CrewWolf wrote:
Riyoku wrote:
CrewWolf wrote:
Riyoku wrote:
CrewWolf - It's Kastraliss?! Wow... I must be dumb not seeing that comming. XD Oh well... howed you find the other two berries - or am I already in the right direction with what I thought I had to do?.. or something I'm being dumb about? XD
You basically just have to walk around and happen upon them. They're in specific places, I just can't remember which ones.
Oh darn, thank you anyway. *claws at evil swamp mud* is Kast just really really strong or? ._.
The berries are pretty easy to spot since you could easily mistake them for a mote from far away, so don't go trying to dig around in the mud and bushes

Kast isn't really strong exactly but the way you have to beat him can get a bit annoying although not much more than that.
Well, I've been through the same areas for several hours now... spotted nothing. Only area I haven't been to I keep dying trying to get there. The water goes straight from walk-able to drowning death pool. I don't know what to make of it - but it is amusing to die twice like that. XD
HAHA, I didn't mean that literally - but I guess I'll stop looking for bubbles to jump down then. XD
Oh, I don't know what that is yet but I'm sure I'll soon see. :3 I feel better knowing someone else has already gotten past where I am. I know it's possible.... XD Just, needs to be executed. I'm still surprized I figured out how the endless staircase works by myself. I'm usually stupid with that stuff but the quiggle statues were simply too obvious to ignore completely.