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!Festival Neggs
!Festival Negg
!Festival Neggs
!Festival Negg
!Green Festival Neggs
!Green Festival Negg
!Green Festival Neggs
!Green Festival Negg

Revision as of 00:12, 21 November 2014

This festival took the player through a maze of caverns to a mysterious oasis.

The first annual Festival of Neggs ran between March 15, 2010 and April 12, 2010. Each day of the event, user could visit Kari at her festival booth to receive a small daily prize. In addition to this, during the event, users were allowed sumbit five scores a day for certain games including Wingoball, Ultimate Bullseye II, Turmac Roll, and Meerca Chase. Kari also gave out eight exclusive quests during this event. Users who completed these quests were rewarded with event-exclusive items.

Daily Prizes

Each day, users could visit Kari at her booth to receive a Negg-themed prize randomly selected from the below list:

  • All About Neggs Background
  • Baby Cybunny Chocolate Egg
  • Boiled Egg on Toast
  • Carved Wooden Negg
  • Chocolate Negg
  • Colourful Negg Pizza
  • Coltzan Negg
  • Cybunny Chocolate Egg
  • Easter Negg Crispy Rice Treat
  • Easter Negg Lolly Pop
  • Eggy Weggs
  • Festival of Neggs Garland
  • Hatching A Draik Egg
  • Melted Chocolate Negg
  • Mini Egg Taco
  • Negg Bush
  • Negg Kacheekers
  • Nutty Chocolate Negg
  • Partitioned Negg
  • Patterned Chocolate Negg
  • Plain Negg Neggnog
  • Rotten Egg Grarrl Gobstopper
  • Scarab Negg
  • Square Eggs
  • Swirly Chocolate Egg
  • Yellow Easter Negg Cookie


There were two sets of quests, released alternately. The player had to retrieve plastic Neggs that Kari had hidden in certain worlds, and go on longer, protracted quests that involved visiting several locations.

If the player completed all the negg hunts and quests, they earned two bonus prizes:

Prizes for completing quests
clo_slippers_crackednegg.gif clo_hat_neggshell.gif
Cracked Negg Slippers Negg Shell Hat

If the player completed every quest before the next quest was released, they also earned an avatar:

Festival of Neggs Y13 - Builder Avatar Festival of Neggs Y13 - Builder Avatar
Complete each of the quests in the Festival of Neggs 2010 before the next quest was released.

Plastic Neggs

Unlike the Negg hunts in future years, the player earned a prize for each plastic Negg they received. Retrieving all the plastic Neggs earned the player all four Festival Neggs.

There was a bug associated with this hunt where, briefly, 30 March's riddle was uploaded instead of 22 March's.

Date Riddle Negg
15 March

There are two types of rocky terrain
In this quartet of Neopian lands
The kind that turns to rubble
And the kind that turns to sand

Answer: Kreludor, Lost Desert, Moltara, Tyrannia

Red Plastic Negg

22 March

Make sure you've got your sea legs
As there'll be no time for coasting
When surrounded by Neopia's waters
In your hunt for hidden treasure.

Answer: Kiko Lake, Krawk Island, Maraqua, Mystery Island, Roo Island

Blue Plastic Negg

30 March

All hail the benevolent royalty
Ruling these five Neopian lands
May your travels be as safe
As their reigns are secure

Answer: Altador, Brightvale, Darigan Citadel, Faerieland, Meridell, Shenkuu

Yellow Plastic Negg

6 April

Your search for a plastic Negg could take you:
To the land that won the first Altador Cup
Or two lands that have never left the 1st Round
Or a land that doesn't even have a team.

Answer: Haunted Woods, Neopia Central, Space Station, Terror Mountain

Purple Plastic Negg

Negg hunt prizes
festivalnegg.gif festivalnegg.gif greenfestivalnegg.gif greenfestivalnegg.gif
Festival Negg Festival Negg Green Festival Negg Green Festival Negg


Jubjub red sad.gif This page is under construction
Quests need to be written up.

