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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:52 am 

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I finally thought of some other books I really disliked. First and foremost being Welcome to Temptation by Jennifer Cruisie (err...I think that's her name). What an absolute waste of paper. I quite the online book club I was in after that one. So many positively HORRIBLE suggestions from them. All just trashy stuff that doesn't suit me, given that I usually read non-fiction.

I also rather disliked The Great Husband Hunt, and there was another one I was going to mention when I came to post, but I can't remember. Oh yeah, Thirtynothing by Lisa Jewel and Bridget Jones' Diary by Helen Fielding. I just can't do "chick lit", I really can't. I liked the other books I read by Lisa Jewel (not fantastic pieces of literature, but definitely readable when you're bored), but this one was just awful. As for Fielding...I found Bridget Jones to be unforgiveable. :P

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:58 am 

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Ammer wrote:
The Crysalids or something of the sort. It's such a stupid book, dumb school.

OMG, how can you!

I loved that book, I just read it for my English project =[.

I can so relate to it. I really, really, really love it.

I think His Dark Materials was ok, I guess... then end wasn't THAT good, but it wasn't anything to bad. I liked the Second one the most though... and I do have to admit the last one was the worst out of all of them.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 3:32 am 
Beyond Godly
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I absolutely hated The Merchant of Venice.

generally unimpressed. Koku.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:45 am 
Beyond Godly
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CrewWolf wrote:
Jax wrote:
CrewWolf wrote:
I don't read books I don't like, not counting school books.

Oh i have something to say for this, you said you dont read books you dont like, well if its a new series and you havent read it how do you know if you like it or not?

Also i hate biographies for school no matter who it is they are sooooo boring.

I generally have a good feel for the tone of books before I read them, and it's rare I end up getting a book I didn't like. Still, I admit it'd probably be more accurate to say I don't finish books I don't like, I'll give you that. Once and a while I trudge on hoping, waiting, wishing it'd get better until I get to the very end and I realized I just wasted several hours of my time and I only finished the darned thing about of embarrassment for having bought it.

But usually it just takes me three chapters or three pages for me to realize I made a grave mistake, at which point I generally quit in disgust, and you can't really count those few pages "reading" the book. (But like everything, there are exceptions where I quit half way or even two chapters from the end)

There are probably only three cases in which I go through a series and realize I wasted...well a significant amount of time and money for a doomed cause.

The So You Want To Be A Wizard Series.
Chronicals of the Cheysuli
That Wolf series by Jane Lindskold (Through Wolf's Eyes, etc.)
and His Dark Materials

Okay, that's four but whatever.

I usually quit at book one but those I read most of the way to the entire way through and I still don't know why.

:o You're Insane. I own all of the Wolf series....-huggles them- My faaavorites. And SYWTBAW Series...<3 Well, up until the fourth book, at least...tried over and over to read that one, but never managed to get past the fourth chapter or so. -_-

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:15 am 
Beyond Godly
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arogance1 wrote:
krisgp wrote:
Nessieh wrote:
The Lord of The Rings trilogy. Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I absolutely couldn't get through them.

I couldn't get through them either. They bored me to death! I hated the movies as well. I'm just not a LOTR fan.

Glad I wasn't the only one

Aye, hear hear!
I found the Redwall series utterly boring. It just wasn't a book I could get into. It was so... dull. No action. Maybe I'm not the type for talking mice and squirrels.

Lord of the Rings was awful. I got given the series for Christmas, started reading the first. I tried to like it, I felt guilty otherwise. But I just couldn't do it.

And therefore, I refuse to watch any of the films. If I dislike the the book, I just won't watch the film, I feel as if I'm betraying a cause.

Don't ask me why. :P

Click the wonderful signature. You know you want to.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:15 am 
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.:Requiem:. wrote:
CrewWolf wrote:
Jax wrote:
CrewWolf wrote:
I don't read books I don't like, not counting school books.

Oh i have something to say for this, you said you dont read books you dont like, well if its a new series and you havent read it how do you know if you like it or not?

Also i hate biographies for school no matter who it is they are sooooo boring.

I generally have a good feel for the tone of books before I read them, and it's rare I end up getting a book I didn't like. Still, I admit it'd probably be more accurate to say I don't finish books I don't like, I'll give you that. Once and a while I trudge on hoping, waiting, wishing it'd get better until I get to the very end and I realized I just wasted several hours of my time and I only finished the darned thing about of embarrassment for having bought it.

But usually it just takes me three chapters or three pages for me to realize I made a grave mistake, at which point I generally quit in disgust, and you can't really count those few pages "reading" the book. (But like everything, there are exceptions where I quit half way or even two chapters from the end)

There are probably only three cases in which I go through a series and realize I wasted...well a significant amount of time and money for a doomed cause.

The So You Want To Be A Wizard Series.
Chronicals of the Cheysuli
That Wolf series by Jane Lindskold (Through Wolf's Eyes, etc.)
and His Dark Materials

Okay, that's four but whatever.

I usually quit at book one but those I read most of the way to the entire way through and I still don't know why.

:o You're Insane. I own all of the Wolf series....-huggles them- My faaavorites. And SYWTBAW Series...<3 Well, up until the fourth book, at least...tried over and over to read that one, but never managed to get past the fourth chapter or so. -_-

It's just a difference in taste really. I can understand why many would enjoy those novels, but the Wolf books were just so filled with politics that the girl who was raised by and talks to wolves just seemed like a tacked on accessory to me.

I can't remember what eventually drew me away from the SYWTBAW series, but I think I just grew tired of the author's tone.

