Petpetsitter Guide by shygirl79uk


Coffee (lots of it), unplug the phone and allow yourself a few hours to spend on this game.


This game is extremely annoying and can get very tedious at times, but it is very simple to play and as long as you have the patience (and time) you can easily earn yourself a shiny new trophy.

First off, prepare yourself to sit in front of your computer for about 3 hours (no that is not a typo, i did say 3 hours!) because this game is so easy and there is no “winning” involved the scores on the high-score table are ridiculously high.



Random Events Listing

A big thanks to hangman and waking_reality for her huge contribution to this list! Note that these random events are all alphabetically sorted.

_____ says ‘Fancy spinning the Wheel of Mediocrity?’

A dragon flies past overhead, he is headed to the Mystery Island.

A ghost comes out of the ground and stares evilly at you…

A ghost grins evilly and steals 80 Neopoints form you…

A Ghostkerchief says ‘BOO

A green Scorchio flies past and says ‘Hope you are having fun!

A huge spider crawls all over the page…

A passing Chia hands you a Poogle Cracker and says ‘Happy Christmas’!!!

A Scorchio in a pointy, purple hat hands you a Trading Card and says, “This will be a nice addition to your album!”