Kari sent the player on four quests. They had to collect ingredients for a dish she wanted to make, help her find a Petpet, retrieve a recipe from the Tooth Faerie, and find somewhere for her to go on holiday to.

18 March
Speaker Clue Solution
Oh, hello there. As you can see, I am very busy with all of my preparations to make sure the Festival of Neggs is a success. I'm trying to prepare a dish, but I am simply too busy to gather the necessary ingredients. Would you take my list and round up the remaining items for me? I'll be sure to make it worth your while...

You seemed like a smart Neopian. The first ingredient I'll need is a delectable fruit that can only be found in one place. You know, it's true what they say about the enlightened farming methods of King Hagan's subjects. They sure put their wisdom to good use! I don't have time to go over the rest of the ingredients, but I am sure you will figure it out along the way.

Buy a Cackleberry at Brightvale Fruits. This does not cost anything.
Brightvale Fruits Shopkeeper
Brightvale Fruits Shopkeeper
Ahh, let me guess... doing a little shopping for Kari, eh? Pretty much the only time that those Cackleberries sell is when she's cooking a pot of her delicious Speckled Negg Stew. I take it you'll be heading north from here, then? After all, what's a Speckled Negg Stew without a wheel of Bubbling Snot Cheese? Win a Gooey Snot Cheese and a Bubbling Blueberry Cheese from the Cheeseroller and then combine them in the Cooking Pot.
Q2 s2 df16704f88.jpg
Those ingredients that you put in my cooking pot were rather... extreme. You got them in Meridell, you say? I guess that's no surprise; they've got some pretty radical ideas about food. I have to give them credit, though - that ratio they've come up with for making stew... I believe it's x minus four, multiplied by three, where x equals the number of your vegetable of choice? Brilliant! Play the game Extreme Potato Counter. On the first level of the game, take the number of potatoes that are show, subtract 4 from this number, and then multiply the result by three. Enter the resulting number as your guess.
Edgar Percival Clarke
Edgar Percival Clarke
Whoa, duder! These ingredients you've got are pretty gnarly! I'm sure that they'll make a most righteous stew. If you really want to crank up the heat on your recipe, there's this one dude... uh, y'know... *tilts head and, shading eyes, glances toward the sky* ...anyway, yeah - find that guy. He's got a rockin' ingredient that'll spike your taste buds! But here, take these potatoes back to Kari. She will totally need them for her awesome stew! Go to the main page for Cellblock and click on the rightmost nostril of Galgarrath.
So I see you have come for my infamous Stew Spice. The guards and I use it to help make the slop that they serve here in the dungeon edible. I imagine that if it makes our stew tolerable, it will do wonders for whatever Kari is concocting. Take it back to her, just don't upset the prisoners on your way out... Return to Kari's Festival of Neggs booth.
I thought you would never get here! I've been waiting for those ingredients for hours. All right, let's have a look... hmm... okay... well done! It looks as though everything's here. Well, I'd better get cooking; there's hardly a moment to spare... oh, right, of course! Just a moment... here you go:
25 March
Speaker Clue Solution
Jhudora just sent a note via her Bartamus, demanding one of my special Neggs, and that vile Petpet almost bit me! Still, it's quite clever how she has him trained to deliver messages. Maybe I should get my own Petpet to help me out... but this Negg order won't fill itself, and Jhudora doesn't like to be kept waiting. Could you go find me a Petpet?

OK, I know exactly what I want. I need a Petpet that can get around the Festival easily, so it has to be agile. And sometimes I work until all hours, so make sure he can still be helpful when it's dark. One more thing: make sure he doesn't make too much of a mess. I have enough to worry about around here without having to clean up goo.

