Simon (Scorchio)

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Simon the Scorchio from his Neopedia article. Image also used as an error message in Plushie Tycoon.

Simon is a Red Scorchio and the richest Plushie Tycoon of Neopia, Created on July 2, 2002, for the Beta Testing of Plushie Tycoon, but remained unknown until the release of his Neopedia article on (need date).


Simon began his business career in many different feilds, which included exploding jaw breakers, Usuki wristwatches, and even Tombola sand. Not turning in any profit with his saving being depleted, Simon created a survey to find what Neopians wanted, and discovered plushies ranked the highest. After starting his first factory, Simon nearly lost everything with only 256 Neopoints left after hiring too many dropouts and not enough managers. After firing all his employees and placing all made plushies in his store, he managed to gain 12,000 NP and stay in business, becoming the Plushie Tycoon he is today.


  • The Plushie Tycoon Neopedia article featuring Simon released on (need date) says he is 36 years old, which may not be his true age today.
  • Simon's favorite plushies are Red Scorchios.

External links

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