Common Acronyms
Acronyms are commonly used by the Neopets community. An acronym is a series of letters that represents several a phrase, usually the first letters of the words or syllables in it. To a user unfamiliar with their usage, Neopian acronyms may seem confusing. The following is a list of some common acronyms, in alphabetical order for convenience.
Contents: Top - 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- AC - Avatar Chat, the NeoBoard where users engage in avatar-relating conversations.
- AFC - Air Faerie Crown, a popular Battledome Equipment.
- AI - Artificial Intelligence, referring to the way computer challengers, such as the 1-Player Challengers in the Battledome, play against a user based on specific patterns.
- AP - Attack Pea, a popular Battledome Equipment.
- ATM - Short for At the moment, usually referring to auctions or trades.
- BC - The Beauty Contest.
- BFC - Black Frost Cannon, a piece of Battledome Equipment.
- BN - Before Neopia, referring to times before recorded History of Neopia (or before Neopets began).
- BD - Battledome, where Neopets get to fight against other Neopets or Villains of Neopia. Can also mean Battle Duck, a type of Battledome Equipment.
- BD Chat - Battledome Chat, a Battledome-orientated NeoBoard.
- BGC - Bony Grarrl Club, a Battledome Equipment which gives users an avatar when equipped to their Grarrl.
- BoD - Bow of Destiny, a Battledome Equipment received as a prize from NeoQuest II.
- BoHD - Bag of Healing Dust, a Battledome Equipment.
- BoK - Bracelet of Kings, a Battledome Equipment from the Hidden Tower.
- BoLHS - Bag of Lenny Healing Seeds, a Battledome Equipment.
- BoMS - Bottle of Magic Sand, a Battledome Equipment.
- BRB - Chat speak for Be Right Back.
- BSS - Blumaroo SlingShot, a Battledome Equipment.
- BTM - Brain Tree Mace, a Battledome Equipment.
- BTY - Better Than You
- Bzzt - Bzzt Blaster, a Battledome Equipment.
- C-Blade - CarrotBlade, a Battledome Equipment found in the Hidden Tower.
- CATFB - Chomby and the Fungus Balls, referring to a band and a retired game.
- CB - CarrotBlade, a Battledome Equipment found in the Hidden Tower.
- CE - Cursed Elixir, a Battledome Equipment.
- CF - Chia Flour, a Battledome Equipment item found in the Hidden Tower. Also short for "Congratulations Feeders", in reference to the Kadoatery.
- CG - Cyodrake's Gaze, a plot from 2006.
- Coll - Short for Collateral.
- Collat - Short for Collateral.
- COM - The Curse of Maraqua plot, and sometimes its respective NeoBoard.
- CP - Caustic Potion, a Battledome Equipment received as a prize from Illusen's Glade.
- CS - Clawed Shield, a Battledome Equipment which can reward an Avatar.
- CSC - Cardboard Sprout Cannon, a Battledome Equipment found in the Hidden Tower.
- CSS - Cascading Style Sheets. An extension to HTML which can set default style attributes for a HTML tag (that has been defined in the doctype) or style attributes for a specific class or ID. Frequently used within Neopia to customise User Lookups and Shops.
- CWoS - Cloudy Wand of Storms, a Battledome Equipment.
- DBD - Dark Battle Duck, a weapon that used to do 10 icons damage in the Battledome, but following being downgraded is not as valued any more.
- DEB - Dual Expert Bow, a retired and expensive Magic Item.
- Def - Defence, a statistic of a Neopet that influences how well certain shields work.
- DMB - Dusty Magic Broom, a valued weapon sold at Haunted Weaponry
- DoN - Defenders of Neopia
- DPP - Downsize Power Plus, a single use Defense Magic item which protects a Neopet from all forms of damage.
- ECA - Everlasting Crystal Apple, which can be eaten countless times and not disappear from a users inventory.
- EKST - Enchanted Kiko Squeeze Toy, a multiple use defence item against all water damage in the Battledome.
- ELL - Entangling Lenny Lasso, a powerful weapon for Lennies to use in the Battledome.
- ENT - Evil Neopets Team, an acronym used often to refer to The Neopets Team when they're particularly unpleasant.
- EoE - Essence of Esophagor, a Battledome weapon which has large damage output at a cheap price.
- ETS - Easy to sell, referring to an item that can be turned into NP quickly, due to high demand.
- F-Ray - Fungus Ray, a powerful Battledome weapon which could be redeemed from a Rare Item Code.
- FaIB - Fire and Ice Blade, a Battledome weapon from the Hidden Tower which is similar the ones used by the Battle Faerie.
