lol, we got owned bad.
But if there's one thing we can tell from these scores, it's that they work with averages over added scores and that having lots of newbies on your teams is in fact a big handicap. Hopefully, all the nubati that joined faerieland and didn't play much/well at all will just stay out of the tournament now.
Also, obviously mystery island is going to catch a lot of opportunitists now for getting the highest score. I'd expect their next round score to be lower as a result.
Also, the computer opponents have definitely gotten harder. They pass and shoot a lot more agressively.
Shadow_Twisted wrote:
Just because Mystery Island scored the most means absolutely jack-diddly-squat! If the scores were cumulative, perhaps they'd be a good choice, but it's a good chance the scores will reset with the start of Round 2. This means that those of us who realize what is going on with the scoring now, will step up our games to completely destroy our opponents in the next round. People like myself, will be trying to improve upon already impressive win tallies to ensure victory because paranoia is no enemy when you KNOW you are crushing your opposition. I look forward to completely crushing the Citadel's next opponent with a greatly and vastly larger win tally. How big? Bigt enough to account for more than half of this round's total team points! However, I have a job, which makes that a not-so-easy-to-accomplish task. After I'm done with my service, it's hardcore crunch time to blow away opponents. Do I have any other DCs willing to try the annihilation with me?
Darigan Citadel needs YOU!
You, of course, being any Yooyu ball gurus out there now without a team. I would enjoy FRIENDLY competition, helps guarantee a victory.
I think I'll step up =)
Darigan was my first choice, but Faerieland won out because of the cute t-shirt and apparently fast players. Time to go back to the roots of my first and primary pet.
What? Don't bring me into this, I hate sports!