Yes, it is possible for me to <u>not</u> like a book, as is shown by the following. See, the thing is, when you're the kind of person who reads, for the most part, anything, you're also going to find that, as you read <i>a lot</i>, there are going to be more than one or two books you don't like. And my reading tastes are weird, so quite a few of the books on this list are ones that absolutely everyone else loves to pieces. So...
<b>I absolutely despise:</b>
<i>Wuthering Heights</i> by Emily Brontë
Anything and everything by Cornelia Funke. Yes, that does mean I don't like <i>Inkheart</i>. Sorry- I know that everyone aside from myself worships her. The plots she thinks up are perfectly fine, but I just find her writing to be painfully bad.
Anything and everything by Donna Jo Napoli. I absolutely <b>loathe</b> her books. <i>Hate, hate, hate, <b>HATE</b>.</i>
The Inheritance trilogy by Christopher Paolini (you know. The first two books in the series are <i>Eragon</i> and <i>Eldest</i>.)
<i>So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish</i>, the fourth book (out of five) in the <i>Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy</i> series by Douglas Adams. Right, I should probably explain myself here, so here you go: I love the first three books in the H2G2 series, and will probably like the fifth book if I ever get around to reading it. I love the books to death, in fact. My copies, originally bought new, are now worn out. A few more reads, and I'm guessing pages will start to fall out (like they did with my copy of <i>Goblet of Fire</i> from the HP series). However. I cannot finish this one. I just can't. Because, I'm sorry to say, I can't stand it. I don't know <i>why</i> I don't like it, but I just don't. I <i>really</i> don't.
<b>Simply dislike:</b>
<i>The City of Ember</i> and <i>The People of Sparks</i> by Jeanne DuPrau
<b>Desperately want to like, but, well, don't:</b>
<i>The Lord of the Rings</i> trilogy, <i>The Hobbit</i>, and <i>The Silmarillion</i> by J.R.R. Tolkien. Don't shoot me, please! I love the plot (...and the movies) to pieces, but Tolkien's writing style just doesn't agree with my tastes. I want to love his work. I really, really do. So much, in fact, that I re-read the books over and over again, trying to make myself like them. But the fact is, I just don't. Sorry. =(
The <i>Redwall</i> series by Brian Jaques- I desperately want to like the books, but I just don't.
The <i>Young Wizards</i> series (starts with <i>So You Want to be a Wizard</i>) by Diane Duane. I have wasted <u>so</u> much money, buying the books in this series. I've read every single book, and own most of them. But, of course, I don't like them. At all. Which really sucks, as I badly <i>want</i> to like them, if only so my owning so many of them can be justified. Oh well. I suppose I could give all the books to my sister, seeing how she <u>does</u> like them.
Nessieh wrote:
The Lord of The Rings trilogy. Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I absolutely couldn't get through them.
Oh God, I'm not the only one. I thought I was the only person on Earth to not like them. >_<
Maryann wrote:
First and foremost: ERAGON. And its sequel. I started reading them expecting them to be somewhat well-written, since they're so popular, and honestly, they are SO AMATEUR. I take writing courses from a college every summer for two months (I intend to be a young author prodigy at 15 - hey, my good friend from the course I took last year is getting her novel published, why can't I? :D ) and there are some really elementary writing mistakes in the two books that stand out so badly. The plot is SO cliche. Honestly. It's like a mix of all the fantasy books I've ever read mushed together. Ick.
You've written everything I wanted to say about the books, so all I can really say is that you are the greatest person on Earth for writing that. <3
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