The other half of the houseguests arrive at their new home for the next week. They put their belongings away and lounge around for a while. After a short period of the houseguests conversing with each other, the television flashes on
"Hello Houseguests!”, a voice says from the television. The houseguests are a little a bit confused, but reply with a friendly “Hello”.
“Make yourselves comfortable! As you can see, I'm a new face in the house this season, but some may remember me as Kugetsu from last season. I will be monitoring the activity of House Beta this week. As I'm sure all of you have noticed, you have been separated from the house you shared with all of the other houseguests and stuffed into two separate houses, House Alpha, and House Beta. This is all part of a new twist called "Duel Houses". As you may or may now know, not only are there two houses, but there will also be two separate HoH competitions, two separate Heads of Household, and in the end, two players, one from each house, will be leaving the Big Brother houses. Don't worry about the extra number you may notice, Kidwaiy, last week's Head of Household cannot participate in this week's HoH Competition, so the houses are virtually dead even in competition."
"Well, without further ado, let's get to this week’s HoH competition for House Beta!"
”It's quite simple, really. Each houseguest will start off with 5 balloons. Each houseguest gets 3 needles, which will be used to pop the balloon of a fellow housemate. There will be a total of three rounds, each one allowing each houseguest to pop a balloon. What I need from you is a list of three people, one for each balloon. You may use the same name multiple times, but be warned, when a houseguest runs out of balloons, any further action against them will result in a wasted turn. Once I have the lists, I will go through and pop balloons for every houseguest’s number one pick, then I will go through and do their number 2 pick, and then onto the final needle. The player with the most balloons at the end of the competition wins. I’ll now give you an example scenario to make it less confusing”
For example. Four players. Bob, Sue, Bill, and Ted are participating in this competition. The lists are as such:
Bob: 1.) Sue 2.) Sue 3.) Sue
Sue: 1.) Ted 2.) Bob 3.) Ted
Bill: 1.) Bob 2.) Sue 3.) Bob
Ted: 1.) Sue 2.) Bob 3.) Sue
First Round: Both Bob and Ted lose one balloon. Sue loses Two
Second Round: Both Sue and Bob lose two balloons.
Third Round: Both Sue, Ted, and Bob each lose one balloon.
End Result: Bob: 1 Balloon
Sue: 0 Balloons
Bill: 5 Balloons
Ted: 3 Balloons
Bill wins this competition.
Tie-breaker Question: “How many guests stated that they play sports?”
“Remember, whoever gets closest to the tie-breaker answer without going over wins the tie-breaker. If you go over the answer, you will be out of the run to become this week’s HoH for House Beta! PM all answers to me, please.”
Thursday, August 17th - One of the two nominee's is evicted and the HOH competition begins.
Friday, August 18th - The HOH winner is crowned.
Saturday, August 19th - The Nomination Ceremony revealing the two nominee's chosen by the HOH occurs.
Sunday, August 20th - The first Power of Veto competition.
Monday, August 21st - The Power of Veto winner is revealed and the POV ceremony takes place. The winner of the POV decides whether to use it or not. If it is used, the HOH must nominate a new nominee (Not including the POV winner or the nominee which was just taken off the block).
Tuesday, August 22nd- The Diary Room: The Houseguest's send their thoughts on the past week to myself, these thoughts will not be posted until after the game is over.
Wednesday, August 23rd- The Houseguest's (Excluding the two nominee's and the HOH) will vote to evict one of the two nominee's.
Thursday, August 24th - One of the two nominee's is evicted and a new HOH is crowned.