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 Post subject: SSBB 2: Shadows of the Brawl [How to play on each update]
PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 2:08 am 
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Round 37

SSBB = Super Smash Brothers Brawl
To all of those interested in joining, there are no sign ups. You can just start playing right off the bat. If you need additional help, I am here most of the time and more than willing to try to help as much as possible.

Story as of now:
- WG Still pic from Wiki

Peach and Chrono blast Black Mage and Pichu for -4 damage each. The Heartless drain Liu and Soma for -1 damage each. The Dark Trooper does a Strafing Run on Team Hyrule, dealing -1 damage to each of them.
Yoshi: Yoshi! [Trans: Doom has befallen you all! Your souls shall be crushed into oblivion! The time of retribution is upon you all!]
Beatrix: From the sidelines. I am all for having a new teammate, but this is a little ridiculous
Falco: Want me to bring Falcon back?
Beatrix thinks. Her communicator beeps.
Falcon: Over communicator. Oh, my sweet. I am so sorry that I have lost. Please, let our love fuel your eventual victory. I...
Beatrix throws her communicator for Yoshi to eat.
Beatrix: You’re right. The zealot is better than the nutcase any day of the week.
Sephiroth is standing around tapping his sword on his shoulder. Ridley tries sneaking past in the back ground. Sephiroth turns and throws his sword. It nearly impales Ridley. Ridley squawks and runs. Sephiroth gives chase after retrieving his sword. The colonel and President van Buren are playing cards.
Van Buren: Do you have any eights?
Elsewhere in the stadium. A cloaked figure and a canine-like companion are searching for something. They come to a fork in the path and head left. Minutes later, another cloaked figure and a canine-like companion come to the fork and head right.

0500/1700 Rule: Regardless of when the last update occurred, you may make actions after 5AM/PM your time zone. There is no need to wait for an update to make an action, but it is recommended. Any actions that break this rule will not count as a legal action and will be promptly (eventually) pointed out. If you miss one of the posting periods, you will not get an extra move. I will allow posts +5 minutes in so you don’t have to rush your action.

Preferred Attack format:[Character A] attacks [Character B] for -X damage’ [Do not forget the underline, red, and bold.]
Example attack: ‘ Sonic attacks Link for -3 damage
Example split attack: ‘ Chrono attacks a goomba for -1 damage and Ryu for -2 damage
Example weapon use: ‘ Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal -3 damage to Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo.’
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-3 damage[/b]

[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][NPC][/color] for [b]-(X) damage[/b] and [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-(3-X) damage[/b]

Simple Attack format:[Character A] attacks [Character B] for -X damage’ [Do not forget the bold.]
Example attack: ‘ Sonic attacks Link for-3 damage
Example split attack: ‘ Chrono attacks a goomba for -1 and Ryu for -2
Example weapon use: ‘ Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal -3 damage to Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo
[b][Character A] attacks [Character B] for -3 Damage[/b]

[b][Character A] attacks [NPC] for -(X) damage and [Character B] for -(3-X) damage[/b]

Preferred Heal format:[Character] heals for +2 HP [Do not forget the green and bold.]
Example heal: ‘ Kirby heals for +2 HP
[color=green][Character][/color] heals for [b]+2 HP[/b]

Simple Heal format:[Character] heals for +2 HP [Do not forget the bold.]
Example heal: ‘ Kirby heals for +2 HP
[b][Character] heals for +2 HP[/b]

Specials follow the same format where appropriate.

Specials and weapons should be used before regular attacks can be used.

Special users can defeat one 1 or 2 HP NPC of their choice in addition to their special use (meaning without targeting the NPC with the special).

Super Smash Attacks (SSA): SSA actions are powerful, character-specific moves with special effects. They can only be activated two ways and usually involve the character being removed from the game (see below) for a short time. The SSA use counter does not reset until all characters have used their SSA. To activate: either use a Smash Emblem or buy it with some points. They may not be ready at the start of the game, but I’ll finish them as soon as possible.

Removed from the Game (RFG): Unlike in Magic: The Gathering, this is not a permanent effect. Characters removed from the game cannot attack or heal but cannot be targeted. They return to play after a set amount of rounds. At least three characters will remain in play at all times.

