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Scout, also known as the Cybunny Scout or just The Scout, is a 16 year old Yellow Cybunny and a spy for The Resistance. Scout is witty and dedicated to the Resistance's cause. She is quite good with a ray gun and has developed somewhat of a rivalry with Ylana Skyfire.

Plot summary

The Return of Dr. Sloth

Main article: The Return of Dr. Sloth

As the story opens, Scout is being chased by Ylana Skyfire, who has been paid by Dr. Sloth to take out the Resistance spy. Fleeing through a maintenance pipe, Scout manages to escape from Ylana. She then makes her way toward a large common area where she is supposed to meet up with her Resistance contact, Gorix. However, before she can meet with Gorix, Dr. Sloth's troops, lead by Commander Garoo, attack the space station. In the ensuing chaos, Gorix accidently flees with Cylara instead of Scout. Trapped with the rest of captured civilians, Scout pretends to be Cylara in order to hide her identity from Sloth's troops.

Scout and the rest of the civilians are later rescued by a small team of Resistance fighters lead by Gorix. These fighters are able to hold back Sloth's troops long enough to get all of the civilians to a transport shuttle that will evacuate them to Neopia. However, as the last of the civilians are being loaded onto the shuttle, Scout and Gorix are attacked by Ylana. Ylana is able to shoot Scout in the foot, injuring her and leaving her wide open to attack. Cylara, seeing her new friend in trouble, gives up her chance to board the transport shuttle and instead tackles Ylana from behind, throwing the bounty hunter off balance. Seizing the opportunity, Gorix fires some shots from his laser gun which push back Ylana, allowing himself, Cylara, and Scout to escape.

After avoiding some Garoo Elite Strike Commanders by clinging to some pipes on the ceiling, Scout, Cylara, and Gorix are able to make their way back to Resistance Headquarters. Once they arrive, Scout informs Commander Valka and the rest of the Resistance that she believes that Sloth had a hand in starting the current civil war between the Grundos on Kreludor and that he was mostly likely after the Kreludite in the Grundos' mines. Scout also reveals that she was able to obtain a disc of Sloth's experimental data during her last reconnaissance mission. This data is promptly sent Wether, who is able to analyze it and determine that Sloth plans on using the Kreludite that he stole from the Grundos' mines to mutate Neopets and recruite them into his army.

After hearing this information, Valka asks the injured Scout to stay at the Resistance Headquarters and rest. A while later, resistance operatives detect a large fleet of Sloth's ships heading toward Kredulor. They also receive a transmission from the Space Faerie who informs them that her token is aboard Sloth's ship and that if someone can to get ahold of the token, she can give them the incantation to use the its magic. Scout passes this information along to Gorix and Cylara, who warn the Grundos of the approaching fleet and then head towards Sloth's ship to retrieve the token.

Meanwhile, in order to take back control of the space station, Valka and the resistance fighters attack Commander Garoo and his troops. During this battle, Scout sees Ylana on one of the headquarter's monitors, which prompts her to rush into the fray despite her injuries. Scout is able to sneak up behind the Acara bounty hunter amidst the chaotic battle, and the two engage in an evenly matched fight. This fight abruptly ends when Sloth's ship is destroyed, and Ylana, knowing that there is now no one to pay her, decides to teleport away.

In the last page of the comic, Scout meets up with Gorix and Cylara, who have just returned from defeating Dr. Sloth. Gorix, who up to this point had just been calling Scout "the scout", asks Scout what her name is. Scout tells him her name and then jokingly scolds Gorix for not knowing it after working with her for so long.

Defenders of Neopia Series 2

Main article: Defenders of Neopia be added...

Defenders of Neopia Profile

  • Age - 16
  • Difficulty - 90
  • Last Seen - Dr. Sloth's Space Station
  • Favourite Game - Moon Rock Rampage
  • Renowned For - Her witty remarks during battle.
  • Description - Yellow female Cybunny, wearing an orange and purple space suit. Has unfinished business with Ylana and is quite good with a ray gun.


  • A Usuki doll of Scout was released on March 13, 2008.
  • The Cybunny Scout was a candidate for the Best Hero category during the 2008 Neopies.

External links

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