The Last Smiley Cheats

Skip a level
Submitted by Grace Nicolas
Type 0:-) to skip a level in game play. Once per game.

Gain an extra life
Submitted by Grace Nicolas
Type *catfish* to gain an extra life in game play. Once per game.

Submitted by Cal Newlon
In the game the last smiley, type “:)” without the talking marks in the middle. It will make you go on the opposite side of the board (upside down), I think, because it will make you invisible and close up. Type the code again to turn yourself right side up. Helpful to get somewhere (can’t jump) that you’re having trouble with.

Updated Note: For the Last Smiley game secret, typing “:)” just makes you go into first person. No invisibility, upside down, nothing like that, just first-person mode.

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