Special Character - Gogo: Due to Gogo’s unique nature, I will post his information every round. If there are any questions, PM me, and I will willingly help.
Gogo cannot attack or heal. He is active every round. He has only one special which he uses every round.
Special: Mime: *Gogo copies the last action done (the post above this use). *Gogo’s user may choose new targets. *If a special was used, Gogo receives -3 damage in addition to the special’s effects. *Cannot mime SSAs or actions in the GM’s posts. *Cannot be the first action of the round. *If Gogo is not used, he automatically heals for +1 HP each round, but he starts with 30 HP at the beginning of the game. *He counts as male for gender related contests.
Sample use:
[b]Gogo mimes [Last Character Used] and [Copies the last action as player sees fit][/b]

Starting/Maximum HP = 50

Castlevania: +30 - Vampire Slayer - Characters can automatically defeat two NPCs with 1, 2, or 3 HP or defeat one 4 or 5 HP NPC in addition any other actions this round
Deep Space 9ers: +50 - Reflective Shields - All attacks directed at the members are reflected back to the attackers. Members can still attack
Dream Land: +20 - Skill Copy - Members may use any special belonging to any [Faction] member. (Check character guide or with the GM for specials)
Hyrule: +90 points - Magic Sack - Members may use any weapon unlimited times (weapon changes user after each use unless user can do unlimited attacks) (Check item guide or with the GM for items)
Independent: +0 - None (duh, they have no team)
Defeated - Kongo Jungle: +20 - Monkey Friends - When a member is attacked, the attacker receives a -1 damage counterattack for every -2 damage dealt to member (counterattack is rounded down)
Mushroom Kingdom: +40 - Mega Mushroom - All members deal double damage for the rest of the round, but cannot use weapons. Negative side effects are doubled for members
Pokémon: +50 - Pokeball - A random, unused Pokeball is activated. Members are immune to the effects
Sephiroth: +60 - Summon Sephiroth - Either: a Guard Armor or Dark Trooper appear; or Sephiroth appears for the round and deals up to -20 damage distributed among the remaining characters.
Sonic: +60 - Hyper Sonic Speed - Members cannot be attacked for the rest of the round. Members may still attack.
Square Enix: +160 points - Job Change - Members may use any Dressphere that is currently not being used (Check Dressphere guide or with the GM for Dresspheres). Counts as a weapon action
Versus: +70 - Versus: Adrenaline Rush - Members may make unlimited actions. Special users may use their special twice (any given player may only use the special once)


Bracket A - Mon & Tues
Peach--------------------------50 (Wed to Geno)
Plusle and Minun-------------47
Hayabusa Ryu----------------46 (No target, can still attack)

Bracket B - Thurs & Fri
Kyle Katarn-------------------50
Ice Climber--------------------47
Mr Game & Watch-----------43
Young Link-------------------50
Black Mage-------------------47
Geno---------------------------44 (Wed to Peach)
Jeran and Lisha---------------49

NPC Stats
Dark Trooper --------------- 32 HP (Immune to Specials)

Your beloved referees - Reno of the Turks and Lieutenant Alexander Munro of Starfleet!

Eliminations (Victim, Character, Player, Round):
Koopa - Roy - Christopher - Round 15
Giga Koopa - Wario - Okamoto - Round 21
Sonic - Black Mage - Okamoto - Round 25
Guard Armor - X - Okamoto - Round 26
Donkey Kong - Prince - Typhoon - Round 28
Kongo Jungle - Rikku - Typhoon - Round 29
Diddy Kong - Yoshi - Typhoon - Round 29
Deoxys - Gogo miming X - Typhoon - Round 33
Mario - Yoshi via HRB - Typhoon - Round 35
Captain Falcon - Kirby - Okamoto - Round 36

