10 Steps to Neopets Richness by pokejhav

First you’ll have to play games till you get like 50k,play some good ones like destruct-o-match, meerca chase, pterattack, gadsgadsgame, and the best of them all grundosgym if you have all twenty bonus cards you can get 4k per day
Ok so you have 50k then do auctions start with small things like codestones, faeries. So if the shop wizard shows 3200np for a dark faerie make a limit for yourself in the auctions like 2900np.Then look up in the auctions genie for dark faerie and then bid for every items NO MORE THEN 2900NP.Bid on a lot of dark faeries you’ll get some but just check after some times to see if your willing to make a higher bid if anyone else bids. Once you get some items open your shop put them in and sell them for 3250np making you 350np per item. If you have like 100k also try shops what to do is this look up in the shop wizard for lets say main codestone buy like 10 of the lowest try refreshing because it can help then sell the codestones back for 100np profit or so. Normally when the most people of Singapore or U.S. are going to play they’ll sell quickly. Meanwhile if you used up all your money on auctions or on buying and reselling then play games and go exploring around neopia. I know its sound if its not going to make you rich quick but if you keep this up for like 1,5 month then you should have enough to auctions for bigger items and selling them for more profit same with codestones and faeries :if you have like 300k and your shop is size 20 buy 100 codestones or faeries sell them all for 100np profit and you have 10k profit that all in one day. Now for people who have over 250k,get yourself a full set of lab maps by auctions or shops if you have one double accidentally sell them for little profit then once you have the nine piece worth 81k put them up for trade someone is bound to bid 90k or over. My friend once made 15k by those lab maps because she got a wand of supernova which sells for 95k already and a codestone. Also go for battledome items like rainbow frost cannon (got me 10k profit)

Second, now that you have a shop, go for a good guild. You may see that it sucks but if you find a really good one you can make big profit out of it. Like the time I won a unbuyable book winch I sold for 120k.Or guild shop are as good as contests: most guild councils make a rule where you can only get one item per week from the shop and of course the guild shops have discounts for the items so make some np like example you get a attack fork from the guild bd shop because you ask but you have to pay for it say 7k sell it for 10k and make 3k profit even running a guild shop is good because sometimes the guild leader provides you the items then just sell them to your guild members and sometimes if you do good jobs you get donation items from the guild members so with the items you have and the money you have in your guild shop provide some more items by buying those items from other shops selling them can make you lose money but with donations you’ll go back up most of the times upper then you were when you started and good guild leaders lets you have some of the profit you made or even make a contest of whose running the best store and you can get a price, anyway it cant really make you lose money except if you bought those items with your own money and not the guilds money. If you do lose money and you haven’t paid for it yourself ask for help to your guild leader. And if you have paid yourself (you have to do a good job if you want this to happen) and you get a very expensive donation you can keep it by yourself. See what I’m telling you if you’re in chare of a shop you haven’t paid for you MAY take a little of the profit you made and if you don’t make any profit ask for help to your guild leader but if you have paid a lot for the shop your running and you get donation and your making profit keep the profit for yourself its cant really backfire. And a good guild always had a donation shop (except if they don’t need it) so ask the guy whose running it to give you some money because your running another shop and you deserve some np for the time you spent. Guilds can also help you with ads because other members will go in your shop because there curious or because you ask them to.

Third, (now that you have a good guild and a big shop) go to good help sites like PPT or , but make sure they add a page at least every week. Once you find one go to interesting pages that you think that might help you. Help sites can be very useful and I would recommend PPT, because there spies find some really good stuff like secret places, unreleased pets, items and even MAPS.

Fourth, This isn’t really very helpful but if your good at a game and your almost or even on the high score list try going for a cup like stop just for a week and train every day hard and maybe you can get a cup and gel loot out of it

Fifth, write! That’s right write I don’t care what you write as long as you can make some ads out of it like mouse queen with the so many comics she has written she must be famous with a lot of comic readers so write articles, comics, poems ,enter the story telling contest or even if your good at it drawn some picture for the beauty contest or art gallery anything would help I’m sure if this guide ever gets published I don’t care were I’m sure some of you are going to ask who I am well if you want to know I’m Janam Jhaveri (neopets account: pokejhav)

Sixth, half price-day one of the best way to make money is that why ill tell you petpets and morphing potions go at the half price right now the day before half price day or the second of the month go check the prices on the shop wizard for stuff that YOU think may make you some np, but I think the best are petpets and morphing potions so you do that write it down next go buy some but make sure the price you pay for is lower then you wrote after your done or you’re out of cash wait a week or two then put the items in your shop check the prices again and sell them for profit but because your gone make a lot out of this try being 500np lower then the lowest on the wiz

Seventh, ok not a lot of people are going to like this one but restocks aren’t that good maybe they look like it but if you have a really big shop like size 100-300 or even more you can make more profit out of it by you know what I told you in the first step well if you didn’t know that the time it takes before you even get something out of restocks that same time can make a guy over 200k.

Eighth, war are always good for your shop just do this for every single 20 items you buy take one out of it, normally in a year you should have like 200 taken out you ask why not sell them now well ill tell you wars once the war has erupted and plots starts or people are training or even fighting (you know the drill) well you can make over I’m guessing if you have 20items(must be full sets of lab maps, codestones, dark and water faeries, attack fork, improved lighting beam and other cheap and useful items) over half a million and that is a lot of np

Ninth, scratch card yes in one day you might make 600np not much I know but there is always a chance for a peak-o-plenty scratch card or that card that cost 10k and those can help you become a millionaire

Tenth, that about the main things but remember those daily things like tombola, scratch card and all they might come in handy but remember this, this is find the important about this guide what ever you do what ever you think about this guide, I don’t care if you do restocks, games (although I love games) just remember to do something that YOU find the best! – pokejhav

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