Kwarps Tips

Neo findings
Submitted by
Before playing Krawps, make sure you read the rules. It looks very complex, but it’s really easy. Here are some things I found that make the most neopoints:

Only bid 5 on the Bilgeline bet, never more.
Never bid on a ‘Ardway bet.
Never bid on a Hi or Lo.
Always bid 10 on Odds.
Don’t bid on Anchor.
If the Skull isn’t 10 or 4, pick one to place a bet of 5 on.

Submitted by LadyShalott
Both the guide and the other tip mention not to place bets on the ‘Ardway but I have made the most of my money from placing ‘Ardway six bets. The trick is to play Krawps enough to know which, if any, hard numbers you might land.

Winning method
Submitted by Quinn
I don’t understand this game, actually. I just click. I have no idea what Ardway or Hi and Lo do, or anything. But I do know it earns me money! First, to play, I have 10,000 Neopoints on hand for spending. I usually play with 200 Neopoint chips, but if you’re just starting out, I suggest starting lower. Now, start play. First, you have to place a bet on the Bilgeline, which I always just do with one chip. Now roll the dice. Keep rolling until a skull appears on one of the numbers at the top of the screen. Bet on all the other numbers around it, but you can’t bet on the skull number. Don’t touch the Ardway, Hi and Lo, or any other places on the board. Now that you’ve bet one chip on each of the numbers and one on the bilge, roll! If you’re lucky, you’ll roll a number you had a chip on and win some neopoints! But the chip will disappear when you land that number, so just put one right back down on the number. Keep doing this and keep rolling until you krawp out, and try not to look at your neopoints. It takes some patience, but soon you’ll be winning! I won 9,000 NP in 10 minutes – pretty nice, if you ask me. Just be patient with this game, and soon you will be raking it in – this is one of the biggest moneymakers in the gameroom if you play it right. Good luck!

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