NPC Kills (NPC, # defeated, # sent):
Goomba - 13 - 18
Octorok - 3 - 10
Slime - 7 - 7
Koopa Troopa - 7 - 10
Spiny - 9 - 9
Deku Scrub - 2 - 5
Hammer Bros - 4 - 5
Kremling - 2 - 4
Heartless - 11 - 16
Paratroopa - 1 - 2
Redead - 3 - 5
Cactuar - 2 - 3
Like-Like - 2 - 4
Red Bubble - 1 - 5
Blue Bubble - 1 - 3
Bomb - 0 - 1
Wiggler - 0 - 2
Dodongo - 1 - 1
Lakitu - 2 - 2
Stalfos - 3 - 3
Moblin - 1 - 1
Zu - 2 - 2
Tonberry - 1 - 2
Iron Knuckle - 2 - 2
Metroid - 5 - 5
Malboro - 1 - 1
Thwomp - X - 1
Boo - X - 1
Floor Master - X - 0

Points: Max = 3*cos(2π)*(6!/4) - (2^3)(25^0.5) ± ln(1)
Blk Mage - 281
Stinkyllama - 56
Christopher - 114
Noo - 313
Ryan - 188
Roxas_x - 52
Okamoto - 301
Typhoon - 242
MJ - 3
GM Choice - 78

Past Winners:
SSBM 1 - Samus of DS9ers
SSBM 2: Revenge of the Melee - Mewtwo of Team Pokémon
SSBM 3: All-Stars Unite - Roy of Team Hyrule
SSBB 1: The Brawl Begins - Rikku of Square Enix
SSBB 2: Shadows of the Brawl - ????

Point Redemption

Pokémon List:
1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Summon Materia Effects:
Found here

Character Profiles:
Found here. Enjoy!

Game Notes:
Changes made in SSBB 1 here. Enjoy!
Changes made in SSBB 2 here. Enjoy!
HRB Rules. Enjoy!
Request Info! - From past game. Will re-post towards the end of the game.
How to Gogo - Enjoy!

Game Site:
Overall, found here.
Preview movies, found here.

Round 37 Announcements:
1: Brackets A is Active! Bracket B is Inactive!
2: This one was suggested by my mom since she likes his compositions.
3: Today’s subject: William Grant Still. You thought Oprah had a lot of firsts. Check out this list! He was the first African-American to: ‘conduct a major American symphony orchestra, the first to have a symphony of his own (his first symphony) performed by a leading orchestra, the first to have an opera performed by a major opera company, and the first to have an opera performed on national television’ [copied from Wiki]. While growing up, he studied music and composition. In 1931, he composed his first symphony, which has a bit of a jazz ring to it. in 1936, he took command of the LA Philharmonic becoming the first African-American to lead a major American symphony orchestra. He later had an opera performed by New York City Opera and to work on music for films.
4: Galactica is fraking awesome. (Yet not my favorite show :P)
5: Yay! Mom sent me a penguin plushie! Me likey pengi!
6: If you understand electronics and can tutor someone that doesn’t, PM me post haste.
7: No more suggestions... for now. Requests are okay though. (Just think the big names for the most part)
9: Brackets A is Active! Bracket B is Inactive!

This Round's Weapons:
1 Red Shell: -1 damage to one character and all members of the character’s Faction. (Targeted Independent Faction members do not spread the damage)

This Round's Dressphere - Square Enix use only!:
Summoner - Summon: A Summon Materia roll will determine which summon is called. Sphere user cannot make any action next round.

This Round's Specials:
Gogo - Mime: See above
1) H Ryu: Shadow Clone: Automatic. H Ryu cannot be attacked this round. H Ryu can still make other actions
2) Pikachu: Thunder Jolt: -4 damage to one character
3) None
4) None

This Round's Stage:

This Round's Mini-game:

This Round's NPC(s):
Dark Trooper Phase 3: 30 HP! Randomly, once? per game. Makes two attacks per round, one special, one regular. Immune to specials. Specials: Assault Cannon: -5 damage to one character. Missile Barrage: -3 damage to three characters and -2 to self. Strafing Run: -1 damage to every member of a Faction. Energy Shield: +4 HP to Dark trooper and immune to weapons.

This Round's Faction Ability:
Sephiroth: Summon Sephiroth - Either: a Guard Armor or Dark Trooper appear; or Sephiroth appears for the round and deals up to -20 damage distributed among the remaining characters.

Quick but important poll!
If you want to be polled (no need to enter), please post what time zone you are in, based on GMT. I am in PST which is GMT -8. This way I can keep track of double posts better. Thank you!

