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Revision as of 02:05, 12 March 2009 by Macbeth (talk | contribs)
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Warning: Policy Policybook.gif
This page is, or relates closely to, NeoDex policy.
While not set in stone, changes to policy should be discussed on the relevant talk page.

Templates are special pages on the NeoDex that can be made to appear on any page - transclusion. This is useful for when the same message has to be repeated on several pages, or to help break up pages like the Main Page for easier editing.

If a template is modified, all the pages carrying that template will update to the new version.

Using a template

Templates exist in a special Template: namespace, much like this article exists in the NeoDex: namespace. This sets it apart from an actual article. If you want to link to a template, then you do so as you would any wikilink by enclosing Template: followed by the name of the article in double square brackets.

To make a template appear on a page, you type the name of the template encased in double curly brackets - {{ ... }}. You do not include the Template: part of the name - for example, to import the protected (see below) template at Template:Protected, you would type {{Protected}}.

The first character of a template is not case sensitive, so {{protected}} and {{Protected}} will reference the same template. The rest of the characters are case sensitive, however, so {{pRoTeCtEd}} will reference a different template.

Some templates have variables, where you can fill in relevant details when you reference them. The lists below note where variables exist, how you complete them and with what. Variables are filled in by, after a template name, placing a vertical bar (|), then the variable name, then an equals sign, and then what the variable contains. To fill another variable, type another vertical bar, then it's variable name, an equals, and then what the variable should contain.

On certain templates, numerical variables are used and the variable name can be omitted, providing the information is entered in the correct order.

Creating a Template be added...

Article Status Templates

These templates appear at the top of an article to denote something about it's status, rather than to provide any information about the subject of the article or what collections of articles it is involved in.


Jubjub red sad.gif This page is under construction

Template:Construction is used to denote that a page needs some work. It is more specific that a stub (see below) in that it gives a list of tasks that need completing on the page.

The Construction template includes the Under Construction category, so that when added to a page, the page is added to this category also.

To add the Construction template to a document, use the following code:


With the reason variable being filled with the reason why a page is under construction.


This article documents a current event.
Information may update rapidly as the event progresses.

Template:Currentevent is used to denote that the page's subject is a current event, so is prone to rapid updates, delays, and changes as the event progresses.

To add the Currentevent template to a document, use the following code:


With no variables.


Deletionbin.gif This article has been nominated for DELETION:
It may be redundant, unreferenced, or not sufficiently important for an article of its own. Discuss on the relevant talk page.
Note: This template should not be used to tag articles created for vandalism purposes, etc.

Template:Deletion is used to note that an article had been nominated for deletion. A discussion of its pending removal will be found on the discussion page.

To add the Deletion template to a document, use the following code:


With no variables.


The correct title of this article is {{{1}}}. The initial letter is capitalized due to technical restrictions.

Template:Lowercase is used when an article's name does not start with an uppercase letter, but technical restrictions means it must in the title of an article.

It should not be used because a word could be spelt with a lowercase character, only if it must.

To add the Lowercase template to a document, use the following code:


After the vertical bar, the correct title should be written.


Bearog mutant.gif Merger Suggested Scarypet triple lick.gif
It has been suggested that this page be merged with [[{{{1}}}|another]].
See the discussion page for more information.

Template:Merge is used when it has been suggested an article be merged with another, because of its overlapping themes, or because it is duplicated. Details can be found on the appropriate discussion page. The merge template should appear on both articles involved in the merge.

To add the Merge template to a document, use the following code:


After the vertical bar, the title of the other article (which it is suggested will merge into the article bearing the template or the article bearing the template be merged into) should be written.



Former Featured Article

( list of featured articles )

Template:PastFeatured is displayed on all pages that were featured articles, to mark their achievement.

To add the PastFeatured template to a document, use the following code:


With no variables.


Warning: Policy Policybook.gif
This page is, or relates closely to, NeoDex policy.
While not set in stone, changes to policy should be discussed on the relevant talk page.

Template:Policy is used only on official policy pages, in conjunction to the page being protected.

The Policy template is added with the following code:


With no variables.


