Neopet Version 2

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This article is about the plot in 2001. For the Neopets update which took place in 2007, see Neopets 2.0.

Neopet Version 2 was a puzzle plot run in November 2001, where four Neopets were trapped in a Virtupets' elevator by a digital pet, Neopet Version 2, an abandoned project created by Dr. Sloth to replace Neopets when he conquered Neopia.

The plot involved the user searching for clues to find the four programmers who worked on the programme in order to obtain the deactivation codes needed to shut down Neopet Version 2. There were ten codes and each programmer had two. The final two codes were hidden inside the malicious programme itself, and could only be extracted by using several key questions, found in the plot.

Plot Summary

Plot Progression

"Will you be my friend?"

On the 5th November, a forgotten computer programme deep inside the Space Station flickered to life, asking after a 'Doctor' and requesting its 'first lesson'.

That evening, Billy and his sister Sarah, Usuls who moved around constantly due to their parents careers, were appearing on Better Than You, the most fantabulous game show in Neopia. Although they never managed to make friends, moving about as they did, they did become incredibly good at video games, and a score of 1,260 in Meerca Chase won them the competition. Their prize: a week-long holiday on the Virtupets Space Station.

At the Station, Billy and Sarah met Karai and Helena, a green Kyrii and a pink Gelert. On the second day of their trip, which they were enjoying greatly, the four friends were in Grundo's Cafe, talking about their lives at home. Sarah commented on how she had no friends at school, and the others agreed they, too, would like more friends.

Watching through a security camera, the sentient computer programme, Neopet Version 2, listened to their conversation. Neopet Version 2 had no friends. The programme wondered if these four pets would be its friend.

Billy and Sarah, with their two new friends, entered Virtulift 4, and pressed the key for floor 3. The elevator shot past their floor, plunging down through levels in the Station, then jamming, the screen reading the current floor number only convey gibberish. Billy hit the emergency key, but the lift remained stuck, despite the alarm bells ring through Virtupets. A monitor in the lift light up with the Neopets Version 2 programme. It declared its hostages its friends, and told them they would be in the lift forever. Neopets Version 2 wanted to play.

On Neopia, a letter was sent to Dr. Sloth, the creator of the Space Station. Although he was Neopia's enemy, he was the only one who could help. He replied, although was far from helpful. He explained that the programme was an abandoned project of his, designed to replace Neopets, and that ten codes were needed to deactivate it. Dr. Sloth, although saying he could shut the programme down, refused to. He did, however, explain how the deactivation would work: the ten codes needed to be inputted in the correct order into a deactivation console, hidden on the Station. The four programmers who worked on NPv2 knew two codes each, and the final two were hidden inside the programme itself. Sloth went on to mention that interrogating the first programmer would be useless - his mouth would be stuffed with "that vile purple vegetable he craves so much".

With the air in the lift running out, and Neopet Version 2 taking a violent attitude to its captives when they failed to solve its puzzles, almost the whole of Neopia were rushing to track down the programmers. Finally, with only 3 1/4 hours left before air ran out, the programme shut down, the Virtulift started to move, and air began ventilating once again.

The four children were given a hero's welcome and treated to as much food as they could eat, and tickets to come to the Station again any time. Billy and Sarah, however, were more interested about what was going on in Neopia: after their adventure, they would be the most popular pets around.

Plot Solution

to be added


Space Station related items. Some were never released for a reason.

External Links