Armi wrote:
I agree with Cran as well. Just because you play the "I have a life card" or the "I was busy" card and you just got lucky picking the right team formthe start. You odn't desrve a better prize then someone who played that stupid game over 50+ times.
Just because you squeeked in 3 scoes shouldn't mean zip. 3 scores...and there was 4 rounds. Yeah, no prize for you, but here's a keychain.
I know I didn't do my best, so I don't expect a glorious prize and really, I odn't care what I get. I was on the winning team, at the end, but still, I still say those who worked hard each round and better then slackers/"I have a life" people deserve tons better. =/
Wars and puzzles don't care if you got a life, so why should this one?
Puzzles are a bit nicer, but you don't get top prize, that's for sure.
Actually, I think you'll find that I didn't say that I only sent away 3 scores. I didn't. I sent away about 25-30 scores.
And what I'm saying is that whatever team you picked should give you your prize. If you chose Darigan, then you lost, no two ways about it, you lost. And because they lost and the Haunted Woods won, the Haunted Woods should logically get better prizes than Darigan. If the roles were reversed then I would think the same about Darigan getting prizes.
And if you read my post, you would see that I'm not saying that thosepeople who switched to HW in the final 2 rounds should get the top prize. The people who joined at the start should get it.
How about this table, would this make you all feel better?:
1) HW supporters from the start
2) HW supporters from Round 2
3) HW supperters from Round 3/Darigan supporters from start
4) HW supporters from Finals/Darigan supporters from Round 2
5) Darigan supporters from Round 3
6) Darigan supporters from Finals