Protectedbook.gif THIS ARTICLE IS PROTECTED prevent recent vandalism or if the page is highly visible.
A protected page cannot be edited by normal users. To discuss changes or request unprotection, see the talk page.

Template:Protected is used to mark when a page has been protected.

To add the Protected template to a document, use the following code:


With no variables.


This page has been designated a zero tolerance zone to combat repeated vandalism. Vandalism of this page will result in immediate reversion by editors and a ban of a minimum of 5,000 hours.

Template:ZeroTolerance is used to mark a page that has been designated a zero tolerance zone. This means that vandalism will be dealt with swiftly and with high punishments.

The ZeroTolerance template is added with the following code:


With no variables.

Collection Templates

These templates are added to the bottom of an article, above the article's categories, to show members of a similar family of, or a collection of related, articles.


Air Faeries Dark Faeries Earth Faeries
Briana · Casandia · Psellia · Zaira Ariadne · Dark Faerie Sisters · Delina · Drakara · Jhudora · The Darkest Faerie Ilere · Illusen · Iyana
Fire Faeries Light Faeries Water Faeries
Bree · Eithne · Ember · Nuria Siyana Marina · Naia · Nereid · The Drenched
Other Faeries
Aethia · Dung Faerie · Fyora · Grey Faerie · Jhuidah · Kari · Library Faerie · Mira · Soup Faerie · Tooth Faerie · Taelia · The Three · Valeane

Template:Faerie lists and links to all Faeries in Neopia and categorises them by their involvement in Neopia. It should be included at the end of every article about a Faerie or a class of Faeries.

To add the Faerie template to a document, use the following code:


With no variables.


Template:NQ2 lists and links to the party members and the boss characters by Act for NeoQuest II. It should be included at the end of all NQII character articles.

To add the NQ2 template to a document, use the following code:


With no variables.


The Neopets Team

Bancha Ninja · Black Widow · Bubbles · Bye-Gon Jinx · Cookie · Comastar · Cupcake · Dirigibles · Doug Hill · Dragona · Droplet · El Picklesaur · Jimmy James · Lawyerbot · LornaDesparow · Mister Shankly · Mr. Roboto · Mr. Insane · Pie · Scarlet O'Lara · Snot · Socktastic · Story Sabatino . Twitterpate · Undutchable · Rik Kinney · SeñorMalo . snarkie · Viola · ZiggyTron


Adam Powell · Donna Williams · Doug Dohring · Snowflake · TPOSG

Template:TNT lists and links to all the members of The Neopets Team. It should be included at the end of the article pages of all TNT staff members.

To add the TNT template to a document, use the following code:


With no variables.


Wheel Games
Wheel of Excitement · Wheel of Extravagance · Wheel of Happiness · Wheel of Knowledge · Wheel of Mediocrity · Wheel of Misfortune · Wheel of Monotony

Template:Wheels lists and links to all the Wheel games in Neopia. It should be included at the end of the game pages of the wheels.

To add the Wheels template to a document, use the following code:


With no variables.

Infobox Templates

Infoboxes are templates designed to standardise how certain information is displayed, such as a Battledome character's statistics or information about a game.


Difficulty: {{{Difficulty}}} Starting HP: {{{StartingHP}}}
Arena: {{{Arena}}} Released: {{{ReleaseDate}}}
Status: Unknown Challenger ID: {{{ID}}}
Found by: {{{FoundBy}}}

Template:BattleInfo is used to display the statistics of a 1-Player Battledome Challenger. It usually appears under the heading Battledome on a characters' page.

To add the BattleInfo template to a document, use the following code:


The first variable to be entered into the template is the name of the Battledome character - the reason this is not automatically drawn from the article's name is because the character does not necessarily use the same name.

The second variable is the location of the character's opponent pic, preferably uploaded onto the NeoDex. The third is the character's difficult rating, the forth the number of HP they start with, the fifth the increment of the number of HP per win, the sixth the name of the first item that can be stolen from the character, and 7 the location of where the challenger is found. A URL link should be included if possible - the reason that the variable name is stated in this case is so that URLs can include equals signs without breaking. In the case of an automatic challenger, the phrase Automatic Challenger should be used instead.

