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Neopia map before the recent change.

Neopia is the planet Neopets live on. It's unknown if this planet is within our own solar system/galaxy, or an entirly different one. As of October 6, 2024, there are 13 official lands to explore, and 3 Mini-Worlds.


The environment of Neopia is somewhat unusual, climate-wise. Tyrannia, a tropical jungle with a desert plateau, is directly beside afrigid mountain. (A possible explanation of this is that Tyrannia is heavily volcanic and may have generated an ozone hole, as well as sitting on underground lava beds.) Mystery Island is in a semi-tropical area, so it is well-placed as it has lava caves beneath. Krawk Island, however, is in a temperate zone, making the palm trees seem unlikely. (Note that the palm trees could be a Neopian variant which thrive in temperate zones.) Neopia Central, Roo Island, Meridell, Brightvale, and the Darigan Citadel are all temperate and in temperate zones. Although the Haunted Woods are in a tropical area, the trees block the sunlight and it is explored under the trees. Besides this, in the Brucey B. plot the treetops even are covered in shadow--likely because of the nearby mountains or dark faerie magic. How the Lost Desert is a desert next to the south pole and an ocean must be the result of fire faerie magic. Virtupets and Kreludor are perfectly placed, except for Kreludor's fluctuating gravity (time/space distortion?). Faerieland is well-placed, and even though it should be cold in such a high altitude the faeries have probably magically adjusted that. Lutari Island must have currents coming from the tropical zones and possibly lava vents and wrapping around the island. Altador is well-placed, and has no debatable climate inconsistency. As there is very little industry if any at all in Neopia, pollution is not an issue, except in Mystery Island (see TCG card "Pollution".)

The Other Side of Neopia

On the other side of neopia you can find the following: Altador, Lutari Island, Shenkuu and a number of islands (including one believed to possibly be Scurvy Island).


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