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:36 am 
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Yuna slips into the Summoner Dressphere to... um.... well.... Summon, I guess.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:53 am 
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Typhoon wrote:
Yuna slips into the Summoner Dressphere to... um.... well.... Summon, I guess.

Changed to Aerith since she is one of the two Active SE characters :P

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:06 am 
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Chun-li expertly throws the Red Shell into Cloud dealing -1 damage, and the rest of the Faction.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:33 am 
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Gogo mimes Chun-li and tosses a Red Shell at Cloud for -1 damage, and to his Faction.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:28 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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(Pikachu uses thunder jolt to deal -4 damage to Dark Trooper)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:00 pm 
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[I was going to do this about 9hr ago, but the 'net went down right at that moment :x Moving on...]

The Dark Trooper swings a mighty fist and punches Wario for -3 damage.
Yoshi: Yoshi! [Trans: Thus the evil of excluding me from the micro-games has been punished!]

Edit: Psst! Immune to Specials! (Transfered to one of the Trooper's teammates until told otherwise).

Christopher wrote:

(Pikachu uses thunder jolt to deal -4 damage to Dark Trooper)

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:30 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: New Zealand Weapon: HaaH Sword Species: Human Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
I only read the last part of the Dark Trooper - the shield part that made him immune to weapons.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:27 pm 
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Location: Since it's not a rule to put real info in here to help people, I live in Lala land
X shot the Dark Trooper for -3 damage.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:38 am 
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Christopher wrote:
I only read the last part of the Dark Trooper - the shield part that made him immune to weapons.

Yeah. The shield adds weapon protection, but the Troopers have built in Special immunity due to the unique materials in their construction and anti-Jedi extras. And the immunity is mentioned in the NPC description (as well as the by its HP):

...Makes two attacks per round, one special, one regular. Immune to specials. Specials...

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

 Post subject: SSBB 2: Shadows of the Brawl [How to play on each update]
PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:20 am 
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Round 38

SSBB = Super Smash Brothers Brawl
To all of those interested in joining, there are no sign ups. You can just start playing right off the bat. If you need additional help, I am here most of the time and more than willing to try to help as much as possible.

Story as of now:
- Hammerin’ Hank pic from Wiki

Aerith summons up Siren. The Esper uses Silent Voice to rob Gogo, Pichu , and Falco. The Dark Trooper arms an Assault Cannon shot and blasts Purin for -5 damage.
Yoshi: Yoshi! [Trans: And let fire rain from the heavens to cleanse the unbelievers! Your day has come and ye shall be obliterated!]
Reno: ‘Ye’?
Samus: It is like ‘y’all’, but fancier.
Reno checks Samus out.
Reno: I bet you are really hot under your armor. Let me help you get it off.
Samus powers a Charge Shot and blasts Reno.
Sephiroth has Ridley in a headlock. The alien creature is turning various colors as he starts fading out of consciousness.
Sephiroth: Hey, Marty. Want to join our team? You could be pretty cool in a fight.
Van Buren: No thanks. I really must be moving on.
Sephiroth: Drops the limp Ridley. That is fine. I have someone coming for just that purpose.
Colonel: A new recruit? Why haven’t I heard?
Sephiroth: I would have told you, but you were busy messing around. We can settle the debate with some... roshambo...
Colonel: Protects himself. I’m good! I hope the new guy is tough.
One of the cloaked figures has stopped to look at a map.
Gilgamish: Okay Enkidu... We’re lost...
Gilgamish sighs and keeps going. The other figure appears where Gilgamish was.
Yojimbo: Daigoro... This way...
Yojimbo follows after Gilgamish.

0500/1700 Rule: Regardless of when the last update occurred, you may make actions after 5AM/PM your time zone. There is no need to wait for an update to make an action, but it is recommended. Any actions that break this rule will not count as a legal action and will be promptly (eventually) pointed out. If you miss one of the posting periods, you will not get an extra move. I will allow posts +5 minutes in so you don’t have to rush your action.