- FB - Florbix Blaster, a Battledome weapon which received fame when it was changed from a Jet Pack, making the otherwise useless item come in high demand.
- FC - Fan Club NeoBoard.
- FFQ - Fountain Faerie Quest, a rare Faerie Quest that can alter a Neopets colour to any available for it.
- FPot - Freezing Potion, a Battledome weapon sold at the Hidden Tower.
- FSS - Faerie SlingShot, a Battledome weapon which could be made from the Cooking Pot, now all but impossible now that the ingredients for making it are retired.
- FTP - First to post in a NeoBoard.
- G-Bomb - Ghostkerbomb, a popular once per battle weapon from the Hidden Tower.
- GBK - Golden Butter Knife, a retired weapon from the Hidden Tower.
- GC - Glowing Cauldron, a weapon from the Hidden Tower which can have strange affects in the Battledome.
- GEB - Garoo Elite Blaster, a weapon which care be acquired from Rare Item Codes from the TCG.
- GHS - Greater Healing Scroll, a healing item in the Battledome which is popular due to it's once per battle use.
- GLB - Grand Lightning Beam, an old yet powerful weapon from Neopets' early years.
- GoC - Golden Compass
- GSH - Green Sticky Hand
- G-Shield - Ghostkershield, a popular defense from the Hidden Tower.
- G-Staff - Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie
- G-Sword - Ghostkersword, a popular weapon from the Hidden Tower.
- GTA - Greater Tiki Amulet, a weapon in the Battledome acquired as a prize from Mystery Island Volcano. Can also refer to Grand Theft Auto, a popular series of video games.
- H4K - H4000 Helmet, popular retired Space Armour capable of freezing the opponent once per battle in the Battledome.
- HATIC - Hannah and the Ice Caves, referring to the plot, the game, and sometimes to its respective NeoBoard.
- HATPC - Hannah and the Pirate Caves
- HB - Haggle back, often used when haggling at the Trading Post.
- HC - The Help Chat of the NeoBoard.
- HoD - The Halo of Devilpuss, a weapon which can be rewarded in NeoQuest II.
- HoH - The Hall of Heroes, an important location in the Altador Plot
- HP - Hit points, the amount of total health you have. It is important in the Battledome. Can also refer to the Honey Potion, a weapon given out in Illusen's Glade.
- HPB - Hubrids Puzzle Box, a special Battledome Equipment item sold at the Hidden Tower which can be constructed in the form of Hubrid Nox.
- HPS - Hand Painted Scarab, a once popular weapon in the Battledome capable of damaging with three different elements.
- HT - The Hidden Tower, in Faerieland, that sells many rare and expensive relics.
- HTML - Hypertext Markup Language, the mark-up language in which all webpages are written.
- HTS - Hard to sell, referring to an item that cannot be turned into NP quickly, due to low demand, despite what it may be perceived as being worth due to rarity.
- IDB - In-Depth Battlepedia, a sub-site of PinkPT which is dedicated entirely to the Battledome. May also refer to Icy Battle Duck, a air and water based version of the Battle Duck.
- IDNQ - In-Depth NeoQuest, a sub-site of PinkPT dedicated entirely to the games NeoQuest and NeoQuest II.
- IEP - Illusens Earth Potion, a prize attainable from Illusen's Glade.
- ILB - Improved Lightning Beam, a popular Battledome weapon from Neopets' early years.
- ILS - Iron Lupe Sword, a popular Battledome weapon usable by Lupes.
- IQ - Intelligence Quotient, of which is stated that Adam Powell has an IQ of 174.
- JP - Jhudoras Potion, a prize attainable from Jhudora's Cloud.
- JCB - Jhudoras Crystal Ball, a prize attainable from Jhudora's Cloud.
- JSS - Jade Scorchstone, a popular retired Battledome Equipment from the Hidden Tower which heals fully once per battle.
- K - A symbol following a number, meaning thousand, from the SI prefix kilo-.
- KLP - Kacheek Life Potion, a popular Battledome weapon usable by Kacheeks.
- KPL - Kacheek Pebble Lobber, a popular Battledome weapon usable by Kacheeks.
- LDD - Lost Desert Dagger, popular weapon in the Battledome.
- LDP - The Lost Desert Plot, and sometimes its associated NeoBoard.
- LDPBSTSCC - The Trading Card Lost Desert Paint Brush Stamp T-Shirt Collectable Card.
- LEV - Leaded Elemental Vial, popular one per battle full heal item.
- LRGoF - Lenny Ray Gun of Freezing, popular freezing weapon used by Lennies in the Battledome.
