Chocolate Factory Restocking Guide by Jonathan Teo

Most people are rich, but why? The main reason is restocking, and one favorite spot for their restocking is… the chocolate factory!!! =0

Items deflate when they are not rare and not needed, and rises when there is a demand for them (in quests, training schools) and that they are rare.

Therefore, in the chocolate factory, you should refresh every 3 seconds for consequently 30 minutes or more. When there is a restock, do not panic and refer to the points below.

Do not buy items priced at 2500np, they are scamming items as they are not famous for quests and deflate quickly and are what you call hts (hard to sell) items.

Hot Dog Hero Guide by lovelytoes

The object of the game is to make paths of ketchup/mustard/mayo to safely guide the hot dog, unlock, and exit through the door.

Along the way, there are creatures trying to eat you, to kill them, aim, then hit your space bar, to shoot a pickle at them.

Whenever you see pickles, get them, because if you run out of pickles, you can almost consider your game over.

DON’T BE AFRAID TO RE-USE PATHS! Using the same paths, saves condiments.

If your trying to re-use a path, and just cant jump high enough, switch to mustard, and just put a little under your character, because mustard makes you bounce.