Preferred Attack format:[Character A] attacks [Character B] for -X damage’ [Do not forget the underline, red, and bold.]
Example attack: ‘ Sonic attacks Link for -3 damage
Example split attack: ‘ Chrono attacks a goomba for -1 damage and Ryu for -2 damage
Example weapon use: ‘ Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal -3 damage to Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo.’
[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-3 damage[/b]

[u][Character A][/u] attacks [color=red][NPC][/color] for [b]-(X) damage[/b] and [color=red][Character B][/color] for [b]-(3-X) damage[/b]

Simple Attack format:[Character A] attacks [Character B] for -X damage’ [Do not forget the bold.]
Example attack: ‘ Sonic attacks Link for-3 damage
Example split attack: ‘ Chrono attacks a goomba for -1 and Ryu for -2
Example weapon use: ‘ Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal -3 damage to Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo
[b][Character A] attacks [Character B] for -3 Damage[/b]

[b][Character A] attacks [NPC] for -(X) damage and [Character B] for -(3-X) damage[/b]

Preferred Heal format:[Character] heals for +2 HP [Do not forget the green and bold.]
Example heal: ‘ Kirby heals for +2 HP
[color=green][Character][/color] heals for [b]+2 HP[/b]

Simple Heal format:[Character] heals for +2 HP [Do not forget the bold.]
Example heal: ‘ Kirby heals for +2 HP
[b][Character] heals for +2 HP[/b]

Specials follow the same format where appropriate.

Specials and weapons should be used before regular attacks can be used.

Special users can defeat one 1 or 2 HP NPC of their choice in addition to their special use (meaning without targeting the NPC with the special).

Super Smash Attacks (SSA): SSA actions are powerful, character-specific moves with special effects. They can only be activated two ways and usually involve the character being removed from the game (see below) for a short time. The SSA use counter does not reset until all characters have used their SSA. To activate: either use a Smash Emblem or buy it with some points. They may not be ready at the start of the game, but I’ll finish them as soon as possible.

Removed from the Game (RFG): Unlike in Magic: The Gathering, this is not a permanent effect. Characters removed from the game cannot attack or heal but cannot be targeted. They return to play after a set amount of rounds. At least three characters will remain in play at all times.

Special Character - Gogo: Due to Gogo’s unique nature, I will post his information every round. If there are any questions, PM me, and I will willingly help.
Gogo cannot attack or heal. He is active every round. He has only one special which he uses every round.
Special: Mime: *Gogo copies the last action done (the post above this use). *Gogo’s user may choose new targets. *If a special was used, Gogo receives -3 damage in addition to the special’s effects. *Cannot mime SSAs or actions in the GM’s posts. *Cannot be the first action of the round. *If Gogo is not used, he automatically heals for +1 HP each round, but he starts with 30 HP at the beginning of the game. *He counts as male for gender related contests.
Sample use:
[b]Gogo mimes [Last Character Used] and [Copies the last action as player sees fit][/b]

Starting/Maximum HP = 50

Castlevania: +30 - Vampire Slayer - Characters can automatically defeat two NPCs with 1, 2, or 3 HP or defeat one 4 or 5 HP NPC in addition any other actions this round
Deep Space 9ers: +50 - Reflective Shields - All attacks directed at the members are reflected back to the attackers. Members can still attack
Dream Land: +20 - Skill Copy - Members may use any special belonging to any [Faction] member. (Check character guide or with the GM for specials)
Hyrule: +90 points - Magic Sack - Members may use any weapon unlimited times (weapon changes user after each use unless user can do unlimited attacks) (Check item guide or with the GM for items)
Independent: +0 - None (duh, they have no team)
Defeated - Kongo Jungle: +20 - Monkey Friends - When a member is attacked, the attacker receives a -1 damage counterattack for every -2 damage dealt to member (counterattack is rounded down)
Mushroom Kingdom: +40 - Mega Mushroom - All members deal double damage for the rest of the round, but cannot use weapons. Negative side effects are doubled for members
Pokémon: +50 - Pokeball - A random, unused Pokeball is activated. Members are immune to the effects
Sephiroth: +60 - Summon Sephiroth - Either: a Guard Armor or Dark Trooper appear; or Sephiroth appears for the round and deals up to -20 damage distributed among the remaining characters.
Sonic: +60 - Hyper Sonic Speed - Members cannot be attacked for the rest of the round. Members may still attack.
Square Enix: +160 points - Job Change - Members may use any Dressphere that is currently not being used (Check Dressphere guide or with the GM for Dresspheres). Counts as a weapon action
Versus: +70 - Versus: Adrenaline Rush - Members may make unlimited actions. Special users may use their special twice (any given player may only use the special once)