Infobox Game

ID # {{{GameID}}}
World [[{{{World}}}]]
Category {{{Categories}}}
High Scores
Game Page

Template:Infobox Game is used to show basic information about a flash game. It should appear at the top of the article.

To add the Infobox Game template to a page, use the following code:

{{Infobox Game|GameImage=

In this template, the GameImage variable should hold the name of the Click-to-Play image of the game in question, uploaded to the NeoDex. The double square brackets and the namespace Image: is not needed. For naming conventions, see the NeoDex:Image use policy.

The GameID variable should hold the identification number of a game. On the game's URL, this is the number at the end, after ?game_id=. The template uses this number to get the correct links to the High Score and game pages.

The World variable should be filled in with what world the game takes place in, and the categories variable needs the list of categories a game is allocated under, in the order they are displayed on the game page.

Finally, the Ratio variable should be filled with the NP to point ratio, that is, how many Neopoints 100 game points earns. This is no longer displayed on a game page, but often existing game articles retain it from before the Game Room revamp. If all else fails, this can be found from comparing a selection of scores to Neopoints given. Note that this should not just be done with one set of point score and Neopoints, as rounding takes place.

Infobox SponsorGame

Template:Infobox SponsorGame

Template:Infobox SponsorGame is used, like the Infobox Game template, for displaying information about a flash game, but this one is designed specifically for a sponsored game. All new sponsored game articles should include this.

To add the Infobox SponsorGame template to a page, use the following code:

{{Infobox SponsorGame| GameImage= |GameID=

All of these variables work exactly the same as in the Infobox Game template: the GameImage variable should hold the name of the Click-to-Play image of the game in question, uploaded to the NeoDex. The double square brackets and the namespace Image: is not needed. For naming conventions, see the NeoDex:Image use policy.

The GameID variable should hold the identification number of a game. On the game's URL, this is the number at the end, after ?game_id=. The template uses this number to get the correct links to the High Score and game pages.

The World variable should be filled in with what world the game takes place in, and the categories variable needs the list of categories a game is allocated under, in the order they are displayed on the game page.

Finally, the Ratio variable should be filled with the NP to point ratio, that is, how many Neopoints 100 game points earns.

Infobox RetiredGame

ID # {{{GameID}}}
World [[{{{World}}}]]
Category {{{Categories}}}
Replacement None.
High Scores
Game Page

Template:Infobox RetiredGame is used, like the Infobox Game template, to show information about a flash game, but this template is designed specifically for a retired game. It should be included in the History section of the replacement game where it talks about the past version, or on the article about the retired game itself if no replacement exists.

To add the Infobox RetiredGame template to a page, use the following code:

{{Infobox RetiredGame|GameImage= |RetiredGame=

The majority of the variables in this template work like their counterparts in the Infobox Game template above. The additions are: the RetiredGame variable, where the name of the retired game is entered (this is not drawn automatically as frequently information on retired games should be included with their successor); the GG_Y/N variable, which should hold "Yes" or "No" to indicate whether the game is available in the Game Graveyard or not; and the Replacement variable, which should hold the name of its successor, if applicable, "N/A", if not.

If the game was retired before the new Game Room system was adopted, the old categories should be used in the Categories variable.


{{{Image}}} HP:




NP Reward:
{{{NP}}} NP

Opening Dialogue:


Flee Dialogue:


Defeat Dialogue:


Victory Dialogue:


Template:NQ2Boss is used to display information about the boss enemies in NeoQuest II.

To add the NQ2Boss template to a page, use the following code:


The first variable to be entered into the template is the name of the boss character, then the URL or NeoDex Image code for the boss's picture. The third variable is the location of the box, and the next three variables are the boss HP on Normal, Evil and Insane modes. The seven variable should contain any special abilities the boss has, and the last should contain the reward for the party on beating the boss.

Repetition Templates

These templates are used for when a certain section of text appears on multiple pages with some variations, such as names, for denoting a specific event or characteristic the character or object was involved in or possesses. These help ensure that the pages remain consistent.

BTY be added...

IPnote be added...

Petpetinfo be added...

Other Templates

There are a some templates that don't fit into the above categories, but are still useful and are used.


See also: Help:Stub be added...

Spoiler be added...