Night 3
After the execution, everyone’s spirits were lifted. People began to feel as if there was a slight chance that they could rid the city of the evil forces. But shortly after, that mood quickly dissipated. JellyFish72 and Chipper went upstairs to Anoohilator’s room to see if he wanted to go get some ice cream with them. They knock on the door, but there is no answer. After knocking several times, they decide to pick the lock of the door. They walk in to find
Anoohilator face down on the floor with a sword in his back. The pool of blood surrounding him shows that death had visited this room tonight.
Elsewhere, Princess Miyu and mjrinella walk toward the bus stop, trying to catch the bus back to the Deveaux building. As they were busily chatting, they sat down in the bus station, oblivious to everything around them. It wasn’t until there was a lull in the conversation that they began to look around. On a nearby bench, they saw someone that looked familiar. They walked over to the bench to find
Susannahmio with her brain removed.
After the shock wore off, they called mayanspypilot to let her know what they had seen. They each got on the bus, finally reached the building, and once inside, they went their separate ways.
mjrinella decided to crawl into bed with a good book. Just like in the bus station, he was extremely unobservant however. He didn’t notice the figure in the corner pointing a gun at him. Before he even knew what happened, mjrinella was slumped over his book in bed.
Anoohilator was stabbed in the back, died
Susannahmio had her brain removed, died
mjrinella was shot, died
Anoohilator wrote:
Simone Deveaux – innocent
Winning condition: Defeat all evil teams
You like to see people get what they deserve. You also want to expose some of the people with phenomenal powers. Each night, please send me two lists (a list “A” and a list “B”). The two people closest to the top will switch places. Any action happening to person A will now happen to person B and vice versa.
You may use this power on yourself.
Shield: 5%
Susannahmio wrote:
Peter Petrelli – innocent
Winning condition: Defeat all evil teams
You have an extraordinary power – the ability to absorb other people’s powers.
Each night, you may use one of the following powers:
1. Double: PM me a list of 5 names. The person closest to the top who is still alive will have their powers doubled for the next day/night cycle.
2. Block: PM me a list of 5 names. The person closest to the top who is still alive will have their powers blocked for the next day/night cycle.
3. Switch: PM me two lists, each with 5 names. The two names closest to the top will have any secret powers switched for the next day/night cycle.
4. Duplicate: PM me two lists, each with 5 names. The person closest to the top of list “A” will obtain the powers and role of the person closest to the top of list “B” (who will still have their role and powers). This ability is limited to three times during the game.
5. Power Swap: Once during the game, you may swap two players roles. PM me two lists of 5 names each. If both players are innocent, their roles will be switched. If one person is evil, the swap fails and you lose this power.
Shield: 20%
mjrinella wrote:
Isaac Mendez – innocent
Winning condition: Defeat all evil teams
You have the ability to paint the future. Every night, please send me a list of 5 people. The person closest to the top who is still alive will be searched to find out if they are either Mr. Linderman or one of his associates. You will receive the results in the morning.
Shield: 50%
Execution votes needed for Day 4:
Single execution = 11 votes for one person
Double execution = 11 votes for one person, 16 votes for another person