Mystery Island

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Mystery Island

Mystery Island is a tropical island of Neopia, discovered on 3rd August 2000. It is noted for its native population of the Coconut People and a giant volcano.

Mystery Island has become a major tourist resort, features many games, shops, the Trading Post, and the first Training School. There is a tour of the island an owner can take their Neopets on for a small fee.

The Island is home to the Faerie Jhuidah, who overlooks the Cooking Pot and the Trading Post. For some time, the Island held a giant golden statue of Donna, who won the Sacrificers plot, and recently the Lost City of Geraptiku was rediscovered.

Mystery Island is also the site of many of Jake the adventurer's exploits.

Natives of Mystery Island

The natives of the island are usually seen with white and tan skin along with a grass skirt. It's also common for them to have white paint covering them along with with an assortment of accessories such as flowers and necklaces.

A users Neopet can be painted to look like a native of Mystery Island, a coloured simply called Island. The look of a Neopet is different depending on the species, but the white and tan skin/fur is always present. With the release of Lutari Island and the Lutari Paintbrush, it has been debated if the new Lutari colour will be a separate colour from Island.

As of June 2007, 52 Neopets are available in the Island colour...


Mystery Island's Yooyuball team is led by Teylore Nix and the unstoppable brute force of Volgoth. They entered the 2006 Altador Cup with a punishing offensive arsenal few teams could hope to keep pace with, and were the odds-on favourite to bring home the cup despite the shaky status of their goalkeeper. After defeating Faerieland in Round One, however, Mystery Island's scoring duo was stopped by Krawk Island goaltender Garven Hale. The following year, Mystery Island has the same roster, yet the team is quick to point out they're more wiser and reliant on brains than sheer speed and brute force, making it seem their defeat humbled them to bring out their very best.

See also


  • When first released, the island was referred to as Mystery Isle.
  • Random Events which are related to Mystery Island...
    • You hear mysterious chanting coming from far away!
    • The Ghost Lupe growls 'Did you know that Mystery Island is haunted?'
    • The Ghost Lupe growls 'Its rumoured that neopets that go to Mystery Island never return!!'
    • The Ghost Lupe growls 'Dont go to the Mystery Island!!!'
    • A dragon flies past overhead, he is headed to the Mystery Island.

External links