The Snow faerie(Prior to sometime last summer) had been a great way to profit from purchasing moderately priced chocolate or other items(such as medicines and the occasional toys). Howver, once they increased the rarity of nearly every valuable item Taelia gave out, her quests became quite unattractive economically.
it's quite important to remember that you wont allways get what you give. For example, if you are on a Kitchen Quest, and it costs over 15k for the items required, the price for the quest is exceeding the pice of 203 codestones, assuming you're a newer battler, then its not worth it for a measely stat increase.
Morningstar wrote:
You need to set a limit for each of the questors and not do any quests over that limit. Here are my guidelines to how much I spend for each quest: 200 for the witch, 400 for the esophagor, 400 for the kitchen dude, 2000-2500 for the Snow Faerie. Some people say my limit for the kitchen dude is too low--however, I don't battle. If I did battle, I would probably spend more on the kitchen dude.
Morningstar brings up a good point. It's best not to follow the norm or listen to others when basing where you should put the bar when it comes to paying for quests. It depends on where you want to go in Neopia. If you want to be a battler, then it makes sense to raise the ammount you're willing to spend on the Kitchen Quests.
There ar eother benefits to doing these quest though, Like avatars or battledome challengers(I feel the Kitchen Dude would make an awesome challenger, whole new spin to attack peas.)