Dog
Mini Baby Hotdogs
Mummified Hot Dog
Mustard and Tofu Dog
Polka Dot Hot Dog
Punk Rocker Hot Dog
Rainbow Hot Dog
Salt Water Hot Dog
Seafarers Hot Dog
Starry Hot Dog
Strawberry Flavoured Hot Dog
Teeny Hotdog
Tomato Striped Hotdog
Wiggly Hotdog

Haunted Weaponary:

Dusty Magic Broom
Scary Spider
Jar of Spiders
Ethereal Sword
Pumpkin Stick
Pumpkin Club
Bone Sword
Pot of Darkness
Glowing Cauldron
Haunted Shield
Cursed Elixir

Note: The reason I am very good at restocking is because I have a _great_ memory, which some of you may not. I’m sad to say, this method requires good memory.. memorizing 100 items is not easy, epically for an online game. Thus, I ask that you don’t work day and night to memorize it, if you can’t memorizing them.. move to something small, such as PetPet shops, or don’t bother restocking. Check out the next section for more information on how to make a wage without restocking!

X [09] Coming Soon! [09] X

Can’t make an honest buck restocking? Your internet too slow, not good memory.. not enough time? Well I have an alternate strategy which will knock in about half of what most make restocking, with much less work! Coming soon to a topic near you, The Way of The Wizard!

And.. last thing: A Big, HUGE, thanks to FiddelySquat, who edited and edited away.. and did a great job! Thanks a Bunch Fidds!

Until next time…
-Chris / Demonichunter4

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