Pterattack 2 Guide by minka22

Power Ups

Blue Power up

Lv 1 – small blue beam (default weapon).
Lv 2 – stronger beam with faster reload rate.
Lv 3 – stronger beam, even faster reload rate.
Lv 4 – strong rapid-fire beam.

Red Power up

Lv 1 – small red fireball.
Lv 2 – 2 stronger fireballs shooting in a V formation away from you.
Lv 3 – 3 strong fireballs shooting away in a V formation with an extra fireball in the middle.
Lv 4 – 3 fire waves (best weapon out there!).

Green Power up

Lv 1 – three-way shot 9very slow but effective for killing enemies on your sides).
Lv 2 – 2 green balls shooting in a V formation away from you.

Pterattack 2 Tips

Best gun to use

I found that while playing Pterattack2, the best gun to continually upgrade is the Fire ball (the red one).

They are a lot less common than the other guns, so I suggest that you either upgrade the basic blue gun once, to wipe out Pteradons that are in your path much more efficiently to therefore increasing your chances to acquire the Fireball as you will stay in the game longer.

Another upgrade that will allow you to wipe out your opponents quickly enough to receive upgrades to the Fireball is the Pterboom: It’s a purple spinning powerup. Like the Tadow in the old game. It’s a boomerang that, rather than coming back, weaves across the screen so you won’t need to be directly underneath the Pteradons (of any level) to shoot them.