Crisis Courier Guide by Anonymous

More than practice, getting high scores in Crisis Courier relies largely on previous knowledge of levels. For example level seven is a maze, and one wrong step will lead you into a dead-end. No skill involved there. So play a lot, know the levels and you’ll get far.

Here Are Some Guidelines to Follow

At the start of level one type in ‘kingaltador’ to get that extra life. If you forget, type it at the beginning or end of any level, when you have a few seconds of free flying.

You don’t need to grab everything. If it looks hard, impossible or you just don’t feel like it, don’t get it. Gold bags are only worth 5 points and Mintheuses 10, so missing a handful won’t lose you a high score.

Poke Match Tips

PokeMatch Mini Guide

PokeMatch isn’t exactly a very hard game. Or at least not until you get into the higher levels, then it becomes a problem. But there is a trick to the game! To win (the easy way), click on the Pokemon 3 Movie Cases as fast as you can. While doing this, remember some of the Pokemon that appear and where they are. Then when the matching Pokemon that you remembered appears, click on him (fast), and repeat these steps until you have finished the puzzle. Also, when trying to complete a puzzle, NEVER look at the time, this will screw you up. By doing all of this, I am sure you will always win (at least I would hope so). – tiromere