Brucey B and the Lucky Coin

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Only added text here and there from where i could find it. up to us to edit and make it golden (and not copyright infringed of course). ;)--Jacob 17:10, 19 Mar 2006 (CST)

During the course of the plot new games, items, shops, petpets, and other items of interest (along wit the Lost Desert of course) were released.

The Plot

The Lucky Coin

The Plot began at the Annual Neopian Cheat! Championships. With a prize of over 250,000 Neopoints at stake, Neopets from all over Neopia attended to play Cheat! - hoping to carry off the trophy, the money, and of course, the title of Neopia's Biggest Cheat!

The competition was attended by famous Cheat! players, including Brucey B, 00 Hog, Princess Fernypoo and even Capara the Kyrii. With hundreds and hundreds of other players, what hope did they stand? This year would most probably be the same as last year, and the year before that...complete and utter failure.

Brucey B began the competition on a lucky streak. He picked up the right cards and made all the right moves. His smiles began to turn into chuckles, and his chuckles began to turn into laughter...tonight was his night, and nobody could beat him. He could not believe his luck. He imagine a card in his head, and it would be the next card he picked up every time!

The golden medallion around Brucey's neck was noticed by everybody. Not that anyone could have missed it, as after every hand Brucey would kiss his lucky coin, just to make sure his amazing luck never rubbed off. With the help of his coin, Brucey breezed through the quarter-finals, the semi-finals, and then to the final itself.

The final was over in 20 minutes, and Brucey had demolished both his opponents, Capara and 00 Hog (which is the only recorded time 00 Hog lost his cool and calm composure). Brucey was the new champion, making the 250,000 Neopoints and the trophy his.

Brucey was delighted, being he had finally won something. He could not stop thinking of the thousands of ways he could spend his prize money: A new yacht, a golden NeoHome, and all the food he could ever dream of eating. Young Neopets would recognise him wherever he went as the most famous Cheat! player in the whole of Neopia!

However, a long long way away and completely unknown to Brucey and the rest of the Neopia, Dr. Frank Sloth was watching, and began to laugh as he took notice of the lucky coin Brucey wore (specifically after seeing the "Z" or "N" symbol).

Later That Night...

That night, Brucey headed back his NeoHome and prepared himself for bed, knowing that tomorrow he would celebrate in style. Brucey noticed a letter lying on the floor. That's funny, who would write ME a letter? thought Brucey as he bent down to pick it up (though he fails to wonder how someone got inside his NeoHome).

Dear fellow Cheat! Player,
Congratulations on your performance in the recent Cheat! Championships, I am impressed. I am
cordially inviting you to a private game, tomorrow on the 14th day of Relaxing. The minimum 
buy-in  will be 100,000 Neopoints, and I am sure this will not pose a problem for you. Look 
forward to seeing  you there!
Yours Sincerely,

Brucey could not resist the offer. It was a great chance for him to win EVEN MORE Neopoints, and with his lucky coin around his neck, how could he lose?

Suddenly, the telephone rang...CONGRATULATIONS!!! came the voice over the speaker. It was Capara the Kyrii, Brucey's friend. I heard you won, thats fantastic news' said Capara. 'What are you going to do with the money???.

Oh, hi Capara. Yeah great news isn't it? I have been on this amazing lucky streak all week, replied Brucey, And I have even better news for you: I have been invited to another game, I'm bound to win.

Don't you DARE! cried Capara. You know what happened last time. Now you put that money STRAIGHT in the National Neopian, or I'll be round there this minute.

Brucey just smiled. Nothing in the world could convince him otherwise, and he appeared at the game the next day. It was dusk when Brucey arrived at the mysterious house he had been given directions to. He walked down a dark alleyway to get there, and knocked on the big wooden door, and was startled to see an evil Mutant Grundo open the door. What have I got myself into??, thought Brucey as he descended into the dark cellar below.

The game of Cheat! lasted for hours, eliminating the two other players, leaving Brucey B with no Neopoints and the mysterious Jetsam with all of it. The Jetsam then made a proposal: He would bet all of his Neopoints if Brucey bet his lucky coin. Feeling he could still win (and being influenced by all the Neopoints being offered), he agreed. The Jetsam same played a "4", and Brucey called "Cheat!", as he laid down four 4's previously. However, it was a four of daimonds, showing that even though the Jetsam wasn't cheating, he was cheating at Cheat!

