Arena Advantage (AA) is a term my playgroup uses when referring to the stat advantages you gain while in contests. However, two different experienced neopets have begun a new discussion lately. Is a one time higher AA better than a constant, though lower, AA? This is the problem we delve into today.
Many a groan has been given since my group started playing the Neopets TCG as a Poogle Racer drops onto the board with loads of weapons and armor. Many games have simply been scooped when a second finds it place on the arena floor. But now, the groans of agony have given way to contemplative stares no that Quiggle runner has made its debut in the BfM expansion. The two pets have made not tapping to move into a new arena a whole new ball game. Undeniable advantages come into light when you get an extra combatant in a arena who can also tap for items and SHH cards.