Lost Desert

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Lost Desert

What is the Lost Desert?

The Lost Desert is one of the number of areas on Neopia which one can visit. In these worlds there are a large various activities. It has recently extended after the Lost Desert Plot to include the new sub-section called Qasala

Activities in the Lost Desert

  • The Lost Desert has a large number of 'dailies' - activities that can net large prizes and can be committed once in an allotted time (normally a day) for free or a small price.
  • There is also a large number of shops in the Lost Desert, such as
    • Lady Osiri's Pottery Shop
    • Battle Supplies and Desert Arms
    • Sutek's Scrolls
    • Qasalan Delights
  • There are a number of games, including:
    • Tug of War

History of the Lost Desert

There have been two plots in the history of the Lost Desert. The more recent 'Lost Desert Puzzle Plot' and the plot that lead to the introduction of the Lost Desert, 'Brucey B's War'. The former was a puzzle plot in which the aim was to negotiate through two large mazes, reading scrolls and finding faeries in order to claim a 'Mysterious Scroll'. The latter was a war in which Doctor Sloth attmepted to take over the world by unleashing a large number of evil things on Neopia, and others had to defeat them. They got points based on how many opponents they beat.