Festival of Neggs 2014

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This article documents a current event.
Information may update rapidly as the event progresses.

The fifth annual Festival of Neggs began on April 14, 2014 and ended on May 4, 2014. As with previous events, Kari hid plastic Neggs all across Neopia so that users could have fun finding them. Users who found complete sets of plastic Neggs were rewarded with items, some of which were exclusive to the event. Additional rewards were also given out at the end of the event.

Patterned Plastic Neggs

During each day of the event, Kari hid one patterned plastic Negg and then gave users a clue to help them figure out which Neopian land the Negg was hidden in. While the land that the Negg was hidden in was the same for everyone, the exact location of the Negg within that land was different for each user. Collecting all four Neggs of one pattern allowed the user to choose one prize from a set of four exclusive items.

Plaid Neggs

Negg Quest Prize Selection
Plaid Negg 1.png
April 14, 2014
In the darkness outside, there's nothing to hear;
What kind of Negg grows up here?

Deep Fried Negg
Negg Pairs Puzzle
Festival Of Neggs Lenny Plushie
Plaid Negg 2.png
April 16, 2014
Here, water splashes in prismatic fountains
In the shadow of ruined and fallen mountains.

Plaid Negg 3.png
April 17, 2014
Up here, furniture from floating stone is hewn
And meteors bounce from crater to dune.

Plaid Negg 4.png
April 18, 2014
Neggs are not Yooyus; they would just squish,
No matter what certain Petpets here might wish.

Swirly Neggs

Negg Quest Prize Selection
Swirly Negg 1.png
April 19, 2014
Neggs here would shiver at the distant howls,
Dodge hungry monsters, and suffer witchy scowls.

Negg Neocola
Negg Duster
Neggs and Warlocks, The Secret Link
Negg Watering Can
Swirly Negg 2.png
April 20, 2014
Long ago a war was fought between these lands;
A Negg might flourish where knights once made a stand.

Swirly Negg 3.png
April 21, 2014
Try crumpets, tailors, and antiques,
If it's today's Negg that you seek.

Swirly Negg 4.png
April 22, 2014
Palm fronds bend in the ocean breeze
As the locals relax and do as they please.

Polka-Dot Neggs

Negg Quest Prize Selection
Polka Negg 1.png
April 23, 2014
Candy-coated, modeled in coral, oh, what fun!
With Neggs, the shops here might never be done.

Spiked Negg Mace
Negg Decorating Kit
Neggheads of Brightvale
Festival of Neggs Cybunny Plushie
Polka Negg 2.png
April 24, 2014
The sun beats down, the sand grows hot
Neggs left out too long would rot.

Polka Negg 3.png
April 25, 2014
Cross the fallen log to reach the village,
Or head to the obelisk to join the pillage.

Polka Negg 4.png
April 26, 2014
Giant among shoppers, this garden of stuff
Promises a Negg Hunt here will be a bit tough.

Striped Neggs

Negg Quest Prize Selection
Stripe Negg 1.png
April 27, 2014
From the tallest peak to the coldest vale,
Neggs may be found here, somewhere off the trail.

Negg Plasma Bottle
Notable Neggs
Negg Stack Toy
Sneaky Neggs Foreground
Stripe Negg 2.png
April 28, 2014
Seek high on misty mountain tops
For Neggs hidden away in fields of rice crops.

Stripe Negg 3.png
April 29, 2014
Steam hisses, gears turn, magma boils;
Find the Negg quick and collect the spoils.

Stripe Negg 4.png
April 30, 2014
Here you will find scholars bright,
Studying Neggs deep into the night.

Zig-Zag Neggs

Negg Quest Prize Selection
Zig Negg 1.png
May 1, 2014
A helping of curses, a pinch of spice;
A Negg wouldn't last long here if it were ice.

Roasted Negg Soup
Negg of Everlasting Fire
Neggs Through the Seasons
Festival of Neggs Lupe Plushie

Plain Plastic Neggs

In addition to the patterned plastic Neggs, Kari also hid ten plain plastic Neggs each day of the event. The locations of these plain plastic Neggs were the same for all users. This encouraged users to work together to locate these Neggs.

Neggs Locations
Red Plastic Negg.png
April 14, 2014
Yellow Plastic Negg.png
April 16, 2014
Green Plastic Negg.png
April 17, 2014
Cyan Plastic Negg.png
April 18, 2014
Purple Plastic Negg.png
April 19, 2014
Red Plastic Negg.png
April 20, 2014
Yellow Plastic Negg.png
April 21, 2014
Green Plastic Negg.png
April 22, 2014
Cyan Plastic Negg.png
April 23, 2014
Purple Plastic Negg.png
April 24, 2014
Red Plastic Negg.png
April 25, 2014
Yellow Plastic Negg.png
April 26, 2014
Green Plastic Negg.png
April 27, 2014
Cyan Plastic Negg.png
April 28, 2014
Purple Plastic Negg.png
April 29, 2014
Red Plastic Negg.png
April 30, 2014
Yellow Plastic Negg.png
May 1, 2014

Possible Prizes

Every time a user found all ten plain plastic Neggs on the same day, they were rewarded with an item randomly selected from the below list:

  • Assorted Pear Drops
  • Black Cherry Ice Lolly
  • Blue Cybunny Negg Cookie
  • Blue Raspberry Shaved Ice
  • Blue Starburst Stained Glass Window Cookie
  • Bubbly Roseatte Juice
  • Crystal Formation
  • Cybunny Gift Basket
  • Deluxe Bouquet
  • Doglefox Candy Floss
  • Field of Grass Background
  • Flowers and Coffee
  • Grape Ribbon
  • Gummy Bow
  • Half-eaten Candy Floss
  • Jelly Wocky
  • Levitating Cake
  • Lupes in Fashion
  • Mountain Wildflower Foreground
  • Nail Polish Cookie
  • Orange Poppies Foreground
  • Patch of Knitting
  • Pink Cheese
  • Pink Flower Garland
  • Pink Triple Decker Sandwich
  • Potted Tulips
  • Purple Cybunny Negg Cookie
  • Rainbow Shaved Ice
  • Raspberry Sorbet
  • Rose in a Vase
  • Spring Path Background
  • Strawberry Butter Tea
  • Strawberry Chocolate Krawk Coin
  • Strawberry Shaved Ice
  • Strawberry Wocky Meringue
  • Strawberry Yurble Meringue Cookie
  • The Negg Faerie
  • Tobbie Fruit Peophin Tail Cookie
  • Uni Pops
  • Verdant Archway
  • White Chocolate Gnorbu

Festival of Neggs