Visit Spooky Petpets
Spooky Petpets Shopkeeper
Spooky Petpets Shopkeeper
Hmmm, from your description, it sounds like Kari is looking for a glowing Slymook. They make wonderful Petpets once they are trained, which is maybe why they are so very rare. I don't often have them in stock, but maybe you will have good luck finding a wild one in the Haunted Woods. You could try catching one. Here, take this food. It might help. Refresh at the Halloween Paint Brushes stall
Glowing Slymook
Glowing Slymook
You spot a wild glowing Slymook, but it scampers back into the woods before you can catch it. Its trail of slime appears to be leading here! Spot the Slymook five times in the Haunted Woods map.
Glowing Slymook
Glowing Slymook
You finally manage to grab one for more than a few seconds. You had better hang on! As you travel through the Haunted Woods on your way back to the Festival, you stumble across a book lying on the ground. As you reach down to pick it up, the Slymook wiggles out of your grasp. You see him scamper off, heading for the Deserted Fairground. That's no place for a Petpet. It can be dangerous with all of those custard pies flying around. You'd better follow him. Submit a score of 300+ in Carnival of Terror
Chia Clown
Chia Clown
You may have managed to save the Slymook from us, but don't get too full of yourself. While you were wiping that pie off your face, I saw the Slymook slip away again. My database tells me that when they get really scared, sometimes they like to hide. I just hope that he doesn't get eaten! Muahahaha! It will be fun to watch you tromp through the woods trying to catch him. Visit the Esophagor
IIIIIIII kkkknnnnnooooowww wwwwhhheeeerrreeee tttthhhheee Ssssslllllyyyymmmmoookkkssss hhhhiiiidddeeee, bbbuuuttt yyyoooouuu mmmuuusssttt bbbrrrriiiinnnngggg meee aaaa sssswwwweeeettttt tttrreeeaaatttt, fffoooorrrr IIIII aaaammmm HHHUUUNNNNGGRRRYYYYY! Refresh at the Crumpetmonger until the player can click on a Cinnamon and Sugar Scone.
The Crumpetmonger
The Crumpetmonger
That is certainly one of our most popular desserts! I am sure that will satisfy the Esophagor's hunger... for now. Visit the Esophagor.
MMmmmmm, ttttthhhaaaannnnkkkk yyooouuu. IIIIIII cccccaaannnn tttteeeellll yyyyooouuuu ttthhhhaaatttt kkknnnooowwwllleeedddgggee cccaaaannn oooffffttteeennnn bbbbeee hhhheeeaaarrrrddd wwwhhhiisspppeeerrriiinnnggg ttthhhrrrooouuugggghhhh ttthhhheeee ttttrrreeeeeeessss... Visit the Brain Tree
Brain Tree
Brain Tree
You do not come to me to ask questions; I ask the questions! However, it appears that you have been on a very long journey. If it is the location of that glowing Slymook you seek, solve this puzzle and the answer will be revealed to you. Solve a jigsaw puzzle.
Brain Tree
Brain Tree
You have successfully solved the puzzle. It appears that you have been directed to return to the quest booth from which you were sent. Perhaps your efforts have been fruitless. Here is a small token for entertaining me. Return to Kari at the Festival.
Oh, there you are! Well, you were obviously no help to me in finding a Petpet, since this glowing Slymook scampered into my booth a short while ago. He does, however, seem to be the ideal Petpet for my purposes, so I am going to keep him. You have been gone for quite a while, so you must have been doing something. Here is a reward for your trouble.

As they completed the quests, players earned the following prizes:

18 March quest prizes
foo_cheese_bubblingsnot.gif foo_cackleberry.gif foo_citadel_stewspice.gif clo_apron_heartsoup.gif foo_potatoes_sack.gif
Bubbling Snot Cheese Cackleberry Citadel Stew Spice I Heart Soup Apron Sack of Potatoes
25 March quest prizes
foo_slymook_bagof.gif toy_puzzle_braintree.gif foo_scone_cinnamonandsugar.gif clo_meepitghost_hat.gif boo_wildpetpets_guideto.gif toy_net_petpetcatching.gif
Bag of Slymook Food Brain Tree Puzzle Cinnamon and Sugar Scone Glowing Slymook Hat Guide to Wild Petpets Petpet Catching Net
  • Quest 6 - Kari needs a recipe from the Tooth Faerie.
  • Quest 8 - Kari is looking for a vacation spot and asks the user to scout out some locations for her.

Festival of Neggs