Gogo---------------------------8 (No attack or heal)

Bracket A - Mon & Tues
Peach--------------------------50 (Wed to Geno)
Mewtwo-----------------------43 (No attack, heal, or target)
Plusle and Minun-------------47
Aerith--------------------------48 (No attack or heal)
Hayabusa Ryu----------------46
Pichu---------------------------46 (No attack or heal)
Shadow------------------------40 (No attack, heal, or target)
Falco---------------------------45 (No attack or heal)

Bracket B - Thurs & Fri
Kyle Katarn-------------------50
Ice Climber--------------------47
Mr Game & Watch-----------43
Young Link-------------------50
Black Mage-------------------47
Geno---------------------------44 (Wed to Peach)
Jeran and Lisha---------------49

NPC Stats
Dark Trooper --------------- 29 HP (Immune to Specials)
Redead x2 ------------------- 2 HP
Paratroopa x2 --------------- 1 HP

Your beloved referees - Reno of the Turks and Lieutenant Alexander Munro of Starfleet!

Eliminations (Victim, Character, Player, Round):
Koopa - Roy - Christopher - Round 15
Giga Koopa - Wario - Okamoto - Round 21
Sonic - Black Mage - Okamoto - Round 25
Guard Armor - X - Okamoto - Round 26
Donkey Kong - Prince - Typhoon - Round 28
Kongo Jungle - Rikku - Typhoon - Round 29
Diddy Kong - Yoshi - Typhoon - Round 29
Deoxys - Gogo miming X - Typhoon - Round 33
Mario - Yoshi via HRB - Typhoon - Round 35
Captain Falcon - Kirby - Okamoto - Round 36

NPC Kills (NPC, # defeated, # sent):
Goomba - 13 - 18
Octorok - 3 - 10
Slime - 7 - 7
Koopa Troopa - 7 - 10
Spiny - 9 - 9
Deku Scrub - 2 - 5
Hammer Bros - 4 - 5
Kremling - 2 - 4
Heartless - 11 - 16
Paratroopa - 1 - 4
Redead - 3 - 7
Cactuar - 2 - 3
Like-Like - 2 - 4
Red Bubble - 1 - 5
Blue Bubble - 1 - 3
Bomb - 0 - 1
Wiggler - 0 - 2
Dodongo - 1 - 1
Lakitu - 2 - 2
Stalfos - 3 - 3
Moblin - 1 - 1
Zu - 2 - 2
Tonberry - 1 - 2
Iron Knuckle - 2 - 2
Metroid - 5 - 5
Malboro - 1 - 1
Thwomp - X - 1
Boo - X - 1
Floor Master - X - 0

Points: Max = 3*cos(2π)*(6!/4) - (2^3)(25^0.5) ± ln(1)
Blk Mage - 281
Stinkyllama - 56
Christopher - 114
Noo - 313
Ryan - 188
Roxas_x - 52
Okamoto - 301
Typhoon - 242
MJ - 3
GM Choice - 78

Past Winners:
SSBM 1 - Samus of DS9ers
SSBM 2: Revenge of the Melee - Mewtwo of Team Pokémon
SSBM 3: All-Stars Unite - Roy of Team Hyrule
SSBB 1: The Brawl Begins - Rikku of Square Enix
SSBB 2: Shadows of the Brawl - ????

Point Redemption

Pokémon List:
1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Summon Materia Effects:
Found here

Character Profiles:
Found here. Enjoy!

Game Notes:
Changes made in SSBB 1 here. Enjoy!
Changes made in SSBB 2 here. Enjoy!
HRB Rules. Enjoy!
Request Info! - From past game. Will re-post towards the end of the game.
How to Gogo - Enjoy!

Game Site:
Overall, found here.
Preview movies, found here.

