Jungle Jumble Solutions

1 word:

2 words:
Elephants Trunk
Flower Pedals
Gorillas Chest
Lions Den
Lizards Scales
Monkey’s Chest
Monkey’s Tale
Play on words
Rhinos Horn
Silly Rabbit
Tree Bark

3 words:
Hide and Seek
Monkeys like coconuts
The monkey is hungry

4 words:
A monkey and a lion
Dont feed the elephant!
Find the hidden Trix
Living in the Jungle
Running in the Jungle
Solve the Jungle Jumble
The monkey is hungry
The rabbit is hiding
Trix are for kids

5 words:
Dinner time for the money

Jetsam Adoptables Set 1

Looking for some free Neopets adoptables to spruce up your website, pet page, guild layout, shop layout, user lookup or whatever else you may have? Of course you are.

Contained here are some free-to-use adoptables. Download and use at will. Enjoy.