Oh, and I just thought of another book people should beware of. Something From the Nightside by Simon R. Green. The idea for such a book would've been great if it weren't for the fact that the author makes mistakes in writing that Christopher Paolini would scoff at.


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 2:26 am 

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I like Redwall =[.

I thought of another one though. Argh, a Series of Unfortunate Events. Don't ask me why, I just hate them hate them hate them! Sooo depressing and monotone...

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:13 pm 
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The Bear That Wasnt

Its so horrible D;

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 6:20 pm 
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I just know I'm going to get yelled at for this :P But I cannot stand The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I sarted reading it and it was so boring and just get the point :)

Awesome Set by DM!! :D

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 6:42 pm 
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archergirl2000 wrote:
I just know I'm going to get yelled at for this :P But I cannot stand The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I sarted reading it and it was so boring and just get the point :)

I have a problem reading that book too. Yes it's funny, yes it's hilarious, but it's just one joke strung in front of the other, on and on and on until even randomness and hilarity become stale.


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:23 pm 
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the ice blade or something. I ca put up with nearly anything, I even just about liked the latest Artimus fowl book! (I loved the first three but ARty wasn't evil enough in the last one) but its the worst £8 I ever spent.

The Lurker

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:28 pm 
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A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle
Okay, shoot me now but I didn't really like the story or the writing style too much. It wasn't to my taste- though maybe I'll try reading it again.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:13 pm 
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Yes, it is possible for me to <u>not</u> like a book, as is shown by the following. See, the thing is, when you're the kind of person who reads, for the most part, anything, you're also going to find that, as you read <i>a lot</i>, there are going to be more than one or two books you don't like. And my reading tastes are weird, so quite a few of the books on this list are ones that absolutely everyone else loves to pieces. So...

<b>I absolutely despise:</b>

<i>Wuthering Heights</i> by Emily Brontë

Anything and everything by Cornelia Funke. Yes, that does mean I don't like <i>Inkheart</i>. Sorry- I know that everyone aside from myself worships her. The plots she thinks up are perfectly fine, but I just find her writing to be painfully bad.

Anything and everything by Donna Jo Napoli. I absolutely <b>loathe</b> her books. <i>Hate, hate, hate, <b>HATE</b>.</i>

The Inheritance trilogy by Christopher Paolini (you know. The first two books in the series are <i>Eragon</i> and <i>Eldest</i>.)

<i>So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish</i>, the fourth book (out of five) in the <i>Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy</i> series by Douglas Adams. Right, I should probably explain myself here, so here you go: I love the first three books in the H2G2 series, and will probably like the fifth book if I ever get around to reading it. I love the books to death, in fact. My copies, originally bought new, are now worn out. A few more reads, and I'm guessing pages will start to fall out (like they did with my copy of <i>Goblet of Fire</i> from the HP series). However. I cannot finish this one. I just can't. Because, I'm sorry to say, I can't stand it. I don't know <i>why</i> I don't like it, but I just don't. I <i>really</i> don't.

<b>Simply dislike:</b>

<i>The City of Ember</i> and <i>The People of Sparks</i> by Jeanne DuPrau

<b>Desperately want to like, but, well, don't:</b>

<i>The Lord of the Rings</i> trilogy, <i>The Hobbit</i>, and <i>The Silmarillion</i> by J.R.R. Tolkien. Don't shoot me, please! I love the plot (...and the movies) to pieces, but Tolkien's writing style just doesn't agree with my tastes. I want to love his work. I really, really do. So much, in fact, that I re-read the books over and over again, trying to make myself like them. But the fact is, I just don't. Sorry. =(

The <i>Redwall</i> series by Brian Jaques- I desperately want to like the books, but I just don't.

The <i>Young Wizards</i> series (starts with <i>So You Want to be a Wizard</i>) by Diane Duane. I have wasted <u>so</u> much money, buying the books in this series. I've read every single book, and own most of them. But, of course, I don't like them. At all. Which really sucks, as I badly <i>want</i> to like them, if only so my owning so many of them can be justified. Oh well. I suppose I could give all the books to my sister, seeing how she <u>does</u> like them.

Nessieh wrote:
The Lord of The Rings trilogy. Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I absolutely couldn't get through them.

Oh God, I'm not the only one. I thought I was the only person on Earth to not like them. >_<

Maryann wrote:
First and foremost: ERAGON. And its sequel. I started reading them expecting them to be somewhat well-written, since they're so popular, and honestly, they are SO AMATEUR. I take writing courses from a college every summer for two months (I intend to be a young author prodigy at 15 - hey, my good friend from the course I took last year is getting her novel published, why can't I? :D ) and there are some really elementary writing mistakes in the two books that stand out so badly. The plot is SO cliche. Honestly. It's like a mix of all the fantasy books I've ever read mushed together. Ick.

You've written everything I wanted to say about the books, so all I can really say is that you are the greatest person on Earth for writing that. <3

can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a <3 .

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:19 am 
Beyond Godly
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CrewWolf wrote:
archergirl2000 wrote:
I just know I'm going to get yelled at for this :P But I cannot stand The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I sarted reading it and it was so boring and just get the point :)

I have a problem reading that book too. Yes it's funny, yes it's hilarious, but it's just one joke strung in front of the other, on and on and on until even randomness and hilarity become stale.

*cough* five books *cough*

The Lord Of The Rings is absolutely fantastic, ask yourself this.
Will Rowling be remembered in one hundred years?
Will her 111th birthday be celebrated worldwide by millions of fans due to an odd notation in one of her works?
Will she be world renowned for having changed the face of fantasy, and be regarded as the father/Mother of high Fantasy?
I say no.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:42 am 
PPT Baby
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i never liked oliver twist

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