_Myriadman_ wrote:
Javakick wrote:
I'm glad to see someone else is having the same problem as I am.
I thought maybe it was just me.
I can't find my 1st to Rise constellation, either by telescope or the starmapper. I've tried every dot. I have followed all the steps on the first page to a T. I've tried dumping cookies and history, even used a different browser....any other suggestions?
The Lenny says how i found the road with the stars.
Make sure u visit the lenny, then get your star data, then refresh your telescope
and use this site
http://ricall.freehostia.com/findconst.php To give u the exact co-ords of where ur constellation is...
And people trying to look for other constellations on their starmap.... since the stars move/change some or all of the remaining might not be on ur map... but some can be.
Thanks Myriadman for the tip.
I tried what you suggested and it's not showing up on that either.
It only found the wave, dreamer, farmer, dancer,gladiator and sleeper.
Thanks for all your help. I think it's just a neo glitch of some kind.
I been at this for 2 days now.
Thanks Arka but i did click on the stars to see them lit.
I guess my Faerie just doesn't want to wake up.....grrr
Hmm, I guess I'm part of this club too. Maybe some of us got maps where we have to find a different constellation before we get a map with the First to Rise on it? It's unlikely, but it might have happened.
Edit: Hey, has anyone considered where that roped-off room in the archives fit into this plot? Are we going to be able to get in, and will that be only after finding x number of constellations?