Carnival of Terror Guide by Linh

Carnival of Terror screen shot

Assuming that you already know the points to the game as well as how to play it; I’m just going to give you a few tips. Hopefully it becomes useful to those players. (I have scored over 2000 points each game and if I can do it, you can also do the same.)


1. Running of time?

Type “custard” only once per game as stated already.

2. Running out of bullets?

When the bullet meter flashes [black] wait for the bullet-parachute to come down and if a pie comes near you hit only once or twice or else your going to lose b/c you wasted too many bullets. [__] < Leave this many space for when the bullet meter flashes.

Why? If you leave that much space [_], there is no spare bullets for the just-in-case times when a pie comes near you or another item [such as the health-parachute or time-parachute] comes down.

I also suggest you to ignore the clowns at this time. =) There will always be more clowns later and the clowns wont harm you, just the pies!

3. How do I get more points?

You get more points by dissecting the clowns! What I mean by dissecting is that you have to be accurate with your shots by shooting:

  • One bullet for the arm of the clown [looks like a yellow blob to me]
  • One bullet for the head of the clown
  • One bullet for the body of the clown
  • And if there it is a parachute-clown; hit the umbrella for it to fall down and then all the spots that I stated above.

Also, for the clowns that is too small for you to dissect or to far, simply just hit the body and it will explode faster giving you one point. Usually, you would dissect the clowns when its whole body is visible to you, most likely it will be in the very front of your view.

By following this technique you’re not spending your time wastefully, because you’re getting points for each spot you hit [8-11 points] Instead of only shooting the body of the clown and then only getting one point.

Bonus points: Hit the first cart of the roller coaster also stated already.

Hopefully I helped you in some way or another. Remember! Practice makes perfect!

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