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Yellow Blumaroo May 2006.

The Blumaroo is a kangaroo-like Neopet, released on May 25, 2000. Blumaroos are highly known for their long spring like tails, which they bounce on from place to place. In fact, it's highly rare to see a Blumaroo off their tail and on their two feet. On any normal sunny day, Blumaroos would most likely be seen bouncing around and singing, humming or whistling a tune. Blumaroos are also easy going, made apparent by the game Dice-A-Roo, a difficult game of luck and chance.

Blumaroos are originally from a small island named Roo Island, which is just off the coast of Neopia Central. The Island is ruled by the naïvely benevolent King Roo and his possibly malevolent councillor, Advisor Broo. However, Blumaroos can now be seen all over Neopia.


  • As of May 2006, the Blumaroo is ranked about 33rd out of 50+ species, with over a little over 2 million populating Neopia.
  • They can be painted in 35+ different colours, including the seahorse-inspired Maraquan style, and Halloween, looking like Count Von Roo himself.
  • It is rumored that Blumaroos love nachos.
  • They have been featured in 3+ pieces of merchandise so far, not including the Neopets TCG game.
  • In the Neopets TCG, Blumaroos are associated with the element of air.
  • Comparisons are often drawn between Blumaroos and the character Tigger from the Winnie-the-Pooh series. This was alluded to in the early Caption Competition #7.

See Also

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