Grey Faerie

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Grey Faerie NeoDeck image.

The Grey Faerie is a Faerie in Neopia which has had her wings removed, destroying all her use in magic. Introduced to Neopets through a Neopedia article on April 18, 2003, to date there is only one known Grey Faerie (originally named Baelia), although there may be more in hiding. As told in a the original Neopedia article, Baelia was stripped of her magical powers imprisoned by a Dark Faerie named Jennumara. She was freed by Tavi, a mountain climber who tricked the lock of her cage. It is said she would regain her powers when she received a new name.

Bottled Grey Faerie


On April 18, 2003 when the Grey Faerie Neopedia was released, an image of a Bottled Faerie with the Grey Faerie inside was found on the servers, raising speculation about Baelia and a possible plot. This suspicion was raised when The Neopets Team revealed in Neopian Times [