The lucky coin was taken away from Brucey B, and he was throw out of the building by the Mutant Grundos.

The Next Day

Heartbroken from losing his money and his coin, Brucey contacted Capara and Princess Fernypoo, who decided to help him track down the mysterious stranger, each for their own reasons (Capara wished to steal the coin from him, and Princess Fernypoo had nothing to do).

Meanwhile, the Jetsam delivered the lucky coin to Dr. Frank Sloth, who immediatly boarded his carrier ship and army of Mutant Grundos. They blasted off into the sky, flying south and startling many Neopets as they went.

While Brucey B and company walked around Neopia looking for clues, several Neopets recommended they see The Brain Tree, as it knew almost everything. Kauvara also recommended this after hearing the story of Brucey B's lucky coin, and walked back into her shop and locked the door tight after hearing it, making it seem she knew more than she was letting on.

Visiting the Brain Tree, it claimed to know they were coming, and said the lucky coin would be found through the Haunted Woods. All three were reluctant to do so, as no one ever made it through the Haunted Woods. However, Brucey's lucky coin needed to be found, so they walked through, and almost instantly everything went wrong. Brucey fell into quicksand, Princess Fernypoo was being held up in the air by a tree, and Capara being flanked by many dark creatures with glowing eyes.

Facing imminent doom, Capara's sobs began to fill the air. She begged for mercy, cried for her mummy and wailed how she wished she had never set eyes on the stupid coin.

It was at that moment that streaks of sunlight began to shine through the branches of the trees all around... the sun had risen, but how.. it seemed like that they had hardly spent a whole hour in the forest. The red eyes in the darkness began to retreat, and the scary gnarled forest around was not at all frightening any more.

The gnarled branches gently scooped Brucey B out of the mire and placed him on solid ground. Fernypoo was released although the scowl on her face was anything but thankful. Her dress was ruined!

As they emerged from the thick forest, they couldn't believe what they saw. Shielding their eyes from the blinding light they could just make out what appeared to be a vast plain. In the distance was what appeared to be sand dunes. Sand Dunes???

Awed and confused, the three young Neopets stepped cautiously into the sunlight. Where are we? gasped Princess Fernypoo. I don't know, no-one has ever made it through the Haunted Woods before....

Meanwhile, That same morning, many miles ahead of our adventuring trio.. Sloth had finally arrived at his destination.

All that morning, and most of the afternoon, our friends trekked through the desert in search of the mysterious Jetsam, the sun beating harshly down upon them.

Im going home now, I have had enough!! My nails are cracked and my shoes are full of sand!, moaned Fernypoo. No, please, just one more dune... they have to be around here somewhere, replied Brucey.

Look, B, I haven't had a drink in nearly a whole day, I don't think I can take this any more., added Capara, Forget about that stupid coin, lets get out of this wretched pl....

Capara's mouth hung open in mid sentence...she was staring at something. Brucey and Fernypoo slowly turned their heads towards what had caught her attention...

Up ahead of them they could see a gigantic city among the dunes. What was this place??? They had never heard of it before, not even read about it in books. They were right...nobody HAD ever made it through the Spooky Woods alive...

Thirsty from their trek, Brucey, Capara and Fernypoo raced up the last dune towards the gates of the lost city.

The Lost Desert

Walking up the sandy dune to the city in the distance, Brucey, Fernypoo and Capara were amazed to see tents scattered around. Look - civilisation, there are actually Neopets living way out here, gasped Brucey. Suddenly Brucey's pace quickened ... and what's more they have FOOD!!!.

Yes! Im starving! I don't care what they eat out here.. Im having some of it. Did you bring any Neopoints with you Ferny?, added Capara.

A rather large Grarrl stood at the stall in front of boxes packed full of foods they had never been before. Can I help you?, growled the yellow-skinned Grarrl. Yes.. sir.. we are looking for this Jetsam, have you seen him?.

Suddenly, Capara erupted with a shriek, AAARGHHH THATS HOT!!!, she cried, spitting out the remains of the mummified pepper she had been chewing. Hey, you need to pay for that growled the Grarrl Shopkeeper.

Capara passed Fernypoo a quick glance. You did bring some Neopoints right??? she whispered. Fernypoo shook her head. Ok... plan B..., replied Capara, they both started running away from the stall as fast as they could. Hey, wait for me... gasped Brucey as he waddled down the sand dune after them.

