Altador Plot - Begun on March 28, 2006 and capable of being completed as of June 2, 2006, users can still complete and take part in the Altador Plot, discovering the history of the city.
The Tale of Woe - A gypsy camp has been found in the Haunted Woods on October 2, 2006, revealing the story of the long forgotten Neovia. Finished on November 20, 2006, with the prizes for participation being rewarded soon.
Advent Calendar - From December 1st - 31st, the Advent Calendar will be giving away special items and neopoints which will never be available again, accompanied by a special flash animation.
Battle For The Dung - Two Scrochios have teamed up to find the elusive Dung, but only one can have it. Begun on August 11, 2006, read the story of Doirn and Crim in a serialized story on the NeoDex, featured on the front page.