There are great areas on Neopets where you can get free food to feed your neopets! Ally K (thirteen_turtles) sends in this great tip on how to feed them for free!
Of course, many Neopians don’t want to buy food for their pets and of course, there is an easier way! Through several sponsored areas on Neopets, each of your pets can be fed one item for free. If you go to all the links below, your pet can go all the way from dying to not hungry.
In addition to these tips, visit the Giant Omelette on Tyrannia for your free omelette! This will feed your neopet three times just from one item!
Other free areas for food are:
- Neopets Jelly from Jelly World
- The Soup Kitchen (only if you don’t have many neopoints)
- (visit once a month)
Other Methods
There are other methods to feeding your neopet. Below are some that were sent in by users.
The trading post method with the Soup Faerie
I do the trading post trick with a small twist. It works best if you don’t have a whole lot of neopoints say less than 600,000 since “I think” that is the cut off point for trades. If you have more it can still work though up to like 6,000,000 you just have to bid on more lots. What you do is search the trading post for an item you know you won’t get for your neopoints and bid them on it. For example, a friend of mine only had a little over 15,000 neopoints so they went to the trading post. They looked up Mazzew which is worth about 20,000 which is 5,000 over what they had. “It helps to look up things that are not a whole lot more than what you have because it runs less risk of annoying the other person which is not nice.” Anyway the lot they bid on had a Mazzew and an Angelpuss. They bid 10,000 and a codestone on the lot. They went and fed their pets (through the Soup Faerie kitchen), then hit the Snowager because it was time. Then they went to cancel the offer to get their neopoints back. Well because they had made a “semi” reasonable offer, though still very low, before they could cancel their offer it was ACCEPTED. Can you say “WOOHOO”. Like I said earlier make sure your offers are at least respectable enough that they are not an insult to the other player and not only do you get free food you may get a great bargain. – johnny
Use the search function on Neopets
All you need to do is type this question in the internet, “free neopoints from neopets” I know that it says free neopoints and that’s not what your looking for but trust me. Then you click search. Once there’s a list of websites click on the one that say’s freebies (make sure it is a Neopets page). You may heard of freebies but it is very useful. There’s going to be lot’s of things about getting free neopoints and food – Alex Tapias
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