Festival of Neggs 2014

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This year, the Negg-Gazer could use the spare crystal Neggs to see the future.

The fifth annual Festival of Neggs began on April 14, 2014 and ended on May 4, 2014. As with previous events, Kari hid plastic Neggs all across Neopia so that users could have fun finding them. Users who found complete sets of patterned Neggs were rewarded with items, some of which were exclusive to the event. Additional rewards were also given out at the end of the event.

At the NC Mall during this event, players could earn Neocash prizes by helping the Negg-Gazer see the future, and Flora returned to help players grow Neggs in her greenhouse.

Negg hunt[edit]

During each day of the event, Kari hid one patterned plastic Negg and then gave users a clue to help them figure out which Neopian land the Negg was hidden in. While the land that the Negg was hidden in was the same for everyone, the exact location of the Negg within that land was different for each user. Collecting all four Neggs of one pattern allowed the user to choose one prize from a set of four exclusive items.

Additionally, each day there were ten mini plastic Neggs hidden around the site. If they player found all ten of these, they could receive a bonus prizes. The player had to find all ten in one day - they couldn't turn in less than ten for a prize, and the next day, different mini plastic Neggs could be found.

At the end of event, players who had found at least one Negg received a bonus prize, a Brilliant Negg Crown. If the player had found all the Neggs, they could also claim a Spring Faellie, and if they had found every Negg on the first day it was released, they also earned the Lovely Spring Morning Background and the Festival of Neggs site theme.

Prizes for completing the Negg hunt
she_fony15_brilliantcrown.gif bg_fony15_lovelyspringmorn.gif petpet_fony15_faellie_spring.gif
Brilliant Negg Crown Lovely Spring Morning Background Spring Faellie

Plaid Neggs[edit]

Date Riddle Negg
14 - 15 April

In the darkness outside, there's nothing to hear;
What kind of Negg grows up here?

Answer: Space Station

Plaid Negg

16 April

Here, water splashes in prismatic fountains
In the shadow of ruined and fallen mountains.

Answer: Faerieland

Plaid Negg

17 April

Up here, furniture from floating stone is hewn
And meteors bounce from crater to dune.

Answer: Kreludor

Plaid Negg

18 April

Neggs are not Yooyus; they would just squish,
No matter what certain Petpets here might wish.

Answer: Altador

Plaid Negg

Plaid Negg prizes
foo_fony15_deepfriednegg.gif toy_fony15_neggpuzzle.gif boo_fony15_neggopedia.gif plu_fony15_festlenny.gif
Deep Fried Negg Negg Pairs Puzzle Negg-O-Pedia Festival of Neggs Lenny Plushie

Swirly Neggs[edit]

Date Riddle Negg
19 April

Neggs here would shiver at the distant howls,
Dodge hungry monsters, and suffer witchy scowls.

Answer: Haunted Woods

Swirly Negg

20 April

Long ago a war was fought between these lands;
A Negg might flourish where knights once made a stand.

Answer: Meridell and Darigan Citadel

Swirly Negg

21 April

Try crumpets, tailors, and antiques,
If it's today's Negg that you seek.

Answer: Neovia

Swirly Negg

22 April

Palm fronds bend in the ocean breeze
As the locals relax and do as they please.

Answer: Mystery Island

Swirly Negg

Swirly Negg prizes
neocola_fony15_negg.gif gif_fony15_neggduster.gif boo_fony15_neggswarlocks.gif gif_fony15_negg_wateringcan.gif
Negg Neocola Negg Duster Neggs and Warlocks, The Secret Link Negg Watering Can

Polka-dot Neggs[edit]

Date Riddle Negg
23 April

Candy-coated, modeled in coral, oh, what fun!
With Neggs, the shops here might never be done.

Answer: Kiko Lake

Polka-dot Negg

24 April

The sun beats down, the sand grows hot
Neggs left out too long would rot.

Answer: Lost Desert

Polka-dot Negg

25 April

Cross the fallen log to reach the village,
Or head to the obelisk to join the pillage.

Answer: Tyrannia

Polka-dot Negg

26 April

Giant among shoppers, this garden of stuff
Promises a Negg Hunt here will be a bit tough.

Answer: Neopia Central

Polka-dot Negg

Polka-dot Negg prizes
bd_fony15_spiked_neggmace.gif toy_fony15_pysankyneggkit.gif boo_fony15_neggheadsbright.gif plu_fony15_festcybunny.gif
Spiked Negg Mace Negg Decorating Kit Neggheads of Brightvale Festival of Neggs Cybunny Plushie

Striped Neggs[edit]

Date Riddle Negg
27 April

From the tallest peak to the coldest vale,
Neggs may be found here, somewhere off the trail.

Answer: Terror Mountain

Striped Negg

28 April

Seek high on misty mountain tops
For Neggs hidden away in fields of rice crops.

Answer: Shenkuu

Striped Negg

29 April

Steam hisses, gears turn, magma boils;
Find the Negg quick and collect the spoils.

Answer: Moltara

Striped Negg

30 April

Here you will find scholars bright,
Studying Neggs deep into the night.

Answer: Brightvale

Striped Negg

Striped Negg prizes
pot_fony15_neggplasma.gif boo_fony15_notableneggs.gif toy_fony15_stackingneggs.gif gif_fony15_hiddeningrass.gif
Negg Plasma Bottle Notable Neggs Negg Stack Toy Sneaky Neggs Foreground

Zig-zag Neggs[edit]

Date Riddle Negg
1 May

A helping of curses, a pinch of spice;
A Negg wouldn't last long here if it were ice.

Answer: Qasala

Zig-zag Negg

2 May

Buried in the sand like the treasure they be,
Mistaken for dubloons, or lost at sea.

Answer: Krawk Island

Zig-zag Negg

3 May

Bells on their sleeves and dice in their paws;
All who enter the Games Room earn their applause.

Answer: Roo Island

Zig-zag Negg

4 May

In this quiet land of shells and bubbles,
You'd never know there once was huge trouble.

Answer: Maraqua

Zig-zag Negg

Zig-zag Negg prizes
foo_fony15_bakednegg.gif bd_fony15_negg_everlasingfire.gif boo_fony15_neggthroughseason.gif plu_fony15_festlupe.gif
Roasted Negg Soup Negg of Everlasting Fire Neggs Through the Seasons Festival of Neggs Lupe Plushie

Neocash activities[edit]

Bloomin' Neggs[edit]

Flora the Acara invited players into her greenhouse to grow Neggs. They could buy four different Bloomin' Neggs Planting Kits for 500 NC from the NC Mall to grow Neggs of four different patterns - different patterns from the previous year. Players were only allowed to grow one of each per account.

Every day, as the Negg grew, players could visit it to claim a new Neocash prize once a day. If they missed a day, they could catch up on the prizes they missed later.

Crystal Neggs[edit]

As the player hunted for the Neggs Kari had hidden, they may also have found crystal Neggs somewhere in the same world. The Negg-Gazer said he could use these to tell the future. He asked players to bring him their crystal Neggs, along with Sparkling Negg Dust.

Players could buy Sparkling Negg Dust from the NC Mall for 125 NC each. Each bowl of dust allowed the Negg-Gazer to use one crystal Negg. If the player brought the some dust and a crystal Negg to him, the Negg-Gazer would swap them for a wearable Neocash item.

External links[edit]

Festival of Neggs