Air Faerie

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Air Faeries have beautiful blue wings.

Air Faeries are one of the six types of faeries that inhabit Neopia. They are associated with the magical element of air. In general, Air Faeries have blue eyes, blond hair, and blue butterfly-like wings.

Air Faeries are masters of the weather and the sky, and they love to dance on the wind. They are joyous creatures, though they tend to be a bit flighty. Air Faeries are also concerned about their appearance. They often request beauty products from others, and they always make sure to get plenty of beauty sleep.

Air Faerie quests

Main article: Faerie Quest

Like other faeries, Air Faeries will occasionally give a user a quest to complete. During this quest, the Air Faerie will ask the user to bring them a specific grooming item. If the user completes the quest, the Air Faerie will increase the movement of the user's active Neopet by 2.

See also

External links

Air Faeries Dark Faeries Earth Faeries
Briana · Casandia · Psellia · Zaira Ariadne · Dark Faerie Sisters · Delina · Drakara · Jhudora · The Darkest Faerie Ilere · Illusen · Iyana
Fire Faeries Light Faeries Water Faeries
Bree · Eithne · Ember · Nuria Siyana Marina · Naia · Nereid · The Drenched
Other Faeries
Aethia · Dung Faerie · Fyora · Grey Faerie · Jhuidah · Kari · Library Faerie · Mira · Soup Faerie · Tooth Faerie · Taelia · The Three · Valeane