Hannah and the Ice Caves Tips

How to destroy those pesky ghosts!

You can destroy those flowing ghosts if they are at the same level at Hannah’s head by pressing down and pushing a boulder towards them when they approach you. – lawrencemewtwolo

How to move quickly on a stretch of icy ground

To move more quickly along a stretch of icy ground, rapidly press the direction key instead of holding down on it. Your character will move more
quickly since they slide when they stop. Be careful around enemies however. – evilishies

Make 3k in 2 minutes

The very last level on Hannah and the Ice Caves is called ‘Muahaha.’ It’s a great initiative to beat the game since it is one of the shortest and easiest of the levels, and it gives you 50 treasure chests, which translate into 1000 NP! You can make 3k a day in about 2 minutes! – evilishies

Dubloon Disaster Guide by deeped

First off Im assuming you know the rules and are comfortable with the controls.

Take notice of how the mines act. Theyll follow you anywhere and move more quickly the closer they get to you. Also new ones appear in random places, which includes right on top of you (yeah, sucks…).

But there’s one simple trick that once perfected gets endless points! Yay.

Ok here we go. (There’s really not much to it but Ive got screen shots to make this look more like a real guide.)

Step 1: Open game.

Step 2: Snag two coins. A mine should appear for each. (Thats 2 mines now kids.)