Advanced Food Club Guide by NemesisCW

Many people do not know what the Food Club is. The Food Club game can be found under the luck section of games. It is a betting game where you can bet on multiple competitors in 5 different matches. You can bet on one guy, or combine the bet and try for a bigger prize. Seem confusing? You won’t be after you read this.

Well, the payoff is determined by how long you have been playing Neopets. It is determined by this simple formula. 50 + (Number of days playing Neopets x 2)
So, if I have been in Neopets for 50 days, I can make 150 np bets. If I have been playing Neopets for 500 days I can make 1050 np bets. The payoff is also determined by the odds in each day, sometimes the odds are good and you’ll get a lot of np, if not, you get low np. My best payout in one day is 70,000 np. I have been playing Neopets for 19 months. With this guide, I will give you tips on how to make the most of your money on this wonderful np payout game.