Running into the next tent they were met with a suprise. Inside were all types of creatures, strange insects, snakes, little ball-type creatures with bandages on, and in one corner a couple of baby pyramid-type creatures no more than a foot tall were running around chittering to each other.

Can I help you?. A Peophin sat in the middle of the tent, smiling at them. She was tall and was dressed in fine clothes. 'Ahhh yes, hi there. I don't suppose you have seen this Jetsam... here I drew a picture'. Brucey handed the Peophin his drawing.

GAAH! I HATE SNAKES, cried Capara. She stood at the other side of the tent surrounded by hissing snake-like creatures. She tried to move, but they followed her, their eyes trained on her as they hissed.

The Peophin suddenly gave a shrill whistle, and the snakes backed away. She chuckled, It's ok, they won't hurt you. Turning her attention to the paper in her hand, she thought for a while, and brushed her hoof against her chin. Im sorry, I cant really help you... but you may want to head over to the city, Sakhmet, you will find people there who can help..

Over by the Great Pyramid, things were not going according to plan. Sloth had tried every weapon he had and still the stone walls remained untouched. He could not understand why the stone would not break. Frustrated, and hot, Sloth was in a particularly foul mood...

Brucey B had been doing a lot of thinking. He just had to go after the thieving little Jetsam! He wanted his precious coin back so badly that he could think of nothing else.

Sadly his simple brain hadn't managed to think much about what they would do when they actually arrived there. Now the the three travellers were crouched down behind a sand dune, watching the activity below. There were literally hundreds of mean looking Grundos and colourful tents surrounding the base of the pyramid.

"So what do we do now Mr Mastermind?" quipped a rather hot and tired Capara. "Oh I don't know, we could always try what happens in adventure books, we could wait until after dark then sneak through the enemy base!". Fernypoo groaned, this was turning into her worst nightmare, her nails were chipped, her paws were blistered and now Brucey B was trying to re-enact one of his silly adventure books.

So they waited... When the sun began to fall, they quietly tip toed through the tents until they arrived outside the pyramid entrance. "What now?" asked Fernypoo? "Well I haven't seen the purple Jetsam yet and its getting dark out here, why don't we head inside?".

With the Pyramid open at last, Dr Sloth and his minions were forging their way through the maze-like tunnels and making very rapid progress...

Exhausted from their travels, Capara, Fernypoo and Brucey B had fallen asleep not long after they had entered the Pyramid. They were woken by the sound of heavy footsteps coming from another chamber. Curious and with no other clues, they set off to find where the noise was coming from...

Hours Later...

AAarrrgh!, what has happened??? What has he done to you?', cried Brucey as he saw what had happened to his friends. Capara hissed, and Fernypoo stumbled forwards looking sorry for herself. Brucey carefully picked up a rather indignant Capara and they all set off across the desert. It was quite easy to see where Sloth's army had gone, they had razed every shrub, rock and plant in their path, leaving a trail of blackened sand across the dunes.

To pass the time Brucey B tried telling jokes, although nobody seemed in the mood for laughing. When he joked about selling the one and only red haired Wadjet to Peopatra, he was quite firmly bitten on the nose. Fernypoo was unusually quiet and didn't complain about how dirty her dress, nails or hair were getting at all.

Crossing the next dune, the view took them by surprise. Gone were the immaculate, tidy little tents, instead there were broken crates, torn fabrics and trampled foods everywhere. Peopatra was desperately trying to round up a group of young Khonsu and the once brave Grarrl shopkeeper was trembling under his counter.

After his initial shock at seeing the hideously mutated Fernypoo, Brucey managed to coax him out from his hiding place. The Grarrl shopkeeper kept muttering something under his breath and he would not stop shaking.

He has the staff... the great staff... but it can't be... it has been lost for thousands of years... no one can possibly know how destructive it is... he came here... destroyed my shop...

Capara, who by now was in a VERY BAD MOOD couldn't take anymore of his gibbering and she slapped him hard in the face with her tail. The Grarrl looked stunned for a few moments, then turned to Brucey and whispered You must get the staff... it could destroy us all... you must save us!...

They Fight Back

The citizens of the city fought back, and Dr. Sloth summoned the Rock Beast, but that was beaten too.


And Bruce got his coin back.


See Also

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