Round 38 Announcements:
1: Brackets A is Active! Bracket B is Inactive!
2: Coming sometime from Thurs to Sun: Since I have a four day weekend (Poly gives us Fri off instead of Mon), I’ll be doing a large tribute day to the Tuskegee Institute and a couple of the people involved in its development.
3: Today’s subject: Hank Aaron. Aaron was a proficient ball player at a young age and even was picked up by a local team while in high school. He played for a spell in the Negro Leagues and helped win their World Series in 1952 before being recruited by the Boston Braves later that year. He led the region’s minor league in many field for the next season before being brought up to the majors with the Milwaukee Braves. In his first game, Aaron went 0 for 5 and had to wait until his next game for his first hit and soon after for his first major league home run. In short order, Aaron made it to the All-Stars, won the NL MVP, and help his team win a World Series over the Yankees, Aaron’s only career World Series win. Over the next decade, Aaron continued his impressive career, earning amazing stats as well as a few awards including Golden Gloves and nearing Mays’ and Ruth’s home run records. Toward the end of his career, the race to beat Ruth’s home run record heated up with him finally tying then surpassing the record in the 1974 season. Aaron ended his career in 1976 with a total of 755 home runs. In 1982, Aaron was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame, with a voting percent barely below Ty Cobb’s 98.2% of the vote. In 1999, he had an award named after him to be given to the best offensive player of the year. His number has also been retired in both Atlanta and Milwaukee. The only threat to his legacy is if Barry Bonds can beat his record home runs, but I am sure Aaron would be proud just to see another great player continuing the love of the game.
4: Did you hear about the North Korea deal in the works? That would be pretty cool if it actually works out that way.
5: In a few minutes, I shall be off... to award the MVC to the lucky winner.
6: If all of the Borg are linked and subspace communications still has time limitations, how long do you think it took the Queen to learn of Wolf 359?
7: No more suggestions... for now. Requests are okay though. (Just think the big names for the most part)
8: Follow up. If the Borg fought the Replicators, who would win? I would bet on the Replicators due to the sheer numbers and ability to quickly restock their numbers.
9: Brackets A is Active! Bracket B is Inactive!

This Round's Weapons:
1 Star Rod: -4 damage to one character and -2 damage to another

This Round's Dressphere - Square Enix use only!:

This Round's Specials:
Gogo - Mime: See above
1) Mewtwo: Teleport: Automatic. Mewtwo cannot attack, be attacked or heal this round
2) Shadow: Darkness Dash: Automatic. Shadow cannot attack, be healed, or be attacked
3) None
4) None

This Round's Stage:

This Round's Mini-game:

This Round's NPC(s):
2 Paratroopa: 1/0 HP. +1 point when defeated. Deals -1 damage to one inactive character each at the end of the round. They only appear for one round.
2 Redead: 2/0 HP. +2 points when defeated. Deals -2 damage to one inactive character each at the end of the round. They only appear for one round.
Dark Trooper Phase 3: 30 HP! Randomly, once? per game. Makes two attacks per round, one special, one regular. Immune to specials. Specials: Assault Cannon: -5 damage to one character. Missile Barrage: -3 damage to three characters and -2 to self. Strafing Run: -1 damage to every member of a Faction. Energy Shield: +4 HP to Dark trooper and immune to weapons.

This Round's Faction Ability:

Quick but important poll!
If you want to be polled (no need to enter), please post what time zone you are in, based on GMT. I am in PST which is GMT -8. This way I can keep track of double posts better. Thank you!

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:03 am 
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Link aims the Star Rod at the Dark Trooper for -4 damage, and then to a Redead for -2 damage.

Could you change the description on the Red Shell to indicate it only hits active Faction members, just looked at the inactive ones and had to use my own hurt :(


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:28 am 
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okamotosan18 wrote:
Could you change the description on the Red Shell to indicate it only hits active Faction members, just looked at the inactive ones and had to use my own hurt :(

Done and done. Keep me on my toes about this stuff since I want to try to be as 'user friendly' as possible.

Set by Cukupan
Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
I *heart* R
I'm on a boat like a boss

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:53 am 
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Yoshi throws an egg at a Redead for -2 damage and Ground Pounds a Paratroopa for -1 damage.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:30 am 
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Rinku attacks the Dark Trooper for -3 damage

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