Alien Aisha Vending Machine

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Alien Aisha Vending Machine
Alien Aisha Vending Machine
ID # 36
World Neopia Central
Category Luck and Chance
High Scores
Game Page
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In-depth info needed

The Alien Aisha Vending Machine is a luck and chance game run by the Alien Aishas, released on July 5, 2000. Users put a Nerkmid in the machine and choose a combination of buttons and levers, and a rare food will be rewarded. The better the Nerkmid used, the better the prize received.

The game is considered risky to play, as the item received is random, usually not even valuable. Also, Nerkmids tend to be expensive thus making playing all the more riskier. Paintbrushes such as Lutari, Water, and Wraith can be won, along with a new Nerkmid better than the one used (both very rare prizes).


  • New gross food items are periodically added to the prize pool. When this happens it is usually announced on the New Features page.
  • Spending a Nerkmid at the Vending Machine for the first time will award the player an avatar, released January 2, 2004.

External links[edit]

             Neopia Central Games

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