Berry Bash

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Berry Bash
Berry Bash
ID # 968
World Mystery Island
Category Action
High Scores
Game Page

In Berry Bash you play as Rufus who must fulfill his dutites as the Grand Bogen to make sure all the guests are treated well. He must seat the guests, bring them the correct berry that they ask for, and then clean up after they have finished eating.

How to play

To start the game, click on the guests one-by-one with the mouse and drag them to the table. Click on them again to take their order (which will appear in a thought bubble) and make Rufus collect the berry by clicking on it from the bushes at the bottom of the screen. Click on the guest once more to feed them the correct berry. After a few seconds the guest will have finished eating and a small pile of crumbs will remain on the table. Click on the guest once more to clean up the mess and collect your points.

There are three types of guests at the feast (Tourists, Island natives, Elders) and each awards points differently for the actions listed above. For example, the Tourists will give 4 points for being seated and 20 for cleaning while the Elder Kougra will give 16 points for being seated and 40 for cleaning.

Each guest will wait a certain amount of time to be seated, as indicated by the hearts above their heads which act as a gauge. If the guest waits too long they will leave and points will be deducted.

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