Daze wrote:
I quit. Ive waisted a chunk of my life doing this. Think of all the things you could be doing outside or with a friend or doing something better with your life in that ammount of time... instead you played the same little virtual game getting a ball in a goal made of pixels... im sickened by myself. Post your total hours.... its gross.. isnt it?
Not really - most of my games are played at night, when I would only be watching tv.
The most I spent at any one time at the game is 2 hours. All the other games where spread out through the day - play for 1/2 hour then do something else.
Agreed - excpet I don't have the patience for a whole two hours to play nothing but the game.

And watching TV, I wouldn't even be paying attention. I'd get more from playing this game for an hour than watching a movie I've seen twice already. In fact, the only things I ever actually 'watch' are Rove Live and any episode of the Simpsons I haven't seen before.
And also, the weather's real bad out. I mean, REAL bad, it's a winter storm. My friends are all busy anyway. It's a nice thing to do after a day of work, compared to vegging out on the couch.
On the other hand, there was a netcut last night. AND a saturn station cut. So what was there to do? Well... I took a shower and 'watched' a TV show we'd had on tape.
What does get to me, though - the netcut. Not a powercut, just a net cut (and saturn cut). The last day to earn points for the altador cup! I guess those last few points we needed were due to the Haunted Woods team sabotaging our Darigan Citadel connections.

As long as you pressed spacebar to skip the Yooyu's spinning animation, each game took less than 3 minutes. Not by much, but still.
If I had only known that, it would have saved me a LOT of time and a LOT of movie glitchiness. x.x
Lord... I'm kinda sad that we lost, but hey, it was a good game while it lasted.

Next time it's Darigan Citadel from the start - and there'll be no sabotaging! Heeh. Sigh.
I'm waiting on two trophies and prize sets, now - so hurry up TNT! Prizes before the next plot, please. They better be gold, too.