- MFB - Mystery Fruit Bowl, a Battledome Equipment item rewarded in the Mystery Island Volcano Plot. It's believed only 200 were released.
- MoC - Mask of Coltzan, powerful dual attack and defense Battledome item used by King Coltzan III.
- MM - Melting Mirror, a once popular Battledome Equipment item rewarded from a scratchcard.
- MMoM - Magical Marbles of Mystery, a once per battle Battledome Equipment item from the Hidden Tower capable of freezing an opponent and giving slight damage.
- MP - Morphing Potion, or My Price for an item.
- MSP - Malevolent Sentient Plushie, a colour that only exists for Poogles which resembles the MSPP (see below).
- MSPP - Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie, a plushie that is shaped like a Poogle and is alive and evil. Refers specifically to the MSPP TCG Card.
- NF - Neofriends
- NM - NeoMail
- NP - Neopoints
- NQ - NeoQuest
- NQ1 - NeoQuest I
- NQ2 - NeoQuest II
- NQI - NeoQuest I
- NQII - NeoQuest II
- NST - Neopia Standard Time, the clock Neopia follows, and the time The Neopets Team follows in their work day.
- NT - Neopian Times
- OBO - Or best offer, used at the Trading Post.
- OTB - Offer to beat, used at the Trading Post.
- PB - Paint Brush
- PC - Plot Chat, referring to the currently active Plot NeoBoard.
- PHP - The recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, the programming language that makes Neopets possible.
- PPL - Petpet Protection League, a league on Neopets that rewards Neopets for taking good care of their Petpets.
- PPPB - Petpet Paint Brush.
- PPT - Pink Poogle Toy, or PinkPT. One of the oldest Neopets help sites to exist on the internet. Home of all that is weird and wonderful.
- PPTer - The term given to a person who has become a member of PinkPT and considers themselves a part of the PPT community.
- PS2 - The PlayStation 2. The Neopets: The Darkest Faerie video game was released on the PS2.
- PSP - The Playstation Portable.
- PTS - Points, in reference to the score users receive in the Games they play.
- R# - The rarity of an item, e.g. r99.
- RCG - Rainbow Clockwork Grundo, a popular bomb used in the Battledome
- RE - Random Event
- RPG - Role Playing Game. Neoquest and Neopets: The Darkest Faerie are both considered RPGs.
- RS - Restock, referring to the act of Neopet shops filling their stores, or the method users use for their own shops.
- RSing - Restocking, referring to Neopet shops fulling their stores, or a method users use for their own shops.
- SAP - Seasonal Attack Pea, a powerful weapon in the Battledome, and a variation of the typical Super Attack Pea with a Santa hat.
- SC - Scratchcard
- SDB - Safety Deposit Box
- SHH - Something Has Happened, a type of Random Event.
- SOS - Sword of Skardsen
- SS - Scorchstone, referring to a collection of weapons used in the Battledome.
- STP - Second to post on a Neoboard.
- Str - Strength, a statistic that determines how effective each icon of attack is for a Neopet in the Battledome.
- SuAP - Super Attack Pea
- TCG - Trading Card Game, in reference to the Neopets TCG.
- TDF - The Darkest Faerie, referring to the game or the character.
- TNT - The Neopets Team. This initialism, shared by the explosive Trinitrotoluene, inspired the TNT Avatar, which is used only by staff members. May also refer to The Neopian Times.
- TOW - The Tale of Woe plot, or sometimes its associated NeoBoard.
- TP - Trading Post, or Transmogrification Potion.
- Trans - Transmogrification Potion
- TYS - Test Your Strength, a game in the Haunted Woods.
- UB - Unbuyable, referring to an item which can't be bought through stores and only through the Trading Post due to its high price.
- UBoGJ - U-Bend of Great Justice, a Hidden Tower level water reflector that gained popularity with the release of Kelpbeards Trident.
- WC - Werelupe Claw, a powerful weapon of the Battledome, or World Challenge.
- WoE - Wheel of Excitement
- WoK - Wheel of Knowledge
- WoM - Wheel of Monotony, Wheel of Misfortune, or Wheel of Mediocrity
- XHTML - Extensible Hypertext Markup Language, the stricter, cleaner form of HTML.
- ZDAP - Zafara Double Agent Plushie, used to obtain an avatar
Ritu,Thank you so much. I have often wondered wheethr these posts would people looking to transition into medical writing. I wrote this wih the perspective that I could not find the answers to these same questions when I wanted to make a career change after the PhD. If there are other questions that you have that you do not see discussed in this blog, do feel free to email or post your questions. My blog has only been up a month so I know that there are many things that I have yet covered. Good luck.Susan