Go MrAdamFace! by MrAdamFace

Image by Magenta

The Background Story

The first time I got my neopets account frozen, mradamface, I was furious. After all, this was 6 months of hard work down the drain. 6 million neopoints, a pet with an idb rating of over 600, millions of neopoints in weapons: all gone with nothing to show for it; all because I was working off the same ip address as my scamming brother. When it became clear that I was not getting this account back, I just decided that I might as well start anew. Id heard that life on neopets was better the second time: you didnt have to deal with the initial frustration; you could avoid all the newbie mistakes with this account etc. etc. At first, all these predictions were right. I was having fun, my pet was training hard, I had made over 4 million neopoints in my first month on neo. In short, everything was great. Thats when the other shoe dropped. Apparently neo decided that I was doing too well to be a newbie. I could just imagine scenes in my head of Adam and Donna looking at a computer monitor at my account seeing lots of neopoints and a half-decent pet and cackling maniacally just before hitting a giant red button clearly marked freeze. If you can imagine how mad I was the first time I got my account frozen, I was about 10X as unhappy the second time. It seemed sort of pointless, I couldnt play the game to the best of my ability without being labeled a cheater despite the fact that neopets could clearly see from their records that I had built my fortune through hundreds of small, legitimate transactions in my shop over several weeks. I was mad, I was abused, and I was not going to deal with neopets e-mail support any longer. I decided it was time for a road trip. After conferring with some people here on the PPT boards, I was all set to go down and give TNT a piece of my mind. It was smurf-kicking time.

In-Fusio’s Neopets Game

In-Fusios Neopets game allows Neopets players to take their online pets for a walk literally. Synchronized with online Neopets, players will be able to alternate seamlessly between playing at the computer and on their mobile phone.

The mobile phone version of Neopets will offer exclusive content not available to the online game including a new Neopet and an island. They are both called Lutari.

In-Fusios version is allegedly very similar to the online version so people who are no strangers to the online game will have no trouble picking up the function of the In-Fusio Neopets game.

This game will be available around September or October 2005.

The Gelert Story by KamotsWolf

When neopets said they named Gelert after a loyal dog, they weren’t kidding. It goes like this.

Prince Llywelyn once received a greyhound from King John, and the hound soon became his favourite. Faithful as any hound had ever been, and gentle as a lamb, the hound was also a lion at the chase. One day, Llywelyn prepared to leave on the hunt, he gave call to his noble hound with his hunting horn. All his other hounds came at the call, but not his faithful Gelert. Llywelyn could wait no longer, and so left on his hunt.

When Llywelyn returned to his castle, who should be waiting to greet him but Gelert! As the hound bounded closer to greet him, Llywelyn was startled to notice that Gelert’s lips and fangs were covered with blood. Now Price Llywelyn had a son, barely a year old, and as Llywelyn recalled how Gelert and his young son used to play together, a terrible thought came to his mind. He rushed to his son’s nursery, only to find the cradle overturned and the sheets covered in blood. Llywelyn looked frantically for his son, but couldn’t find him anywhere, only the evidence of much blood and a struggle within the nursery. Turning to Gelert, whose muzzle was still wet with blood, Llywelyn came into a great rage and cried, “Thou hast killed my only son!”, and drew his sword and drove it into the side of the hound. Gelert yelped once and with a sorrowful look into Llywelyn’s eyes, died at his master’s feet. At the sound of Gelert’s last yelp, there was a small cry from beneath the overturned cradle. When Llywelyn righted it, who should he find beneath it but his small son, safe and unharmed, and as well the torn and bloodied body of a huge wolf. Too late Llywelyn discovered what had really happened while he was away. Gelert had stayed behind to guard the child, and had fought and slain the wolf that had crept into the nursery. In vain was Llywelyn’s grief, for he could not revive his faithful hound. He erected a tomb in the valley in honour of his friend, calling it ‘Bedd Gelert’ or the ‘Grave of Gelert’, the namesake of the town Beddgelert, in northern Wales.

Free Food

There are great areas on Neopets where you can get free food to feed your neopets! Ally K (thirteen_turtles) sends in this great tip on how to feed them for free!

Of course, many Neopians don’t want to buy food for their pets and of course, there is an easier way! Through several sponsored areas on Neopets, each of your pets can be fed one item for free. If you go to all the links below, your pet can go all the way from dying to not hungry.

In addition to these tips, visit the Giant Omelette on Tyrannia for your free omelette! This will feed your neopet three times just from one item!

Neopets: The Darkest Faerie PS1

Everyone knew this was going to happen, and it did! Coming to the Play Station console comes an RPG styled Neopets game from The Code Monkeys, Ltd. The unveiling of the information came as a sudden wave, taking many by surprise, and to think that Neopets was able to keep the entire production under wraps? They ought to be commended! A sampling of the game should be available to the public at the Electronic Entertainment Expo for 2003. The following information was taken from http://e3.playstation.com/

Title – NEOPETS The Darkest Faerie
Publisher – SCEA
Developer – The Code Monkeys, Ltd.